St. Thomas

Nathaniel Mekuria

March 19, 2023

Professor Weaver

Major Project 3


St. Thomas University is a private, Catholic university that was founded in 1885. The university’s website shows different undergraduate and graduate programs across a wide range of disciplines, including business, education, engineering, law, social work, and more ( Overall, the St. Thomas University website appears to be targeting students who are academically motivated and socially engaged. The university offering all these educational programs and also different diversity programs, suggests their intended audience is students who value their education and celebrate diversity.  Saying this, their ideal readers would be ones looking for inclusion and education. The university uses the APSTARC strategy of purpose and the Rhetorical strategy of ideal readers to appeal to students.



Although being a catholic university, upon analyzing the St. Thomas University website, it appears that the university is looking to attract a diverse group of students who are academically motivated, socially engaged, and committed to making a positive impact in their communities.

The website prominently features information about the university’s academic programs, including detailed descriptions of each program. The university states its purpose throughout the website, it uses this APSTARC strategy to effectively communicate its goals to its prospective students.  The first thing you look at upon entering the website is a huge quote saying, “Higher education with a higher calling” (STU Home). As u scroll down the front page of the website, it shows the different programs it has and how it has been successful in making sure its students end up with a job after their time at St. Thomas. The website also displays pictures of different career fairs they have, their internship listings, and showing their workshops. They try to show their students that they are preparing for their future careers and will gain practical experience. Highlighting their academic programs and showing their previous student’s success, the purpose of all this is to appeal to its intended audience of students who are interested in exploring different academic disciplines and want to learn about the specific courses and use resources available to them.

Another strategy the college seems to be using is a rhetorical strategy of assuming its ideal readers or viewers of the website are looking for an engaging and comfortable campus life. The website features information about the university’s student organizations, athletics, campus events, and other aspects of campus life. The cover page of the website reveals their new basketball and hockey arena called “Lee and Penny Anderson Arena” which took a groundbreaking 75 million dollars to construct. (STU Home). By hovering over to the campus life section of the website, it advertises the 130+ different clubs, traditions, and organizations it has, the university also emphasizes its dining service, which offers “fresh and nitrous food”, their sustainability, transportation which includes a campus shuttle, and how the safety of its students is a top priority (STU Campus life). This strategy appeals to ideal readers who are looking for a vibrant and engaging campus community, and who want to get involved in extracurricular activities outside of the classroom.

The university also wants its ideal readers to know is actively working to promote diversity on campus and that they have specific resources available to make sure it happens. The first page of the website holds a picture of students from different races holding each other and below it features a quote “Our commitment to Diversity and…Inclusion” to show that the hostility of these diverse students is one of their priorities (STU Home). By hovering over to the campus life section, the university assures its readers that they promote diversity by featuring information about the university’s LGBTQIA+ community, mentioning a Multicultural Affairs office, which provides resources and support for students of “diverse backgrounds”, and its diversity and inclusion council (STU Mission). The website also wants students who are interested in athletics, it lists extensive information about the athletic program it offers and the resources it has for its athletes.

Saint Thomas University’s website uses a variety of images of its campus to showcase its beautiful building, facilities, and green scenery. The university inserts pictures of the campus and its buildings, starting from the front cover and way into missions, admissions, and the info center (STU). The pointy roofs and the high-top ceilings give the university a middle-aged, gothic aesthetic. Considering this is home for most students for the next coming years, the physical feel of the campus does matter. The university uses its unique architecture and culture to attract students by creating a positive first impression and feeling excited about attending the university.


St Thomas Campus

St Thomas Campus


            If the university was affordable and was in Georgia, it would be in my top three, from what I can see on the college’s website, it appears to be an excellent institution that values diversity, commits to academic excellence, and creates opportunities for its students. The three values I hold most from the exercise we did in class were: Ambition, ethical behavior, and peace. The university pushes students to aim high and helps them pursue their goals in very many ways. Throughout the website, I noticed that the university highly encourages students to act with ethical behavior. One way the university demonstrates this is through its mission statement, which states that it is committed to “fostering a learning environment that develops students’ intellectual and ethical virtues” (STU Mission). Overall, from my personal research on the university website, Saint Thomas looks like a very well-rounded University. It is well above my standard and does not have anything to push me away from it, besides being out of state and expensive.


