Syrian children attending school in a war ravaged building. (Getty Images 2014)
Syrian children attending school in a war ravaged building. (Getty Images 2014)

The photograph above shows that despite the fact that the Syrian civil war has created a humanitarian crisis in the region, the Syrian people are persistent in maintaining their former lives in some capacity. The photograph conveys this message through the rhetorical use of positioning. The main subject of the photograph are the children. The children capture the viewers attention because of the bright and colorful clothing they wear. The photographer takes this photo at an angle which captures several rows of children thus implying that there is a community devoted to education. They appear to be focused on the school work presented in front of them and unaffected by their surroundings. The wall adjacent to the children’s desks appear to be punctured by artillery rounds; likely a result of the ongoing civil war outside of the classroom. By juxtaposing the young children with the damaged walls, the photographer evokes pathos within the audience by portraying how the civil war is penetrating the safe spaces of children. At the same time it shows the resilience of the Syrian people who persist in pursuing the affordances of their former lives in a world where most would prioritize their safety.