Major Project 3


University of Califonia, San Diego was Founded in 1960 and enrolled its first undergraduates in 1964. Nevertheless, the campus can trace its origins as far back as the late 1800s. UCSD is a public university that offers everyone opportunities and concentrates on its students, research, and service missions. One of the top fifteen research universities in the world, it fosters a culture of collaboration that leads to advancements in society and economic effects. The ideal student should want to represent substantial academic achievement and be able to explore the world with a fresh perspective. The college’s website uses Purpose and Imagining Ideal Readers as rhetorical strategies. The university is renowned for its demanding academic programs and consistently ranks among the best public universities in the United States. Over 200 undergraduate and graduate degrees in various disciplines, including science, engineering, social sciences, humanities, and the arts, are available at UCSD. The faculty at the institution includes some of the top researchers and academics in their disciplines, and they offer students a top-notch education that prepares them for their future jobs. 


UC San Diego attracts their ideal students by making their purpose transparent and imagining what type of readers would reach its website. UCSD aims to transform California and build a multicultural, global society via public service, knowledge creation, and dissemination. Students also have access to cutting-edge research resources and facilities at UCSD. The institution is home to more than 100 research institutes and facilities, including the UCSD Medical Center, the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. These institutions allow students to conduct cutting-edge research, collaborate with world-class academics, and advance scientific knowledge. The first thing the audience sees when they enter the website is a banner that says, “We merge disciplines and surpass expectations, empowering students to think creatively across boundaries, resulting in unimagined discoveries.”(UCSD 1). UCSD’s goal with this statement is to convince the audience that anyone can surpass their limits, and by combining disciplines, anyone can exceed expectations. UCSD wants students who are curious and willing to change this world. They are not afraid to take a chance on an unlikely idea because, to them, any view counts.

“College is more than studying”(UCSD 1). This statement can be found on UCSD’s Students Life page. This shows the readers that there is more to do at the campus besides innovating and researching. “Life at UC San Diego is about activating your passions.” (UCSD 1). They want their students to have fun, stay active, gain skills, and make friends through extracurricular activities and events. UCSD’s mission is to consistently build an inclusive community that fosters welfare and success and engages students with the desire and abilities to make a significant difference in the world through programs, campus collaborations, and placemaking. UCSD makes a living on campus as comfortable as possible. They want to draw readers interested in larger campuses, more entertainment, and more experiences. A typical day in a student’s life would be: Roll out of bed. Walk to class. Lunch with friends. Quick nap. Afternoon lecture. Sunset surfing at the beach. Study session with suitemates. Movie night in the lounge. The university is in La Jolla, a gorgeous coastal town with outstanding beaches, well-known restaurants, and a bustling arts scene. Numerous high-tech businesses in La Jolla offer students the chance to participate in internship and work-study programs.“A place of belonging”(UCSD 1). UCSD is also diverse in terms of culture, and they have a proactive approach to creating a friendly environment for everyone.

Regarding imagining ideal readers, UC San Diego seeks students interested in advancing research and innovating new inventions for the world. They are also seeking students that can come up with fresh ideas that can be translated into solutions to benefit society– from climate science and the human microbiome to nanotechnology and social mobility. Getting accepted into this university is complex, and it is obvious that they are looking for outstanding students. According to the records, the acceptance rate for 2022 was between 24% to 34%. Also, in 2022, it was recorded that only about 31,000 students were accepted out of 131,000 applicants. Readers that are ideal at UCSD go above and beyond the classroom to use their potential to change the world for the better. “At UC San Diego, we’ve broken out of traditional academic silos to assemble cross-disciplinary, flexible research teams with a common purpose: to further our understanding of how the world works and the actions we can take to make it a better place.”(UCSD 1). UC San Diego visions their ideal readers as someone willing to help improve their research to solve world problems such as global warming and climate change.


The university’s website and efforts to communicate its objectives to its audience were successful. I read everything with understanding and pleasure. The information on the university’s homepage enhanced my knowledge of it. Attending and studying at UCSD is a privilege for most students because they are the following people to improve the minor struggles in this world. With UCSD’s tools and opportunities, students can do real-world research and get a close-up view of things. Students can participate in a wide range of majors, extracurriculars, clubs, and groups, allowing them to learn more about college life, get experience, and access additional resources for their research. The campus also offers several activities and clubs that I find interesting. I would very much enjoy studying and excelling in my major at UCSD. I can continue my education and graduate to receive top job positions. There is nothing much to dislike about UCSD, and I want to see what future these students will bring to the world. These factors make UCSD a top option for students seeking a top-notch education and a rewarding college experience.


