Dr. Shannon Finck

Georgia State University

ENGL 1103: Labor Pamphlets

The first assignment in ENGL 1103: Labor Histories & the Future of Work asked students to practice using the Southern Labor Archives to find examples of labor pamphlets and zines, produced by workers and unions in their efforts to organize their peers and colleagues, raise awareness about their laboring conditions, and reform their industries and workplaces. Some of these publications were more mainstream and some were radical; some were internal, while some were aimed toward the general public; some were handmade or created using DIY methods and small print runs where others were digital, existing exclusively online, or produced and distributed on a larger scale.

Drawing on these historical texts with an interest in connecting them to contemporary labor issues and struggles, students each produced their own labor pamphlets, relevant to today’s labor concerns.

Here are a few of their pamphlets:

Baker Labor Pamphlet

Biggers Labor Pamphlet

Bruce Labor Pamphlet

Dang Labor Pamphlet

Dawani Labor Pamphlet

Dockery Labor Pamphlet

Gopinath Labor Pamphlet

Hairston Labor Pamphlet

Hess Labor Pamphlet

Holla Labor Pamphlet

Holsey Labor Pamphlet

Hung Labor Pamphlet

Hunt Labor Pamphlet

Jolles Labor Pamphlet

Julien Labor Pamphlet

Konkel Labor Pamphlet

Lavinier Labor Pamphlet

Le Labor Pamphlet

Mahesh Labor Pamphlet

Nenguke Labor Pamphlet

Ortiz-Zetina Labor Pamphlet

Perez Labor Pamphlet

Pinkney Labor Pamphlet

Sanders Labor Pamphlet

Simmons Labor Pamphlet

Uchehara Labor Pamphlet

VuPham Labor Pamphlet

Westbrook Labor Pamphlet

Zapata Labor Pamphlet


Dr. Shannon Finck • December 29, 2023

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