ENGL 1103: Crisis & Community
Course Description
The Honors Digital Literacy Initiative is intended to prepare students for professional and post-graduate success by teaching them how to “think digitally” across a variety of fields. Through Digital Literacy courses, students will develop work that demonstrates digital experiences and learning. Students will explore digital solutions as they develop a portfolio of work that demonstrates experiential digital learning as supported by the technical tools needed to enable academic success.
English 1103 is an advanced composition course and an intensive writing class designed to help students write clearly and concisely in an academic setting and for a variety of audiences. You will learn to think critically, develop a sense of style, and manipulate language, images, and video to explain and analyze different ideas. The primary goal of this class is to integrate reading, writing, research skills, and digital innovation to produce effective arguments. This course earns 3 credit hours. Passing grade for the course is a C.
Course Theme
This course takes on some of the most pressing global issues and events in very recent U.S. history through their representations in literature, letters, and digital media and considers possible paths forward. We will examine essays that reflect on environmental collapse, letters that respond to systemic racism and institutionalized violence, a pandemic novel, a long poem of protest, and more. Most importantly, we will consider the role of creative work in addressing these crises, nurturing resilient communities, and building better futures.