In the photo above, it is a photo of an African American family praying over their dinner. My first impression of this photo was that it was possible traditional Sunday dinner or maybe Thanksgiving and all of the family joined together and prayed together before they ate to bless the food. I feel like this piece of art is about family and being that I’m big on family, this portrait really stood out to me and was important to me because that’s how I see my family. I believe the artist is trying to explain that family is important as well as praying with your family together. I feel like the artist used unity in this portrait to bring everything together, from the details of each of the dishes for dinner to the details of each of the family members holding hands. One thing that I didn’t notice at first was in the top right corner it appears to be another room with other family members praying, which the artist uses subordination. Maybe the artist was trying to convey that prayer always brings family together even if separated. The family members in the back room may be the younger siblings in the family who had to have their own table while the adults sat at the table together, but the artist made it a point that everyone in the portrait is praying.
In the photo above, it is a photo of my front yard. I know for the most part people wouldn’t consider this as art but I feel like nature can be art as well. I like to sit outside during the day sometimes and just look out and breathe and think and speak positive things out loud to the world and I feel like this is the perfect place to do it. Looking at this photo and when I sit outside just gives me a sense of peace; like sitting in the middle of the ocean feeling the great air and no one or nothing bothering me. I know it’s probably a lot of people who sit outside in their front yard and probably do the same thing but what I like most about my yard is how far it is away from the street so it’s more secluded and quiet. I also love the tall trees, especially during the Fall season when all of the leaves are colorful; it’s beautiful.
I really enjoyed reading about your personal observations and reflections of the painting of the family sitting around the dinner table – you have a way with words that really helps this content come alive.
It isn’t clear what elements and principles you’ve identified in each, however, or how these aspects contribute to your observations. Additionally, the second image does not meet the expectations of the assignment as it does not depict something that meets the qualifiers of art that were discussed in Module 3 – please review this content for clarification as to why nature in itself will not be included in our discussion of art. Perhaps you can expand on your original post in the comments to help demonstrate more of what you’ve learned in Modules 4 and 5.
Pod members, can you assist Mottie with some of your own observations of the elements and principles evident in the first image she shared with us?
You gave a good personal impression on the first piece of art, but it seems like you may have missed what module 4 and 5 were about. The key was to focus and explain what textures, patterns, balance, ect. that you observed in 2 pieces of art.
You reflect deeply on art. I think landscapes, both in painted and real life are art as well. Art can be found anywhere. It is not always about a sculpture, or something created, art can be a photo taken of the sky, or it can be your front yard.
I agree with you when you say that nature can be art too, because that’s the same way that I think. I believe that art is more than just a canvas painted with some color and a paintbrush. Art can be anything that you find beauty in. Also in your first image, I see that is is a traditional family celebrating something special to them. I feel like the color in this image and the people really has shown us what it could have been like at that point in time.
I like the first painting It is very organic the whole picture is very fluid the holding of hands makes me think of unite, the bowing of the heads makes me think of unite in a common belief.