Growing pains of E.Coli

The growth of e.coli can be generated by aerobic or anaerobic respiration. It can grow when oxygen is present, or in the absent it can grow through fermentation.

They can thrive off many nutrient sources as well. E. Coli can grow in temperatures from 98.6 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. These bacteria can grow in a variety of mediums such as salt, water, glucose, and magnesium sulfate.

Rate of growth for E. Coli doubles as more and more nutrients are available.

The growth rate can be exponential which is why a lot of outbreaks can occur. E. coli found in water and found and food, can replicate and contaminate everything around them.


E. Coli are heterotrophic organisms and acquire their food from other carbon sources. They can reproduce through cellular division or through conjugation using a sex pilus.






E. Coli Growth withing 5 hours.





Binary Fission

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