"Look beyond what you see"

Activity 2.14 Find Advertisements with Effective Arguments

Advertisement for two different soccer cleats intended for two different types of players.
Advertisement for two different soccer cleats intended for two different types of players.

The following ad is for a new product line of soccer cleats. The models are called the Adidas X (on the left) and the Adidas Ace (on the right). When creating these shoes Adidas intended for both shoes to complement different types of players. The Adidas X is supposed to appeal to players who rely on speed, power, and emotion. The advertiser makes this clear in the ad by depicting a player who is yelling. The warm background colors (red, orange, yellow) further represent the aggressive style of play intended for users of the Adidas X. On the other hand, the Adidas Ace is supposed to appeal to players who rely on controlling the game, reading the opposition, and remaining calm. The advertiser makes this clear in the ad by depicting a focused and intense face. The cool background colors (black and teal) further represent this cerebral style of play intended for users of the Adidas Ace.

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