15th Century Poetry in Buckhead: The Hoccleve Archive hits SAMLA

Last Friday night, the SIF Hoccleve team presented our work at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association conference, held this year in Buckhead. The conference theme this year was sustainability, and our poster highlighted the way that the Hoccleve Archive Project sustains a corpus of texts, and functions as a pedagogical sight for the sustenance of textual scholarship skills. The poster session was very attended, and we got a lot of people interested in our project.

Spreading the word
Spreading the word

Besides the poster, we displayed a slideshow documenting the work we have done transforming the old HOCCLEX files into .TXT and XML formats

Having now cracked the nut of opening the HOCCLEX files, we are now moving on to putting up a TEI enhanced digital edition of the poems of the holograph manuscripts.

the SIF's of the Hoccleve Archive
the SIF’s of the Hoccleve Archive
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