University of California, San Diego. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from

Stoney Brook University


Stoney Brook University is in Stoney Brook, New York. The ideal student for this college follows the philosophy behind the history of the state of New York which is known as the “melting pot” of the United States. The idea behind this university is a diverse atmosphere so the ideal student for Stoney Brook is diversified and doesn’t fit a particular mold. The goal of this website is to grab the attention of a student that prefers a diverse environment and would like to further their education in multiple aspects. It shows not only education but also the different clubs, activities, and outings that the school offers. A student that wants a multitude of educational opportunities in addition to a cultured type of scenery would want to attend this institution.


Stoney Brook University’s website begins with a bright opening allowing students to be grabbed the minute they open it up. It reads “GAME CHANGER SBU is selected as an anchor institution for the New York Climate Change.” Immediately you are shown that the school has studied the environment and is concerned not only about the world the students are growing to function in. A case study has been done on the kids of students they want to attract and have tried to accommodate. It then goes into the current events going on at the school to allow new students to see what goes on at the university. When looking into the About section students can look further into the institution that they are thinking of applying to. In the overview, the website summarizes the school’s mission and some of the accolades of the school showing that they are New York’s number one public university, that they are within the top 80 national universities, and that they were awarded Forbes America’s Top Colleges in 2022. The purpose of this is to grab the reader’s attention and convince them to further investigate. After this section, the history section is shown which gives a brief overview of the historical aspects of the university. It tells the reader about the university’s humble beginnings and the growth that has occurred since then. It also informs them about how it is now “one of the nation’s important centers of learning and scholarship- carrying out the mandate given by the State Board of Regents in 1960 to become a university they would “stand with the finest in the country.” This is a way to show the humble beginning of the institution and how it has developed into one of the best schools in the country that some of the more famous people in the world. It’s a story of not only historical importance but also triumph and growth and the purpose of telling it is that it could persuade students to attend not only for historical value and people but also for the inspiration that comes from humble beginnings. The site then informs the reader of the geographical interest of the college. Stating that it is “60 miles east of Manhattan and west of Montauk Point and only a short distance to the Atlantic beaches of the south shore and the vineyards of the East End and that it has a four-season climate tempered by proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and Long Island Sound.” The purpose information could be used to persuade students that are interested in a specific type of environment or geographical location. Those who want an environment that would allow them to experience the big city without having to be constantly immersed in city living would be persuaded by this geographical opportunity. A case study has shown that this is the preference of students that attend this university. The reader is then told about the mission of the school. The purpose of this is to possibly persuade students with similar goals to see that their goals match that of the school showing that they would be a good fit. After this, in the remaining sections, we are told about the type of educational institutions and campus life. This case study has shown that students will be more open to a diverse university with an array of different possibilities. Knowing this the university has displayed them for new students to see to persuade them into attending this university.


While there are several reasons that I would go to this college like the location, diversity, and the large number of educational opportunities and clubs I personally just do not feel like it would be the best fit for me. I like that it’s located around beaches and the city but sixty miles from the city is too far from the city for my liking. I would’ve wanted a more immersive view of city life where things are in walking or at least Uber the distance considering that I could not bring my car to campus with me. I also do not prefer beaches that include the Atlantic Ocean. While beaches are nice, I’ve been to New York and the beaches surrounding it do not tend to be the cleanest which does not make it a bargaining point for me. The historical aspect is nice but not one that sways me enough to want to attend the institution. Not only that but while the educational and diversified aspects are also nice it does not exactly make the college stick out to me. Many colleges and universities are heavily diverse with a wide range of educational opportunities. The world is a very large place you could meet anyone at any college doing anything. They are also specifically known for the major I would like to gain a bachelor’s in if I am planning on attending a somewhat prestigious institution, I want my education there to be more than in name only. I would want it to be more formally recognized in the field I plan on entering. Lastly, to be frank, I do not enjoy New York living. I lived there as a child before my family moved and honestly, it is just not my preference not only that, but my family is here, and I just couldn’t see myself moving that far away from them to a state that I am personally not that fond of. So, while Stoney Brook University is a very well-established institution, I just personally feel like it would not be the one for me.

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. Stoney Brook Scenery

Florida Gulf Coast University

Shamis Saeed

Professor Weaver

English 1102


Major Project 3: Florida Gulf Coast University


Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) is a public institution founded in 1997 with values based on community and the pursuit of success after college. Being that FGCU is a D1 school with an environmentally conscious background, it can be said that this university looks for students who are goal-oriented, competitive athletes, and innovative thinkers with the idea of contributing to the community. FGCU’s website uses the strategy of purpose and imagining ideal readers to receive the attention of students that align with their principles.


At the very beginning of the website, on the homepage, it states, “Discover your passion and plot your path.” This motto can be seen written in bold letters to capture readers’ attention. This shows that the first message they want to send out is the priority set for their students to forge a course of action toward something they value. At the start, setting the path to what is unknown. However, scrolling through the homepage, a line written again in bold states, “Start your journey to career success at FGCU.”  From this it can be said, they want to prepare their students for their future careers and help them find employment in a setting where they are dedicated and comfortable.

