How does E. Coli spread? Why does it continue to be a problem? Why don’t we wash our hands?

Coli is harmful especially when ingested through food or water. It can cause contamination in many ways. Humans like us can easily be poisoned by these bacteria. E. Coli is usually spread through feces of animals or humans. If any of this gets into contact with food or water, we are screwed.

Infested feces can contaminate water supplies. If the water has not been properly treated and is ingested it can cause symptoms like bloody diarrhea, dehydration, stomach cramps, and vomiting.

Coli can infect meat, dairy and produce. If these foods aren’t treated whether they haven’t been cooked thoroughly, pasteurized, or washed then these foods will infect you. It should be common sense to make sure foods are treated for bacteria. Often these actions are neglected and that is how outbreaks and recalls occur.

It can also spread person to person. These usually occurs when the person who does not wash their hands after using the bathroom, whether it’s urinating or taking a dump. Like I mentioned before, where did the common sense go?


Remember to wash your hands!


Handle raw meats properly!




The Circle of Life…….







symptoms of E.Coli





















  1. I too wonder where the common sense went. It reminds me of typhoid Mary who also refused to wash her hands. I think people are just ignorant to how their lifestyles can make other people sick. It’s kind of like with the anti-vaxx movement; my own best friend is refusing to vaccinate her child, and it makes me want to bash my head in the wall. If only there was a cure for ignorance.

  2. As someone who worked in a restaurant for too many years, I am definitely aware of how lazy people can be with their hand hygiene. It is sad that these careless people can cause serious illness and outbreaks of infection. Now that I know the horrible side effects of E.cole, I am going to go wash my hands. Thanks for making me scared to eat again!

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