There are 3 different works of Art. Representational works of art is a piece that is easily identifiable, meaning every subject in the piece is recognizable. Abstract works of art is a piece that is still identifiable but kind of in between representational and non-objective, the subject can still be recognized but the artist adds more detail to appear differently. Non-objective works of art is a piece that is hard to identify but once actually viewing the piece in depth the piece becomes more recognizable.
This piece of art is my first example of representational imagery. It’s a nude woman who seems to be seating so gracefully in all her nakedness. This piece less representational than my next example because it doesn’t have all of body parts to complete the subject but it had all of the necessary parts for the viewer to be able to identify what the work is.
My second example of representational imagery is a nude woman who seems to be thinking deeply, possibly in despair. This is a great example of representational imagery because it’s clearly a woman who is nude based on the features used for the subject. This work of art is more representational that the previous example because it has everything to complete the subject including the features in the hair which makes it more obvious of the subject being a woman.
My third example of representational imagery is a nude woman who is lying down with her fingers in her hair. This piece is more representational than the previous examples because the artist adds more of a feminine touch.
My first example of abstract imagery is a painting of a nude woman comfortably in her room. This work of art is more abstract than my previous example because of the specific color used in certain places and the shading. It is less abstract than my next example because it’s kind of abstract and representational because although it is an abstract image it can still be recognized as a nude woman.
This work of art is an example of abstract imagery because the artist uses regular lines and specific shading and color to depict a woman. It is more abstract than my previous example because although the viewer would still be able to identify this painting as a woman, it’s hard to tell until you recognize the subjects legs and chest because the face isn’t complete. This piece is less abstract than my next example because the painting can still be easily depicted.
This art work is an example of abstract imagery and is more abstract than my previous examples because the two-tone colors the artist used and the way the subject is positioned. At first look it seems it could be a thick wavy line but if looked closely, the human body of a woman is depicted. This piece is less non-objective than my next example because it’s recognized as a woman in the shadow.
My first example for non-objective imagery is a woman playing a mandolin. This piece is more non-objective than my last example because of the shapes and forms used by the artist, the piece isn’t realistic. This work of art is less non-objective than my next example because the use of regular lines in this piece make it easier to depict what the subject is.
This work of art is an example of non-objective imagery. This piece is more non-objective than my last example because the artist uses different pieces or shapes to make a subject which makes it harder to depict what the subject is because it’s not seen in reality. This piece is less non-objective than my next piece because unrealistic based of the material used to create this piece.
This piece is my last example of non-objective imagery. This work of art is more non-objective than my last example because the artist combines a nude woman with an ape which definitely is something you don’t see in reality. However the author still incorporates a nude woman in the portrait.
I like the theme you’ve selected but overall it seems that you’re having some issues with the content – your images do not reflect the anticipated spectrum as indicated in the assignment perimeters and the descriptions also reflect some confusion about this material. Please review Lecture 4 again to determine how to appropriately apply this content before proceeding to future assignments, you will need to know and discuss this again later on.
Well, this has been annoying – seems like every time you write words like “N – U – D – E” WordPress deletes your comment automatically – so… make sure that you copy the content of your text just in case before clicking “post comment” so you don’t lose everything you’ve written…
When it comes to creating a spectrum sometimes there can be confusion. I think a few of your images are spot on, but others needed better explanations. The images themselves are great examples of different parts of the spectrum.
I like how you found images all on the same “topic”. I did that as well and I found it very hard and overwhelming to be honest trying to put the images where they needed to go and everything. I feel like I can understand why you chose those certain images but then again I feel like they did not go along with the spectrum. I know it was probably hard trying to do that because I came across the same issue. I like your explanations though!
Your blog is very nicely formatted but some of your choices fit better with different parts of the spectrum. I also have i difficulty choosing which part of the spectrum images fit into. I guess it also comes down to how you as an individual look at a specific image on how you place it on the spectrum.