Unit 2: Assignment 2 CRAAP Test

CRAAP Test Results:

Fact Check (dot) org

C: The website is relatively current. It was last updated four days ago, on September 17. The links are operational, and the website was created in 2003. The only problem is that it is updated infrequently, only with major political events, such as presidential debates, or State of the Union addresses.

R: The articles on this website are relevant in fact checking American politicians, especially presidential candidates, congressional members, as well as those in the White House.  Their articles are through in their analysis. The information is both age and education-level appropriate.

A: The information on the site is produced by the Annenberg Public Policy Foundation. The authors are listed on all of the articles and there is also a webpage with profiles of the staff of the website. The website has a page with contact information as well as a page listing awards and recognitions. They also have a page sole dedicated to the funding of the website. The URL matches up with the website name.

A: The information on the website appears to be accurate, with many sources given at the end of every article. I do not see that the information is peer reviewed. The site looks professional, and the language is neutral. The information on the website appears to align with that of other websites. There appears to be no political bias on the site.

P: The website has a page detailing their mission to provide Americans nonpartisan factual information about the current state of US politics.


Just Facts (dot) com

C: There is no indicator on the websites that suggests the currency of the information. The links are operational and the website was created in the 1990s.

R: The articles on this website are relevant in regards to common issues and controversial issues in the United States and the rest of the world today.  Their articles are through in their analysis. The information is both age and education-level appropriate.

A: The information on the site is produced by Just Facts, which is a nonprofit corporation. The authors/publishers are listed on each article. The site gives credentials as well as has brief contact information. They do not reveal sponsorships, they just ask for donations. The URL matches the rest of the site.

A: The information on the site fits in with what I know personally. The website provides detailed citations on their articles. There is no proof of peer review, but it is stated in their mission statement that they try to only use primary sources of information. The information can be confirmed with other sources on the web. The site looks professional, and the language seems neutral and appears to be bias free.

P: The mission statement of the website states that the goal of the information on the website is to provide transparency to key issues in the country and the world.

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