House on Fire

If my home was to burn down to the ground today, the only thing I would even think about saving is my dog.

His name is Thug, (don’t judge me, I was young when I named him lol) and I’ve had him since he was 6 weeks so that’s like my baby or my child. This dog has been with me through so many of my trials and hard times that I can’t image my life without him. I’ve moved about 5 times since I first got him  and he’s with me everywhere I go, no matter what.

I feel like everything else is materialistic and can be replaced, whether it may be clothes, jewelry or even money, it can all be replaced; but the love that you receive from a dog is something that is irreplaceable. Of course you can always get another dog but it’s not the same, it’s like starting over a whole new relationship.

I don’t have any expensive jewelry, I don’t have large sums of money stored in the house, and all of my pictures are stored safely in the cloud so all I really need is my dog because he always makes a way to make me feel better when everything seems like it’s falling apart. I love him.

5 thoughts on “House on Fire

  1. I’d save my cats first too in reality – my husband and I even have a specific plan about this and agree that practically, other things do seem materialistic in the broader sense of the concept. Fortunately, for the purpose of this assignment, your classmates may choose to share items that metaphorically represent themselves and not items that might actually be saved so keep this in mind when reflecting on their projects for this assignment. 🙂

  2. I would also save my cats the three of them are my best friends each one has joined my wife and i on our journey through life. My first cat joined us back in Norfolk when I was stationed there she lived under my friend’s house and winter was coming. The next two we picked up as we found them the grey one we found near death of internal parasites and the orange one was a kitten that lived in the garbage behind my plant that was blind because of eye infections.

  3. I agree with your post, everything else is just materials that can all be replaced. You can’t replace an animal or a person. When it comes down to it, i think most people would do exactly this without thinking much about it. Find everyone and get out safe.

  4. That is very sweet. Saving another life is always good. It shows you are a caring person. Your dog is not someone you would just leave.

  5. I love how you would save your dog, because to me… I feel like my dog is apart of my family and I don’t know what I’d do without him. He has got me through so much lately and his silliness really keeps me going. All materialistic things definitely can be replaced but not the love we have for our fur babies!

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