Work Cited:

 University of St. Thomas – Minnesota,

University of California, Berkeley

A View of UC Berkeley


The University of California, Berkeley is a public university established in 1868. Berkeley seeks students with a high level of determination, strong leadership qualities, passion, persistence, and a desire to give back. Students who are interested in a rich and personal academic experience and want to graduate within four years should consider this university. To convey this message, the college uses rhetorical strategies such as Imagining Ideal Readers and Purpose.


On its website, Berkeley explains some of its purposes for attracting ideal readers. As soon visiting their website, you will see the term “Artificial Intelligence” on the home page; which gives you a sense of intelligence for choosing this university. Under their About tab, they claim that “Berkeley is a place where the brightest minds from across the globe come together to explore, ask questions, and improve the world.” (UC Berkeley, 1) Berkeley’s goal with this statement is to convince the audience that they have students from across the globe, not just from the United States and CA and that they welcome more international students. This sentence gives international students hope for applying. Their goal is to position their students in positive competition with the smartest students around the globe so they can progress and learn new things. They call themselves “Brightest Minds”. By using this statement, Berkeley seeks to attract international and clever readers who can make a positive impact on the world with their knowledge.

“Berkeley is home to some of the world’s greatest minds leading more than 130 academic departments and 80 interdisciplinary research units and addressing the world’s most pertinent challenges.” (UC Berkeley, 3) The statement can be found on Berkeley’s Academics page. The site offers its readers a choice of academic departments and programs. Using these majors, students can make a positive impact on one of the world’s greatest challenges. Under the Campus Life tab, it mentioned that “Our students come from different places and backgrounds, but together they create a diverse and kinetic community that seeks to create a better world.” (UC Berkeley, 5) Although the students aren’t from the same country, culture, or ethnicity, they can still form a diverse community and experience lots of joy together while creating positive change. To support their statement they named some events, daily activities, and performances under the title “Events and Attractions” in the same tab. For example, students can visit BAMPFA if they are interested in museums, art, or dance. Students can visit Berkeley’s botanical garden, take a tour of CA Memorial Stadium, and attend concerts and sporting events. Under the Campus Life section, it is stated that “life at Berkeley doesn’t stand still. With over 35,000 students from around the world and a vibrant urban setting, it’s no wonder the campus community talks about a “fear of missing out.” Jump in and find out how dynamic and interconnected life at Berkeley can be.” (UC Berkeley, 5) This sentence promises two things: a spacious and diverse campus, and a dynamic and interconnected life. They want to attract readers who are looking for wider campuses, more fun, and more experiences.

Cal Band Performing on Sproul Hall Steps.

When it comes to Imagining Ideal Readers, UC Berkeley is certainly seeking students from different cultures; as Berkeley believes that they all have different backgrounds, experiences, and talents, and can work together to create a positive change. On the website, readers can find pictures of students from a variety of races and backgrounds, which will attract students who share similar characteristics.  Since getting an acceptance into this university isn’t easy, it is obvious they’re looking for brilliant students. Under the Student Profile tab, readers can see how many students are rejected and accepted each year. According to statistics, only 16,412 out of 112,854 applicants succeeded in gaining admission in 2021.  

Readers who are ideal at UC Berkeley go beyond studying to use their opportunities to make a positive difference in the world. “And Berkeley is at its best when you bring your whole self: the community you come from, the questions you dare to ask, the challenges you’ve conquered to get here, and the dreams about how you’ll make a difference.” (UC Berkeley, 5) Berkeley also envisions its ideal reader as someone with a strong sense of leadership. Berkeley has a LEAD center, which stands for Leadership, Engagement, Advising, and Development. This center aims to guide students and develop their leadership skills.