It is noticeable they are also focused on the development of the individuals themselves. They offer, “Scholarship and professional preparation while providing opportunities to explore interdisciplinary paths.” FGCU shows they have the resources to make it possible. Profession preparation is a counseling program they set into motion to offer students resources to gain internships, and experience in their wanted occupation all while they have time to explore different options.  

On their Mission Page, they advertise the idea that they are a university that seeks to offer high-quality education to “prepare students for gainful employment and successful lives as responsible, productive, and engaged citizens.” This statement recapitulates the idea that FGCU’s purpose is to broaden the goals of students in their respective fields. Doing so will encourage students “…to give back to their communities…”

Florida Gulf Coast University imagines ideal readers as people who are goal-oriented, competitive, and looking for resources to exceed in a community of people like themselves.

 Again, looking back at the mission page, they use the words “energetic” and “actively engaged” to describe the community in their university. This proves that FGCU’s purpose is tailored toward students who can become productive parts of their institution. Also, community is the basis on which FGCU is founded upon.

In turn, by being engaged in the community at FGCU, the university pinpoints ideal readers as people who have a liking for sports and athletics. In view of the fact that Florida Gulf University is a Division 1 college, it’s expected for the institute to place importance on the athletics department. On the website, there is a whole page that is dedicated to this purpose and some mentions of this department can be found in other sub-categorical pages as well. The Athletics page leads to a whole other website curated for the sports and events that take place at FGCU, it is in fact the only page that leads to another website. The emphasis on athletics can be inferred as a way to engage with readers who are appreciative of sports culture, or even as students who want to join their athletics department themselves.

By presuming the objective of Florida Gulf Coast University is to promote a place where students are aware of their surroundings (not only as a part of the community but in their success as well), it’s reasonable to say that they are clear in their purpose. Also, putting detailed effort into the athletics department shows they are looking for students/people who can participate in their endeavors of sports.


In response to if I would attend this school, yes, I would. After looking more at the website, I have found that I like that they are very communicative with their students and accessible to interested individuals. I value their quality service and transparency. Their interest in community outreach and environmental awareness makes me feel like they align with my principles. They seem to be very hospitable and informative. One thing that caught my eye was the request for advice on their Strategic plan. Florida Gulf Coast University implemented a 5-year project to improve their school. Before detailing the need for this project, they state in bold lettering, “The FGCU Roadmap initiative is focused on gathering input from students, faculty, staff, and the communities we serve to understand our strategic priorities for the coming years.”  In simple terms, they are interested in feedback from not only the people apart from the university but also the people around them. It indicates that they are considerate of their surrounding community’s views, something I value as well.

The data they offer at the end of the About page also shows that students and alumni are happy with their outcomes after leaving FGCU. It shows that they really do mean to help students find what they are looking for in life by offering many opportunities and counseling.

All in all, it seems as though I would thrive in an environment set in place like the one FGCU has made. Ruling out all barriers, FGCU could’ve definitely been a place I would attend.

Major Project 3- Brandeis University


Brandeis University is a Liberal Arts college that values challenging what students know and expanding knowledge. This University is for students who want to challenge their thinking, find rigor in education as a means to challenge themselves and do not follow society’s trends of what is acceptable—going back to when the University was initially founded in 1948 by the Jewish community in support of their pursuit for higher education, in a time where that was heavily discouraged for this group of people. When the University opened, it also welcomed women, another group ostracized and not considered fit to attend universities. From the beginning, Brandeis’s mission has been about inclusion and forming a community of challenged thinkers where they have the space to “answer questions and have your questions answered” (BU1). Brandeis is looking for a student to expand their thought bubble and look beyond society’s perspective of acceptable and unacceptable. Brandeis University uses the Ideal Reader and Purpose analysis techniques to show what a perfect candidate for Brandeis is. 

Brandeis University-Insignia

A photo of Brandeis University Insignia.


At Brandeis University, they are building a community of forward thinkers who challenge schools of thought and belief. “A Brandeis education is a vigorous exploration in critical analysis, creativity, and self-expression.” (BU1). Using the Ideal Reader analysis technique on the website’s academics page, the University is looking for creative thinkers who do not want just a textbook secondary education but a place in which they can further question what they know and learn what they know they do not. Brandeis University students have to be willing to work hard academically because education and the fostering of learning are held at an extremely high value, unlike other universities that are there to give out degrees. 

