Posts Tagged ‘#MartinLutherKing’

“MARCH” evaluation to John Lewis

Dear John Lewis, 

     The beginning of the book, “MARCH” demonstrated to the reader the hardships and tragic events that were occurring during this time known as the Civil Rights Movement. In this part of the story it seems to be focusing more on equal voting rights. The book starts off with the bombing of the 16thstreet Baptist Church in Birmingham where 4 young girls were killed. This bombing was done as a way to send a “message” to the civil rights leaders because the church was the place where most meetings were held. 

      While reading these first few pages, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed in the way that black people were being treated and I was devastated at the events that took place in order to send a “message”. Although the events that were happening during this time were horrible I felt like this was the beginning of change because people were starting to come together to stand up for their rights.

       Questions I had while reading were who bombed the church? 

     The issues presented in the pages assigned was that black people didn’t have the same voting rights. I think this has a connection to today’s time because even though people ARE allowed to vote in this time and age, I feel like people still don’t and that’s really taking the right for granted because that is a way to get a point across. I feel like a way to combat this issue is to remind people that voting is a RIGHT that was not always available to all people so take advantage now that we have it

      This was my evaluation to the first part of the book and I’m eager to keep on reading.

      Sincerely, Samantha Cabrera