
This sculpture was made completely out of paper. The process included outlining and intricate cutting to create precise points for the outcome of the sculpture. This is one of the 10 pieces I created for the “Thirteen Ways project”. I wanted to incorporate a lot of detail and fine cast shadows with this sculpture.

Created on September 22nd 2019

Medium: Digital Photo

Dream Away


The process of this project was extra ordinary. I used all of my own recordings for this whole project with some editing. This project allowed me to expand  my resources and ideas

Jungle Book Comes to Life

I made this piece out of a book using a fair amount of other materials to make it 3-D. The idea of this was create a jungle out of the book i was choose to use the same concepts of the theme of the book. I choose some the most vivid scenes in the book and tried to recreate it.

Mixed Media

A bell pepper at its finest in four different mediums would be my best description.  I had alot of fun creating these pictures including all of them were the same thing but made differently was a unique concept.  Ink, water and some paint was used to create these images.