The university and its website were successful at conveying its goals to its audience. As a reader, I understood and enjoyed everything I read. Information on the university’s website enhances my understanding of it. Even imagining myself studying at Berkeley was fun for me. Studying at Berkeley is such a privilege and honor for students. By answering some questions about myself during free writing sessions, I discovered that I am a visual learner and that just studying isn’t enough for me to succeed. The resources and opportunities available at UC Berkeley will enable me to do real-life research and experience things from a close perspective. I can participate in a wide variety of majors, activities, organizations, and clubs, so they can explore campus life, gain experience, and have more resources to research. The campus offers several events and activities that I find interesting. Berkeley students will have the opportunity to build strong friendships with students around the world. Berkeley offers all the opportunities I need to excel in my field as a student. I can receive scholarships to continue my education at Berkeley and graduate with top job positions to work in after graduation. I just love everything about Berkeley, and I see a bright future for Berkeley students.

Berkeley’s Female Grads, 2021


“Home.” University of California, Berkeley, 20 Mar. 2023, 


Rhetorical Strategies of Warren Wilson College 

Took this picture myself when I was on Warren Wilson Campus during their Summer music program called the Swannanoa Gathering.

Summary  ( 88 words )


Warren Wilson College is a Liberal Arts College located in Swannanoa, North Carolina.  The Curriculum is a mixture of In-classroom learning, work and community service ( which is required for Graduation ). It was founded  in 1894  as the Asheville Farm School and became a 4 year College in the mid 1960s. It’s a small private College with twenty one Majors, most of them being Humanities and Social Science. The Methods that the College uses to try and convince College students to go their College is Pathos and Imagining readers. 


Analysis ( 907 words ) 


First thing the audience sees when they enter the site  is a banner that says “ We believe the World needs curiosity “. The College wants the audience of potential students and their parents to know that the school prioritizes learning and encourages a thirst for knowledge. Below it there is another quote that says ;  “ Our Philosophy ; Academics, Work & Service. The World needs curiously  insightful, experienced, and capable individuals and we’re ready to help you be one. “ followed by a button under it that says “ we’re different “ . This button leads to their academic page which elaborates on the values of the college. They state upfront that they expect extracurricular activities along with college work. This College is focused on making sure their students are well rounded and provide them with opportunities for them to gain experience. Below that there is a link to the list of Majors,Minors and Concentrates. There are only twenty one majors, there are over thirty minors and twenty concentrations ( concentrations being a specific focus in a major or field ). Despite the fact that there are only 21 majors, students still have a lot of options to study. Obviously when clicking on each major, the College gives a brief description about what the courses are about and what the minors and concentrations are and also shows a couple of classes as a preview. 

When clicking onto the Students’ Life tab, it starts with a quote about working hard and finding answers that says ¨ If you like to dive in, climb high, play hard, and never stop searching for the best answers to hard questions, this is the place for you. “ Once again making it clear that learning is a priority for the College. It is followed by information about the College Campus, including the hiking trails and the nearest city, Asheville. After that there is information about food and board. 

The College boasts that the food served in the Cafeteria comes from a farm run by the Students themselves. There are also two additional cafes, the Owl’s Nest, that serves coffee and snacks and the Vegetarian Cowpie that serves vegetarian, vegan and gluten free food, claiming that the students are the ones cooking the food. The College really emphasizes the quality of the food they serve and the fact that students are the ones in charge of the planning and cooking/ baking of the food. Seems like they are demonstrating that they care about the students’ health and preferences on what they choose to eat. The next set of links explain where they get their food from ( aka the links about their farm, gardens and local food sources ) and the people behind it. 

For the Housing, The College requires that the Students live on Campus for three years and can only live off Campus if they either completed ninety credit hours or is under the age of twenty one but only under certain conditions such as they are living with someone nearby, have a kid, or are completely financially independent. That Information is followed by a quote  by Kathleen Maloney “ When you are part of a community, your level of accountability for yourself and your surroundings heightens. It’s not just a random face cleaning your bathroom, it’s your roommate’s or your neighbor’s. Treating everyone in my environment as a human being like me regardless of what they are doing rather than a task or a service is something that has stayed with me.” Which seems to be advice to a student living away from home, possibly for the first time with people who are also living away from home possibly for the first time. The College gives the students a survey about their lifestyle, habits and interests  then tries to assign a room and roommate according to the results, once again showing that the Schools cares more about the students as people than grades and test scores.

