Dr. Shannon Finck

Georgia State University


A Work(place) in Progress: A Podcast by ENGL 1103 Students

The final assignment in Honors ENGL 1103: Labor Histories & the Future of Work asked students to consider as a class what labor-related events, innovations, and ideas might bring people together as a community of listeners, and to pitch a podcast series addressing those themes and topics. Working in teams of two and three, students…

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ENGL 1103: Labor Pamphlets

The first assignment in ENGL 1103: Labor Histories & the Future of Work asked students to practice using the Southern Labor Archives to find examples of labor pamphlets and zines, produced by workers and unions in their efforts to organize their peers and colleagues, raise awareness about their laboring conditions, and reform their industries and…

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New Article in ISLE

Check out my essay on contemporary climate fiction, out now at ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature & the Environment:  https://doi.org/10.1093/isle/isad074  

EPIC Wicked Problems Project

Check out this interdisciplinary initiative from GSU’s Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Online Education (CETLOE): Wicked Problems

ENGL 1102: Writing Climate Futures

Course Description In his 2016 book, The Great Derangement, Amitav Ghosh claims that the climate crisis is not only an environmental or geopolitical problem; it is also “a crisis of culture, and thus of the imagination.” This course begins there, not with climate science or with policy, but with climate writing, both fiction and non,…

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HON 1103: Labor Histories & the Future of Work

Course Description  As new college students, you begin your educational journeys in a climate of uncertainty about the future of labor. You set schedules, choose majors, and prepare to enter the workforce in the wake of pandemic rhetoric about “essential and inessential workers” and against a backdrop of news and magazine headlines about the rise…

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Poem in Salt Hill

Read my poem in Issue 49 of Salt Hill, then check out the rest of the issue, which is exquisite, here.


HON 3280: Service-Learning Blog

Read HON 3280 students’ accounts of their service-learning journeys and see some of their public-facing projects here: https://sites.gsu.edu/hon3280/ This blog is an ongoing and evolving record of the course, so there will be even more to see here soon!

Short Films on Environmental Literacy (ENGL 1101, Georgia State University, Spring 2023)

These short films by Isaac Breiding and Zion Brown demonstrate students’ award-winning efforts at describing the difficulty of feeling especially connected to the natural world in urban settings (and given the pace of contemporary life as college students) as well as what they might be missing out on by not prioritizing those connections.  Both of…

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Poem in Tiny Spoon

Buy Issue 10 to read it!

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