Dr. Shannon Finck

Georgia State University

ENGL/WGSS 3995: Intersectional Feminisms

Course Description In this course, we will explore a variety of feminist approaches to the study of language, literature, and culture, prioritizing inclusive and intersectional perspectives and analyzing the ways such thinking shapes modern and contemporary texts. Examining a mix of critical, literary, and pop cultural works (some “high” and “low” theory) from a diverse…

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ENGL 1103: The Climate Issue

Course Description English 1103 is an advanced composition course and an intensive writing class designed to help students communicate clearly and concisely in academic settings and for a variety of audiences. You will learn to think critically, develop a sense of style, and manipulate language, images, and other media to explain and analyze different ideas….

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cliffs of Stornetta Public Lands

Three Poems Elsewhere

Read them here:  https://www.elsewhere-journal.com/blog/2022/7/25/americana-a-trilogy-by-shannon-finck

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