Recent Publications and Presentations

Select Publications


McCool, S., Perry, E. W., Reuben, K., Augustin, R., Self-Brown, S. (2024). Investigating the Feasibility of Implementing the SafeCare Parenting Program in Birthing Centers in Haiti. BMC Public Health, 24(3138).

Recinos, M., O’Hara, K., Tiwari, A., Whitaker, D. J., Wekerle, C., & Self-Brown, S. (In Press). The use of technology and mobile health apps in child maltreatment interventions: Perspectives of TF-CBT therapists and SafeCare providers. Child Protection and Practice.

Perry, E. W., Self-Brown, S., Koontz, K., Haardörfer, R., Whitaker, D. J., Spears, C. A., Huang, J., Kegler, M. (2024). Evaluating the effectiveness of Smoke-Free Home SafeCare, an integrated intervention, among families at risk for secondhand smoke exposure and child maltreatment in the United States: A study protocol for a Hybrid Type 1 trial. Trials, 25(661), 1-19.

Self-Brown, S., Watson, A., Fong, K., Espeleta, H., Bullinger, L., Whitaker, D.J., Recinos, M., Ogrodnick., Olwit, C., & Coyner, M. (2024). A comparison of virtual versus in-person delivery of SafeCare on parent and implementation outcomes. Child Abuse & Neglect, 154, 106951.

Culbreth, R., Self-Brown, S., Spratling, R., Spears, C. A., Osborne, M. C., & Melnyk, B. (2024). Adaptation of SafeCare, an evidence-based parenting program, for caregivers of infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. Applied Nursing Research, 151817.

Osborne, M., Guastaferro, K., Banks, S., Vedantam, H., & Self-Brown, S. (2024). Firearm screening and secure storage counseling among home visiting providers: A cross-sectional study of SafeCare ® Providers in the U.S. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1324656. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1324656.

Perry, E. W., Recinos, M., Kwiringira, J., Phung, E., Olwit, C., Swahn, M. H., Massetti, G., Self-Brown, S. (2024). Adverse childhood experiences, mental distress, self-harm and suicidality, and cumulative HIV risk by sex in Lesotho. Child Abuse and Neglect, 150 (106701).

Wekerle, C., Gilmore, A., & Self-Brown, S. R. (2024). Technology innovations for violence prevention, mental wellness and resilience among youth. Frontiers in Digital Health, 6, 1365726.

Lyons, M. J., J Whitaker, D., Self-Brown, S., & Weeks, E. (2024). A longitudinal analysis of trajectories and predictors of fidelity using the SafeCare parenting model. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 51, 240-253.


Parker, M., Self‐Brown, S. R., Rahimi, A., & Fang, X. (2023). Longitudinal Analysis of the Relationship Between Social Isolation and Hypertension in Early Middle Adulthood. Journal of the American Heart Association, e030403.

Gilmore, A.K., Fortson, K., Mullican, K.N., García-Ramírez, G., Hutchins, A., Bartlett, A.M., Gooding, H.C., Wallis, E., Levy, S., Ruggiero, K.J., Kaysen, D., Danielson, C.K., Platner, R., Hartman, A., & Self-Brown, S. (2023). An eHealth prevention program for substance use, sexual assault, and sexual risk behaviors for adolescents in primary care: Pilot feasibility randomized controlled trial of teen well check.  JMIR Formative Research,7:e50833. doi: 10.2196/50833.

La Barrie, D. L., Perry, E. W., Packard, G., Hinrichs, R., Carter, S. E., & Self-Brown, S. (2023). The initial outcomes of SafeCare® on the physiological and behavioral outcomes of black mothers who have experienced significant trauma. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 1-28.

Rao, N., Kumar, J., Weeks, E., Self-Brown, S., Willging, C., O’Connor, M.H., & Whitaker, D. (in press). “It’s hard because it’s something new”: Challenges for forcibly displaced parents upon resettlement.  Journal of Children’s Services.