Brandeis continues using the Ideal Reader analysis technique to cater to what they want a prospective student to represent outside academics. In the second sentence of the About page, they paint a picture of what they are looking for: “There is no other place like Brandeis. As a medium-sized private research university with global reach.” Brandeis starts the first paragraph of the page, claiming who they are as a University, which is represented by the demographics there. Starting with the primary identifiers for the student population at Brandeis through a perceived mission statement, letting us know three prominent identifiers of what a Brandeis student is. Firstly they say, ‘There is no place like Brandeis,’ showing that these students defy the normal bounds of what is perceived as higher education. The next part of their opening stance is ‘private research universities, ‘ showing that a typical student can pay for a private university education. The last part of the statement is that it is a ‘university with global reach.’ They state this throughout the website, but it is genuinely reinforced with their statement on ‘global reach,’ letting prospective students know that they have a diverse population of students and are socially conscious on a global scale.

Brandeis’s academic page is constructed in a way that creates a calling for students they are looking for while managing, not outwardly, to show what they do not want in a student. Brandeis incorporates the Purpose analysis technique to reveal the characteristics of this student. “A Brandeis education is a vigorous exploration in critical analysis, creativity, and self-expression.” (BU1). The blanket statement of what a Brandeis education is leaves no room to question what being a student at Brandeis is like making it clear within the first few sentences of their academic page. Immediately stating how a Brandeis education is ‘vigorous exploration in critical analysis.’ Using vigorous to show the difficulty level of their curriculum while hinting at it being self-led through the words ‘exploration.’ The strength of starting with exactly what they are looking for shows how this is a selective university with high academic standards for its students. 

Brandeis wants to inform incoming freshmen that they are a University of rigor and diversity throughout the pages. After giving an overall summary of what academics means to Brandeis, they have pop-ups that take prospective students to each of their different colleges that show how many majors each school has. They build in the Purpose analysis technique in this section as well to indicate that because they deal primarily in Liberal Arts, their options in Schools are mostly Schools of Arts and Sciences. Though this is true, the University ensures that they have a wide variety of majors and minors within the undergraduate school and a variety of master and doctoral programs in the Graduate school. They also use signifying sentences in the blurb, such as, “Almost half our students double major and some even minor in a third discipline” (BU1). The language in the blurbs tells students how high of a degree can be achieved and what a Brandeis student does to reiterate the idea of increased rigor and high achieving among Brandeis students.



In life, I want to pursue pediatric psychology, and I enjoy challenging myself academically. I also surround myself with people who like to be challenged and work hard. One of my key characteristics is being socially aware. I believe in civil rights, women’s rights, and equity. Due to my stances and academic self, I want to go to Brandeis. A very equitable University that also intends to challenge students alike. Earlier in the year, we read an Interview, “To This Scholar, For-Profit Colleges Are Lower Ed,” conducted by Anya Kamenetz with sociologist Tressie Colton. In this interview, Tressie Colton spoke on ‘The Education Gospel,’ invented by Economist W. Norton Grubb and Marvin Lazerson. They say, “The Education Gospel is about the faith we have in education and what a significant role that faith plays in what we call our opportunity structure… we trust education will have a positive effect on our lives and society.” (Kamentez, 1) Through my analysis of Brandeis, I believe they reflect the educational gospel’s positive effects. Brandeis provides a place of higher education where education is prioritized. All in all, I would attend Brandeis University. 


Work cited

Brandeis University. Retrieved March, 15, 2023 

Fisk University Project 3

Mahasin Nasir

Dr. Weaver

English 1102 Section 328

March 30, 2022



Fisk University is the oldest Historically Black University in Nashville, Tennessee with an exceeding and authentic academic and social profile. A large part of the university’s profile is how they have maintained academic excellence since 1866 and its cultural significance with the upbringing of black leaders. Because this is a major part of their website, Fisk uses tone to draw in their ideal audience who want to continue the upbringing of black excellence and legacy. These students would know that their attendance at Fisk University would continue to allow greater experiences and opportunities for black students to add to the historical legacy and leading academic culture.


The impact of history has provided Fisk with an abundance of information and detail to use when advertising their school to prospective students. This history engages their readers/students to want to learn more and contribute to the culture. Coincidently, the use of context from their upbringing is a large part of attracting their students. With this, the website has a specific tone to appeal to a narrow audience of students who would seem to be intrigued or related to the history of the university. Further, the ideal readers imagined should take pride in maintaining the social and academic view of young, black intellectuals and continuing to diversify their community. Readers are drawn in by the statement, “Here, we produce true leaders and scholars that are ready to change the world” (Fisk University Welcomes). This statement being on the opening page draws in those prospective students who are about making change and being welcomed into a new community.