Like other Schools, Warren Wilson College provides extracurriculars and sports to entertain students and give them an opportunity for growth. They also give ideas for things that students can do other than the weekends which is mostly play music, create art, appreciate nature and go to Asheville. 

Warren Wilson College does not have a specific religion that it is associated with in fact, the College encourages inclusivity and tolerance between people of different Religions. They call it the Interfaith journey where they allow religious groups to meet and provide funding rituals, holidays and festivities. Not everything about it is Religious and some aspects focus on just spirituality and ‘ finding one’s self ‘ through activities like yoga, hiking, and art. 

The College is a liberal arts College meaning it focuses on Art, Literature , sociology. They use Pathos to portray a welcoming environment with staff that focus on students and their personal interests. They care more about them than as a number or statistic. When looking at the Website, they are acting like they are talking to the Potential Student and appealing to their personal interests. They provide many opportunities for the students to gain new and useful skills which are appealing to students and their parents who are the target audience by using the Imaginary audience strategy , using language like they’re presenting to someone and trying to make a personal connection by using ‘we’ and ‘our’ in the text. Warren Wilson College is trying to be a homey and inviting, drawing in people that enjoy socializing and the arts.

Response ( 203 words )


I enjoy the atmosphere that the School is trying to give for the students ; a tight- knit community that cares about the students personal preferences. If Warren Wilson College were to move to Atlanta and I didn’t have to worry about money, I still wouldn’t go to it. My reason is that I want to focus on Foreign Language and I haven’t seen any foreign language programs. They do have Study abroad programs but based on the sample courses, I would have to be in a specific major to go to a specific country and The College does not seem to have foreign language classes let alone a major in foreign language ( which is just studying the language and culture ). Warren Wilson College focuses on Art and Music which is further proven by the music programs they have over the summer called the Swannanoa Gathering, which is how I know about the School ( my family, especially my dad,is involved in the Celtic Music community ). If I wanted to a major in something involving art, music or agriculture then Warren Wilson would be a great candidate but because I am majoring in foreign Language, Warren Wilson is not  the right College for me. 

Sources ;

  • “Warren Wilson College Webpage.” Warren Wilson College, 27 Mar. 2023, 
  • Board, College. “College Board.” BigFuture College Search, 


Southeastern College- Major Project #3

About - Southeastern UniversityAthletic Communications - Southeastern University Athletics


Southeastern University seeks students who are committed to their faith and values and desire to integrate their spiritual beliefs into their academic pursuits. The university emphasizes its commitment to providing a supportive environment for academic, spiritual, and personal growth. To support this argument, the website uses the rhetorical style of ethos to highlight the university’s credibility as a faith-based academic institution, the skills of its faculty and staff, and featuring testimonials from students and alumni. It also uses case studies, showcasing the university’s facilities and surrounding community through high-quality visuals and multimedia.


Prospective students frequently rely on a university’s website to gather information and gain insight into the institution’s values, programs, and overall culture, but Southeastern University, a Christ-centered institution of higher learning, employs ethos to establish credibility and persuade prospective students that it is the right college for them. Through the use of rhetorical techniques and case studies, Southeastern University’s website successfully showcases their commitment to academic excellence, spiritual development, and community involvement. 

Prospective students frequently rely on a university’s website to gather information and gain insight into the institution’s values, programs, and overall culture, but Southeastern University, a Christ-centered institution of higher learning, employs ethos to establish credibility and persuade prospective students that it is the right college for them. Through the use of rhetorical techniques and case studies, Southeastern University’s website successfully showcases their commitment to academic excellence, spiritual development, and community involvement. 

One of the key strategies the website uses to gain credibility is ethos, which displays the university’s core values; spiritual growth, community involvement, and academics. For example, the “About” page on the website states that, “Southeastern University is a Christ-centered institution of higher learning” and that “our students are challenged to become servant leaders in their communities” (About SEU). These statements indicate the use of ethos by maintaining an environment that promotes spiritual growth and integrates Christian values and their commitment to make student leaders. By using their values, they create a trusted and credible source, which can be a persuasive strategy to attract students who share Southeastern University’s values. This approach can create a sense of connection and alignment with the institution which would motivate students to apply and enroll. 

