About Me
I am a lecturer in the Department of English at Georgia State University. I earned my Ph.D. in transatlantic modernism with a secondary emphasis in global postmodern and contemporary literatures in 2014. I also hold an M.F.A. in creative nonfiction and narrative poetry from Georgia College (GCSU) in Flannery O’Connor’s hometown of Milledgeville, GA. My critical and creative work appear in such journals as ASAP/J, Angelaki, Miranda, a/b: Autobiography Studies, LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory, The Journal of Modern Literature, Salt Hill, Tiny Spoon, Lammergeier, The Florida Review, and FUGUE. I currently serve as Poetry Editor for the independent literary quarterly, Birdcoat, and am Co-Founder of Ghost Peach Press.
Recent teaching and research interests include experimental life writing, autotheory, feminist new materialism, speculative fiction, and environmental studies. My non-academic, but not uncritical interests include trashed-out 60s garage music, hiking, camping, birding, and indoor and outdoor gardening. I have lived in Toulouse, France, where I had a research fellowship at the University of Toulouse–Jean Jaurès, Gualala, CA, and Tampa, FL. These days, I live in Atlanta, GA with my partner, our dog, Elvis, and 75 houseplants (mostly philodendrons).