Seemingly, Fisk’s website uses a very influential and hospitable tone to draw in its audience. This tone goes hand in hand with the context they give about the university. History plays a big role in the creation and accreditation of the university. To show this, the website includes history all throughout its about page with 9 different subcategories detailing how they came about and what they are thriving for. With a welcoming tone on the history page, the founders emphasized how the university “would be open to all, regardless of race, and that would measure itself by ‘the highest standards, not Negro education, but of American education’” (Fisk University History). The overall tone in the ending sentence in the section is used to show the readers how education is inclusive, and race has no effect on who can further their education. It uses common, and in some cases relatable, racial history to appeal to its readers with a sense of familiarity about how anyone can make a change in a community that was originally meant to be segregated. This idea is accentuated on the missions and values page. The acronym “D.E.T.A.I.L.S.” is used and under the “D,” the idea that “individual differences…aids us in building a collective wisdom that results in more powerful and relevant solutions to our challenges” (Mission & Values) is used to show the prospective students that Fisk is referencing their own history to further this embracing tone throughout their website. These features combined show the influence and continuities history has on Fisk. It does the job of appealing to students who find value in being change-makers and building on a legacy.

In comparison with the history of the growth of Fisk, the history of music in Nashville displays a strong impact on the ideal community of students that the university advertises to. Historical artists like Etta James and James Brown recorded some of their biggest hits in Nashville. Considering that Nashville has a lot of musical significance and is home to the Ryman Auditorium, known for its raw auditory capability, Fisk embraces that history and attracts their ideal students as they promote their Fisk Jubilee Singers. There was a performance at the Ryman Auditorium for the 150thanniversary of the jubilee singers. They are promoted throughout the history page and even have their own page under the campus life category. Rising musicians who are potentially interested in the university can see the impact Nashville has had on music and how Fisk is maintaining that impact on their website. To further show this, under the Fisk Jubilee singers tab, their Grammy for “Best Roots Gospel Album” (Fisk Jubilee Singers) is the leading cover of the page. By including these small, yet significant, details, the website encloses its ideal prospective students and emphasizes their impact on today’s culture and history.

Another way the website imagines its ideal readers is by weighing the many interests students may have when starting college. College is a learning experience and students want the best outcome to be able to pursue their top interests. To acknowledge this idea about prospective students, the website advertises a dual degree program in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University and Vanderbilt University (Fisk Dual Degree Programs). By endorsing such a program, Fisk’s website engages their ideal students through lightly addressing the fact that some students come into college with more than one compacted interest. Fisk being aware of this shows prospective students that the university is encouraging them to take on all their interests and explore the opportunities and programs that they have to offer.


While exploring the Fisk University website and analyzing the rhetorical strategies used, I would say that I would attend this university. I value history and how it has an impact on the future and Fisk prioritizes that throughout its website with its own history. With the South being a very influential region in the U.S., I have no doubt that I could create, change, and influence history in the future by attending Fisk. Being that the university is also an HBCU, I would have a sense of belonging knowing that I am surrounded by people who look like me and not too far from my home in Georgia. My greatest admiration about Fisk’s website is the inclusion of the student-to-teacher ratio. As someone who tends to ask questions about the things I’m most interested in, the low student-to-teacher ratio makes me feel comfortable asking those questions and engaging more in my studies. Knowing that this university has the #1 Academic Stewardship Award, I would feel more than likely to be successful in my future endeavors. Embracing all of these details, Fisk has drawn me in through their rhetorical strategies and I would undoubtedly attend this university.

Sites: Fisk University. Nashville, Tennessee. 

Brandeis University SAR MP3


Brandeis University is a Liberal Arts college that finds value in challenging what you know and expanding your knowledge and how you think about majors and desired classes. This University is for students who want to challenge their thinking, find rigor in education as a means to challenge themselves, and don’t follow society’s trends of what’s acceptable—going back to when the University was initially founded in 1948 by the Jewish community in support of their pursuit for higher education, in a time where that was heavily discouraged for this group of people. When the University opened it also welcomed women, another group ostracized and not considered fit to attend universities. From the beginning, Brandeis’s mission has been about inclusion and forming a community of challenged thinkers where they have the space to “answer questions and have your questions answered.” (BU1), Through the analysis of Brandeis University’s website using the ideal reader and purpose analysis techniques, a perfect candidate for Brandeis will be represented, a student looking to expand their thought bubble and look beyond society’s perspective of acceptable and unacceptable. 



At Brandeis University, they are building a community of forward thinkers who challenge schools of thought and belief. “A Brandeis education is a vigorous exploration in critical analysis, creativity, and self-expression.” (BU1) Throughout the academics page of the website, the University shows how it’s looking for creative thinkers who don’t want just a textbook secondary education, but a place in which they can further question what they know and learn what they do not. Academically you have to be willing to work hard as a student at Brandeis because education and the fostering of learning are held at an extremely high value, unlike other universities where you are there just to get a degree. 