Another way Southeastern University uses ethos on its website is by displaying the skills of their faculty and staff. The university uses the accomplishments of their faculty to establish a reputation as a leading institution in higher education. For example, the website states, “”Our faculty members are world-class scholars and practitioners with real-world experience in their respective fields” (Faculty and Staff). This example indicates the university’s commitment to recruiting highly qualified professionals and experts in various fields. The expertise of its faculty and staff, establishes its authority and credibility in providing quality education to its students.

The quality of their education can be shown through the use of case studies in the form of student and alumni testimonials. They present prior experiences, for example, a current student testimonial states, “The professors here genuinely care about you as a person and want you to succeed in all areas of life. I have grown so much spiritually and personally during my time here” (About SEU). This testimonial appeals to prospective students who value individual attention and a supportive community, showcasing the university’s commitment to student success. 

Southeastern University also features alumni case studies, providing evidence of the long-term benefits of attending Southeastern University. For example, one alumna states, “My time at Southeastern prepared me not just for a career, but for a life of service and leadership. I am grateful for the strong foundation of faith and character that the university provided” (About SEU). This alumna appeals to individuals who look for a college that will lead them to a fulfilling life, and also prepares them for responsibilities and gives them the opportunity to be a leader. 

Overall, the Southeastern University website employs the rhetorical strategy of ethos, to persuade students that it is the best choice for those seeking a Christian-based education. The use of rhetorical style in addition to case studies provides evidence of the university’s commitment to academic excellence, spiritual growth, and community involvement. These strategies effectively appeal to prospective students who prioritize these values in their education, providing a persuasive argument for attending Southeastern University.


Although I am not judgmental towards others beliefs, I believe it’s quite contradictory for me, a Muslim to attend this University. I would not feel comfortable attending Southeastern University because of their strong belief towards Christianity. While I respect it, I would prefer to attend an institution that is welcoming towards different faiths and includes more racially diverse individuals; as Christianity is predominantly white/black or Hispanic. 

Southeastern University’s focus on faith and service does not align with my personal values and academic interests. Even though community service and leadership is an important quality, I would much rather attend a college that offers more critical thinking and academic rigor. Although I’m unsure of my major I would like to direct my studies towards stem based programs and classes due to my interest in those fields.  Looking at this college it seems that they only have a 40% graduation rate which makes me think otherwise about the students there and the opportunities for jobs and experience can be lackluster.

I would not want to attend Southeastern University due to the lack of program options in certain fields, such as my interest in stem as stated priorly. While the university offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs, some students like myself may find that their desired majors are not available at the university. This may be a significant factor in a student’s decision to attend a particular college or university.

Another reason why I might not want to attend Southeastern University is because of the relatively small size. As I mentioned before, I would prefer a school that is more diverse, not just in terms of religion but more racially diverse. With its enrollment of 8,000 students, Southeastern University may not offer the same level of diversity, especially with its religious limitations; majority of them being white/black or Hispanic. In addition, with the institution’s location being a small town in Florida, it does not appeal to me, considering I like the energy of a larger city. Additionally, the location of the university may not provide a vibrant college experience. Which discourages my search for a lively campus with plenty of social and cultural activities.

Bio - Southeastern UniversityLastly, a main aspect of this college is its strive for athletics. As a person who is not particularly interested in physical sports this is a huge draw. Without a passion for their sports, I find that it may be difficult to fully engage with the campus and culture. This again gives a feeling of exclusion. Not only that, but because of their heavy focus on sports, the university’s resources and attention may be more shifted towards sports; rather than non-athletic programs. Which is a concern for me because I am not included in the athletic assembly. 

Overall, while Southeastern University may be a good fit for students who share Christian values and commitment to service, it may not be the best choice for me. Due to its limiting factors such as diversity, religion and academic focus, it does not align with my area of interest. While the university’s focus on faith might work with other students, it does not fit with me. Furthermore, its location does not provide the desired atmosphere. Not only that but the heavy focus on athletics is another negative for what I would look for in a college. I believe that it is essential to consider these factors before choosing a college to ensure a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

Southeastern University - Niche