Tiwari, A., Recinos, M., Garner, J., Self-Brown, S., Momin, R., Durbha, S., Emery, V., O’Hara, K., Perry, E.W., Stewart, R., & Wekerle, C. (2023). Reviewing the use and effects of technology in evidence-based programs for child maltreatment – A scoping review. Frontiers in Digital Health.5. 10.3389/fdgth.2023.1224582

Self-Brown, S., Perry, E. W., Recinos, M., Cotner, M., Guastaferro, K., Owolabi, S., Spears, C., Whitaker, D., Huang, J., Kegler, M. (2023). Systematic braiding of Smoke-free Home SafeCare to address child maltreatment risk and secondhand smoke exposure: Findings from a pilot study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies.

Garner, J.G., Self-Brown, S., Emery, V., Wootten, K., & Tiwari, A. (2023). COVID-19 and caregiver risk factors for child maltreatment: The pandemic in review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Jaramillo, E.T., Willging, C.E., Saldana, L., Self-Brown, S., Weeks, E.A., & Whitaker, D.J. (2023). Barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based interventions in the context of a randomized clinical trial in the United States: A qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. 10.1186/s12913-023-09079-2

Watson, A.E.N., Oliver, C., Wilson, R.F., & Self-Brown, S.R. (2023). Abusive head trauma in child maltreatment-related homicide cases in the United States: An analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System Data- 2012–2017. Journal of Family Violence. DOI: 10.1007/s10896-022-00489-0

Wilson, R.F., Afifi, T.O., Yuan, K., Lyons, B.H., Fortson, B.L., Oliver, C., Watson, A., & Self-Brown, S. (2023).  Child-abuse related homicides precipitated by caregiver use of harsh physical punishment. Child Abuse & Neglect.

Select Presentations


Perry, E. W., Myrick, J. G., Recinos, M., Koontz, K., Kegler, M., Self-Brown, S. (September 2024). Evaluating partner-generated strategies to address recruitment challenges in a Hybrid Type 1 trial to reduce child secondhand smoke exposure and maltreatment. [Poster presentation]. The Society for Implementation Research Collaboration, Denver, CO, United States.

Self-Brown, S., Watson, A., Fong, K., Espeleta, H., Bullinger, L., Whitaker, D.J., & Recinos, M. (August, 2024). A Multi-Method Comparison of Virtual versus In-Person Delivery of SafeCare on Parent and Implementation Outcomes. Paper presented in symposium entitled, “Implementation and adaptation of parenting programs to prevent maltreatment in a global context” at International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Congress 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.

Whitaker, D.J., Weeks, E.A., Self-Brown, S., & O’Connor, M.H. (August, 19, 2024). Adaptation and implementation of the SafeCare parenting program with refugees in the U.S. Paper presented at the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Uppsala, Sweden.

Perry, E. W., Huang, S., Marah, B., Mansaray, Y., Self-Brown, S., Nelson, J. (August 2024). Education for Protection and Well-being: A social-ecological approach to enhance child protection, education, and strengthen families. In D.J. Whitaker (Discussant), Implementation and adaptation of parenting programs to prevent maltreatment in a global context. [Symposium]. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Congress 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.

Whitaker, D.J., Weeks, E.A., Self-Brown, S., & O’Connor, M.H. (July, 10, 2024). Implementing the SafeCare parenting model with children of migrants and refugees.  Paper presented at the International Congress on Infant Studies, Glasgow Scotland.

Garner, J. B., Spears, C. A., Recinos, M., & Self-Brown, S. (June 2024). Examining the Association between Child Maltreatment Type & Physical Activity in Adulthood. [Oral presentation]. ADD Health Users Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.

Self-Brown, S. & Kegler, M. (May, 2024). Establishing smoke-free homes with families involved in child maltreatment prevention services: An effectiveness-implementation trial of Smoke-Free Home SafeCare. National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences (virtual presentation).

Self-Brown, S., Perry, E. W., Recinos, M., Garner, J., Whitaker, D., Guastaferro, K., Kegler, M. (May 2024). Utilizing systematic braiding to address public health priorities for young children: Development, feasibility, and implementation of the Smoke-Free Home SafeCare prevention program. In D.J.  Whitaker (Discussant), Systematic Braiding – An innovative and collaborative methodology to develop integrated evidence-based programs. [Symposium]. Society for Prevention Research, Washington DC, United States.