What is the Brandeis population actually like outside of academic boundaries? In the second sentence of the About page, they paint a picture of what they are looking for: “There is no other place like Brandeis. As a medium-sized private research university with global reach.” By starting the first paragraph of the page in what Brandeis is and who they are as a university, you are clued into what Brandeis demographic is as a student body. Starting with the primary identifiers for the student population at Brandeis, through a perceived mission statement, letting us know three prominent identifiers of what a Brandeis student is. Firstly they say, ‘there is no place like Brandeis,’ showing that these students defy the normal bounds of what is perceived as higher education. The next part of their opening stance is ‘private research universities’ showing that a typical student has the means to pay for a private university education. The last part of the statement is that it is a ‘university with global reach.’ They state this throughout the website, but it is genuinely reinforced with their statement on ‘global reach,’ letting you know that this University has a diverse population of students and is socially conscious on a global scale.

Brandeis’s academic page is constructed in a way that creates a calling for students they are looking for while managing to not outwardly show what they don’t want in a student. “A Brandeis education is a vigorous exploration in critical analysis, creativity, and self-expression.” (link) The blanket statement of what a Brandeis education is leaves no room to question what being a student at Brandeis is like; making it clear within the first few sentences of their academic page. Immediately stating how a Brandeis education is ‘vigorous exploration in critical analysis.’ Using vigorous to show the difficulty level of their curriculum while hinting at it being self-led through the words ‘exploration.’ The strength of starting with exactly what they are looking for shows how this is a selective university with high academic standards for its students. 

After giving an overall summary of what academics means to Brandeis, they have pop-ups that take you to each of their different colleges that show how many majors each school has. Brandeis initially indicates that because they deal primarily in Liberal Arts, their options in Schools are mostly Schools of Arts and Sciences. Though this is true, the University ensures that they have a wide variety of majors and minors within the undergraduate school and a variety of masters and doctoral programs in the Graduate school. They also use signifying sentences in the blurb, such as, “Almost half our students double major and some even minor in a third discipline” (BU1). The language in the blurbs tells you how high of a degree you can achieve and often what a Brandeis student does to reiterate the idea of increased rigor and high achieving among Brandeis students. Brandeis wants to inform you that throughout the pages; they are a University of rigor and diversity.



In life, I want to pursue pediatric psychology, and I enjoy challenging myself academically. I also surround myself with people who like to be challenged and work hard. One of my key characteristics is being socially aware. I believe in civil rights, women’s rights, and equity for all. Due to my stances and academic self, I would want to go to Brandeis. A very equitable University that also intends to challenge students alike. Earlier in the year, we read an Interview, “To This Scholar, For-Profit Colleges Are Lower Ed,” conducted by Anya Kamenetz with sociologist Tressie Colton. In this interview, Tressie Colton spoke on ‘The Education Gospel,’ invented by Economist W. Norton Grubb and Marvin Lazerson. They say, “The Education Gospel is about the faith we have in education and what a significant role that faith plays in what we call our opportunity structure… we trust education will have a positive effect on our lives and society.” (Kamentez, 1) Through my analysis of Brandeis, I believe they reflect the education gospel’s positive effects. Brandeis provides a place of higher education where education is prioritized. All in all, I would attend Brandeis University. 


Work cited

Brandeis University. Retrieved March, 15, 2023 

Sacred Heart University


The Sacred Heart University is looking for highly motivated students that can be molded into the successful adult that they aspire to be. SHU is known for providing students with nurturing environment to imagine, create and appreciate. The ideal student should attend this university to inhabit an outstanding amount of core values and commitment. The college’s website confirms this by using Pathos and Case studies as their rhetorical strategies.


Sacred Heart University was founded by Reverend Walter W. Curtis. Sacred heart University has been recognized to be governed and administered by laity and is deeply rotted on Catholic intellectual tradition and the liberal arts (SHU 3). There are quite a few ways Scared Heart University attracts their ideal student, and one of them was using pathos, to keep reader attention with using emotion. When visiting the home page, it initially showed me a montage of students being involved in showing school spirit. The montage had a pause button on the left corner so you could pause it to see current student’s involvement. The background on the home page stood out with a question that stated, “Where Will Your Heart Take You”? (SHU 1)


The next slide on the home page montage was SHU basketball team dancing with the entire team showing so many emotions during a game, along with representing school spirit. Slides on home page also showed Students that were reciting a play in an auditorium. The home page alone showed how the author used pathos as a Rhetorical Style. Pathos is when the author uses emotions to persuade a reader, & in fact the author did just that to grab & keep reader attention. They know Students will come to the home page of SHU and immediately get emotional invested into reader more of what SHU has to offer. Roaming the home page will have the ideal student asking themselves do they really have what it takes to succeed academically?

They know that the students want to be involved in extracurricular activities would strengthen students’ confidence and academics. Under the Undergraduate page, another montage was present & later noticing a student writing “Gave me home away from home” (SHU 3) The purpose here was give students a sense of comfortability before even initially applying to the school. This ensures that SHU provides a unique diversity community that is willing to provide all students with a family-oriented experience.

