About Samuel Asbury

Hey guys, My name’s Sam Asbury and I am on the men’s golf team at GSU. I was born and raised in ATL and it’s my favorite place to be! I have one brother and one sister, Ben and Grace. My hobbies include playing basketball, video games, and having a good time with my friends. I am a lover of food and will eat mostly anything you put in front of me. I am business major and hope to enjoy a career in that field one day if I don’t become a professional golfer! That’s really all you need to know about me. Hit me up on social media @snazberry20 for a good time and also follow me on Instagram if your interested IG: sasbury_20 #PantherNation

What Type of Learner am I?


The Vark survey told me that I am a kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations. I have always learned best by physically doing things. I’ve always had some trouble learning when teachers stand at the front of the room and lecture or just hand out worksheets.  I need to be very “hands on” with the material or it will go right over my head!


Procrastination is one of those things that you can’t run from. No matter how hard I try to stay ahead of the game and do my work before the deadline, I fail to do so and it just baffles me. I got back to my apartment today at 1:00 pm because golf practice was cancelled and I thought to myself, “Hey, it’s gonna be nice to have all this extra time to get my homework done!”. I took out my laptop and began to look at what I had due in all my classes for the upcoming days. As I was doing that, a little pop-up window came up on my laptop. It was a twitter notification. I went ahead and opened it because I’m not just going to overlook something as important as one of my hilarious tweets getting favorited. I began to browse through twitter, watching funny vines and reading interesting tweets about celebrities and what not. Then one thing led to another and somehow the T.V. came on and I started watching Jerry Springer (which is very funny by the way). After a couple hours of Springer, I found myself playing video games! Here I am now at 11:00 pm struggling to write this blog post and I just remembered that I have a Macro test tomorrow…. which brings me back to my main point, DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!!

Time Management


My ideal schedule and my actual schedule are, in fact, the exact same. I have a very set schedule due to being an athlete and there’s no other way I’d have it. My schedule practically consists of eating, sleeping, and golfing. Perfectly enough, those are my three favorite things to do.

SMART goals:

  1. Win a rec league basketball championship
  2. Earn my business degree
  3. Win a college golf tournament
  4. Make lifelong friends
  5. Study abroad

S: I am going to practice golf everyday, focusing on my weaknesses and doing my best to turn them into strengths.

M: I will know when I completed my goal when I receive a first place trophy with my name on it.

A: This goal is mostly dependent on me. If I play to the best of my abilities then I have a very good chance to win a tournament.

R: My goal is very realistic. I have won golf tournaments in the past so there is no reason why I can’t win one in the near future.

T: My goal has a pretty long deadline. I will play around 40 tournaments during my college career so that is how long I will have an opportunity to win one.

All in all, I am a very goal oriented person and I almost always stay on task so I am very confident that I will reach all my goals.

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