Inside Escherichia Coli

These are unicellular organisms because they can divide and multiple independently.

Escherichia coli are average sized bacteria. They are rod-shaped bacteria and are about two micro-meters long. They are also gram-negative bacteria which means they have a thin peptidoglycan cell wall.

Peptidoglycan wall makes it hard for antibiotics to penetrate the cell. If you were to perform a gram-staining on this bacteria, they will stain pink.

There are over three hundred genome sequences for E. Coli and Shigella. E. Coli is related to shigella because they are a sub-species. The only differences that these bacteria have can be found on a molecular level.

Their genome contains over 4.6 million base pairs. There are over 300 hundred genomic sequences of esherichia coli and shigella. 

Escherichia coli are also very motile organims that have flagella.


These bacteria can be found everywhere from the inside and the outside. they can be found in water, food, inside our bodies, and anywhere where they can thrive. 


E. Coli are of the many bacteria that can be found in water.
Rod shaped for sure!
They move with flagella.













1 Comment

  1. Wow, that’s crazy that there are over 300 genomic sequences…my microbe (Legionella) only has 39! Structurually, however, they are very similar.

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