In their Mission tab SHU states that it is open and welcoming to all kinds of families. “The University embraces a vision for social justice and educated students mind, body and spirit to prepare them personally and professionally to make a difference in the global community (SHU 3). The author purpose for mentioning this was to persuade the reader that SHU cares about their wellbeing and life after college. This is to confirm to students that SHU care about them, which is why pathos is such an important factor to author and the reader. It gives students the sense of security they made need to make that decision to apply to SHU.

When students do to apply on the admission tabs & Undergraduate they would find facts and statistics where SHU boast about being the Top 10 Best College Campuses on the East Coast which was reported by the College Magazine. The page also states that “100% of students in the class of 2020 are successfully employed or attending graduate school” (SHU 4) This university not only makes it clear that they are 100% involved in each student success but SHU is has been recognized of being one the nation’s best universities. Previous students revisit SHU to provide the website with case studies to inform the world of how far they have come after graduating SHU.


Furthermore, on the college website it thoroughly shows proof that attending SHU school is more than effective. Case studies gives up-close evidence that more than likely have the potential to influence or change the way the reader could digest information. On the Undergraduate Admissions page a student by name Tom Lawless of Class 2021 argues that “Scared Heart admissions staff makes it their mission to ensure your satisfaction and success from the moment you arrive on campus, proving that you are not a number, but part of the Pioneer Family” (SHU 4). SHU made his feel comfortable to the point he considered the university as his second home. When alumni come to back to their home to visit SHU it shows evidence that the universities gave students a family-oriented environment that they come back to leave feedback. If graduates of SHU have interest in active engagement of alumni, clearly SHU meant a lot them when they were there.

SHU alumni page has been provided with the latest Alumni Engagement where an SHU student by the name of Kenneth McDougal wrote an article about how life sprouted after graduating. McDougal majored in global studies with concentration in the Middle East and he minored in political science and criminal justice. McDougal is highly grateful for SHU from the athletic environment, from coaches and professors creating a community for him to blossom in. McDougal stated that his professors challenged him although he got a great education at the result. McDougal argues that “I owe a lot to Scared Heart.” (SHU 4)

The author used case studies from alumni students to help upcoming students to have something to look forward to after graduating from SHU. Case studies will help upcoming students consider SHU as a great school to eventually apply to. Pathos was also used in the alumni case studies because the students gave their honestly opinion on SHU, and they gave information about life after college. SHU case studies are a plus for school’s website because upcoming students would want to read about the outcomes of previous students. SHU ensured that they gave enough information to persuade readers that they can provide students with everything they need to stay committed and flourish after graduating from SHU.



This university made an outstanding effort to persuade me into attending this institution.  My first value I have gained in writing class is learning is “growth”, “patience” and “openness”. The alumni page from SHU allowed me witness different students with different degree but has the same amount of success. Their testimony reassured me that if I do plan to attend this school, I know that the risk will be as big as the reward after graduating. This university gives students a variety of options on campus but is known for liberal arts. I see myself having a successful outcome while attending this intuition. I want to be 100% involved with my academics and make time for some extracurricular activities while on campus as well. I would like to display openness knowing that this university is a Catholic school with guidelines I am not used to. Having openness will allow me to see things from a different perspective, and being open enough to accept the help that will be provided or needed.  As I mentioned “patience” earlier; those are one the things that has been an effortlessly learning curb for me, although I often enjoy the reward. Personal growth and patience have similarity to each other, and you can’t have one without the other. Sacred Heart University exhibits a family oriented that would help with my openness and it would give me a sense of independents. I want to attend this school to grasp new ways of learning fundamentals and to bring out the absolute best in me. SHU website helped me consider this school later in the future.      



Work Cited:

Scared Heart University. SH. Retrieved March 27, 2023 from “Admission & Aid” & Alumni









Brandeis University SAR MP3


Brandeis University is a Liberal Arts college that finds value in challenging what you know and expanding your knowledge and how you think about majors and desired classes. This University is for students who want to challenge their thinking, find rigor in education as a means to challenge themselves, and don’t follow society’s trends of what’s acceptable—going back to when the University was initially founded in 1948 by the Jewish community in support of their pursuit for higher education, in a time where that was heavily discouraged for this group of people. When the University opened it also welcomed women, another group ostracized and not considered fit to attend universities. From the beginning, Brandeis’s mission has been about inclusion and forming a community of challenged thinkers where they have the space to “answer questions and have your questions answered.” (BU1), Through the analysis of Brandeis University’s website using the ideal reader and purpose analysis techniques, a perfect candidate for Brandeis will be represented, a student looking to expand their thought bubble and look beyond society’s perspective of acceptable and unacceptable. 



