How has your understanding of the composition process evolved?
Iv’e always been interested in the writing iv’e done in school because I respect my personal thoughts and opinions and I believe they are worth sharing with the world. My writing process has improved since I began this course because I am learning how to properly site my sources and construct a very scholarly summary that can be used by not just me but many researchers. The way this course is designed has taught me not only how to pick out accredited sources, but how to get out there and become my own primary source with long hours of observation, field notes, and even photographic evidence.
With the creation of this website I’ve been building on to my writing skills allowing it to evolve into that of an author with strong rhetoric and authority. I personally prefer using this blog as a writing tool than writing the traditional essay because it allows me to actually be connected to the topics I’m writing about taking some sort of responsibility for the work that I publish. This manipulation of modes has also allowed me to show my creative side outside of my clever syntax through the animations and design of my website.

What are your strengths and weaknesses of your work so far?
As far as my strengths I know that I have a very powerful sense of authority; as long as I am passionate about it I can easily put it in words to persuade others. One of my biggest weakness is grammar. I have a small vocabulary list and I lack a lot of knowledge on punctuation and sentence structure. Outside of writing I also have a huge procrastination issue. So far iv’e done a few quizzes in addition to the required assignments but I plan on purchasing writers help so I can work on those weaknesses that I have. I also plan to do a couple extra summaries and annotated bibliographies to gain a few more points.

How are you going to apply what you’ve learned to future projects and your work in ths course?
At the moment I am a commuter that rides MARTA to and from school everyday and I work 12 hour shifts every weekend. While everything I am doing is with good intentions I’ve come to the conclusion that soon something is going to have to give because I’m stretching myself too thin and not giving my school work 110% like I should be. Starting this weekend I’m going to start picking out specific times in my weekly schedule to complete my course work. In fact, I may set up a page that will specifically be dedicated to keeping up with my work, similar to my point thermometer.