Two Useful Apps for College Students

  1. Scanner Pro: This app is wonderful. It “scans” by taking a picture and uploads the picture of the document to the app. You can email it from there as a pdf, send it to your printer, or upload it to Google Docs, Dropbox, or any other cloud platform. I have used it frequently and I love it. It unfortunately is not free on the App Store, I was able to get it for free as a promo from the Apple Store, but it is worth the $2.99.
  2. Printer Pro: I find that this app can be very useful. It allows you to print from your mobile device. I have noticed that when you use ‘air print’ on your mobile device, you aren’t able to format what you want to print. This app allows you to do so. Again, this app is not free in the App Store. I also got this app as a free promo from Apple. The app is $6.99, but there may be cheaper apps out there that do the same thing.

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