Sequential Narratives- Project 3
Date Completed: Fall 2022
Medium/ Materials: Mixed media paper, Colored pencils, Micron Pens
For Project 3, working with the sequential narratives, this project would have been more enjoyable if I had more time dedicated to it, over the break when it was thanksgiving I had to deal with family emergencies that I did not have enough time to put my full potential as I know I could’ve applied myself more. To briefly explain you had to come up with a storyline for your created hero, the story needed a beginning, middle, and end, you had to fit it within 18 panels and show transition. My hero “mystique shy ” came from her hometown where she dealt with the same cycles over and over again.. she moves across the country to the city life where she is sucked through a portal that gives her superpowers, she is known as the night mellow hero as she is normal during the day and a hero at night, I used the 3 drawings from project 2 as the pinpoints of my heroes story but I do feel like I could have more dialogue more interactions with characters, more colors and most of all better transition frames. Great learning experience, I now know how to come up with my own comic stories!