Dr. Shannon Finck

Georgia State University


Class Podcasts Created by Honors ENGL 1102 Students at the University of West Georgia

  Dr. Shannon Finck · Endangered Planet Dr. Shannon Finck · My Altered Earth

ENGL 2130: Dream Americas

Course Description In the introduction to his 1985 book of photographs, America, pop artist Andy Warhol writes: Everybody has their own America, and then they have the pieces of a fantasy America that they think is out there but they can’t see.When I was little, I never left Pennsylvania, and I used to have fantasies…

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Kate Shaw

ENGL 1102: Weird Writing for Weird Times

Course Description Climate change is in the news a lot these days, and the news looks pretty bad. But while environmental catastrophes and collapsing ecosystems often appear in our newsfeeds, you may have slowed your doomscrolling enough times to notice that these problems are often presented without solutions–at least not clear or easy ones. This…

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