Self-Brown, S. (May 2024).  Panel Discussant for Engaging Communities in Global School-Based Violence Prevention: From Research to Practice. Society for Prevention Research, 32nd Annual Meeting Washington DC, United States.

Perry, E. W., Huang, S., Marah, B., Mansaray, Y., Self-Brown, S., Nelson, J. (May 2024). Elevating the Voices of the Community: A Qualitative Evaluation in Sierra Leone. In M. Eddy and S. Self-Brown (Discussants), Engaging Communities in Global School-Based Violence Prevention: From Research to Practice. [Team Science Panel]. Society for Prevention Research, Washington DC, United States.

Tiwari, A.,Vernon, M., Datta, B., Hoffman, Z., Guastaferro, K. &; Self-Brown. S. (May 2024). Exploring Maternal and Child Health Through Systematic Braiding- A Breastfeeding and Parenting Initiative for Expecting Mothers presented in Systematic Braiding – An innovative and collaborative methodology to develop integrated evidence-based programs. [Symposium].Society for Prevention Research  32nd Annual Meeting

Gardner, J., De Veauuse Brown, N., Barger, B., Salmon, A., Self-Brown, S. (May 2024). Improving the Mental Health of Black Men through Community-Led Prevention Facilitated By Black Barbers: A Pilot Study of the Confess Project of America. [Paper presentation]. Society for Prevention Research, Washington DC, United States.

Perry, E. W., Fang, X., Self-Brown, S. (May 2024). Risk and Protective Factors in the Caregiving Context for Violence Exposure Outside of the Home, HIV Risk, and HIV Infection Among Youth Ages 13 to 24 in Lesotho. [Paper presentation]. Society for Prevention Research, Washington DC, United States.


McCool, S., Perry, E. W., Ruben, K., Self-Brown, S. (November 2023). Investigating the Feasibility of Implementing the SafeCare Parenting Program in Birthing Centers in Haiti. [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA, United States.

Self-Brown, S., Perry, E. W., Reuben, K., & McCool, S. (September 2023). Initial qualitative findings on adaptations to the SafeCare® child maltreatment prevention program for delivery in birth centers in Haiti. In D. Fry (Discussant), The individual and societal consequences, social determinants, and prevention of childhood violence and adversity in low and middle-income countries. [Symposium]. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Congress 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Perry, E. W., Recinos, M., Kwiringira, J., Phung, E., Olwit, C., Swahn, M. H., Massetti, G., & Self-Brown, S. (September 2023). The effects of individual and cumulative adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on mental distress and suicidality, by sex in Lesotho. In D. Fry (Discussant), The individual and societal consequences, social determinants, and prevention of childhood violence and adversity in low and middle-income countries. [Symposium]. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Congress 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Self-Brown, S., Perry, E. W., Recinos, M., Cotner, M., Whitaker, D., & Kegler, M. (June, 2023).  Establishing smoke-free homes with high-risk families: A feasibility pilot of Smoke-Free Home SafeCare. [Symposium Presentation]. The 2023 European Implementation Event, Basel, Switzerland.

Perry, E. W., Recinos, M., Kwiringira, J., Self-Brown, S. (May 2023). Associations between HIV risk behaviors and caregiver and peer relationships among young people ages 13-24 years: Results from the 2018 Lesotho Violence against Children and Youth Survey. In A. Tiwari (Discussant), Exploring the Intersectionality of Risk for HIV and Sexual Assault for Girls, Young Women, and Gender and Sexual Minorities. [Symposium]. Society for Prevention Research, Washington DC, United States.

Perry, E. W., Recinos, M., Kwiringira, J., Self-Brown, S. (May 2023). Sex differences in associations between adverse childhood experiences and binge drinking and mental distress among adolescents and young adults living in Lesotho. [Poster presentation]. Society for Prevention Research, Washington DC, United States.

Recinos, M., Perry, E. W., Mohamed, Z. H., Kinnish, K., Self-Brown, S. (May 2023). Examining the Most Upsetting Trauma and the Impact of Trauma Type on Dissociative Symptomatology Among Trafficked Youth. [Poster presentation]. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Colloquium, Denver, CO, United States.