At Brandeis University, they are building a community of forward thinkers who challenge schools of thought and belief. “A Brandeis education is a vigorous exploration in critical analysis, creativity, and self-expression.” (BU1) Throughout the academics page of the website, the University shows how it’s looking for creative thinkers who don’t want just a textbook secondary education, but a place in which they can further question what they know and learn what they do not. Academically you have to be willing to work hard as a student at Brandeis because education and the fostering of learning are held at an extremely high value, unlike other universities where you are there just to get a degree. 

What is the Brandeis population actually like outside of academic boundaries? In the second sentence of the About page, they paint a picture of what they are looking for: “There is no other place like Brandeis. As a medium-sized private research university with global reach.” By starting the first paragraph of the page in what Brandeis is and who they are as a university, you are clued into what Brandeis demographic is as a student body. Starting with the primary identifiers for the student population at Brandeis, through a perceived mission statement, letting us know three prominent identifiers of what a Brandeis student is. Firstly they say, ‘there is no place like Brandeis,’ showing that these students defy the normal bounds of what is perceived as higher education. The next part of their opening stance is ‘private research universities’ showing that a typical student has the means to pay for a private university education. The last part of the statement is that it is a ‘university with global reach.’ They state this throughout the website, but it is genuinely reinforced with their statement on ‘global reach,’ letting you know that this University has a diverse population of students and is socially conscious on a global scale.

Brandeis’s academic page is constructed in a way that creates a calling for students they are looking for while managing to not outwardly show what they don’t want in a student. “A Brandeis education is a vigorous exploration in critical analysis, creativity, and self-expression.” (link) The blanket statement of what a Brandeis education is leaves no room to question what being a student at Brandeis is like; making it clear within the first few sentences of their academic page. Immediately stating how a Brandeis education is ‘vigorous exploration in critical analysis.’ Using vigorous to show the difficulty level of their curriculum while hinting at it being self-led through the words ‘exploration.’ The strength of starting with exactly what they are looking for shows how this is a selective university with high academic standards for its students. 

After giving an overall summary of what academics means to Brandeis, they have pop-ups that take you to each of their different colleges that show how many majors each school has. Brandeis initially indicates that because they deal primarily in Liberal Arts, their options in Schools are mostly Schools of Arts and Sciences. Though this is true, the University ensures that they have a wide variety of majors and minors within the undergraduate school and a variety of masters and doctoral programs in the Graduate school. They also use signifying sentences in the blurb, such as, “Almost half our students double major and some even minor in a third discipline” (BU1). The language in the blurbs tells you how high of a degree you can achieve and often what a Brandeis student does to reiterate the idea of increased rigor and high achieving among Brandeis students. Brandeis wants to inform you that throughout the pages; they are a University of rigor and diversity.



In life, I want to pursue pediatric psychology, and I enjoy challenging myself academically. I also surround myself with people who like to be challenged and work hard. One of my key characteristics is being socially aware. I believe in civil rights, women’s rights, and equity for all. Due to my stances and academic self, I would want to go to Brandeis. A very equitable University that also intends to challenge students alike. Earlier in the year, we read an Interview, “To This Scholar, For-Profit Colleges Are Lower Ed,” conducted by Anya Kamenetz with sociologist Tressie Colton. In this interview, Tressie Colton spoke on ‘The Education Gospel,’ invented by Economist W. Norton Grubb and Marvin Lazerson. They say, “The Education Gospel is about the faith we have in education and what a significant role that faith plays in what we call our opportunity structure… we trust education will have a positive effect on our lives and society.” (Kamentez, 1) Through my analysis of Brandeis, I believe they reflect the education gospel’s positive effects. Brandeis provides a place of higher education where education is prioritized. All in all, I would attend Brandeis University. 


Work cited

Brandeis University. Retrieved March, 15, 2023 

Medical University of South Carolina


The Medical University of South Carolina was founded in 1824 and is located in Charleston South Carolina. MUSC trains about 3000 students a year and trains about 850 residents and fellows at different colleges. MUSC trains students in Dental Medicine, Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy. (MUSC “The Medical University of South Carolina” 


The Medical University of South Carolina also referred to as MUSC is looking for dedicated students who are “compassionate, competent health care providers”  (MUSC “The Medical University of South Carolina”). MUSC trains students in Dental Medicine, Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy. MUSC is a proud school as it is an old institution, being founded in 1824. They highlight women’s history month currently on their website and are marketing themselves as inclusive and diverse in multiple places on their website. They have tabs to highlight their accessibility, LGBTQ support, Black History month, Equal Employment, and much more on their website indicating that they are marketing themselves to a wide range of future medical students with all types of backgrounds. 



Going more in-depth on the pages of the MUSC website it starts to become clear what type of APATSARC strategy they are using. When looking closer at the College of Medicine page we can see that MUSC is very aware of the audience that will most often be visiting this page. This page in particular portrays quotes from previous students giving prospective students an idea of their future experience.Once you’re a student here, you get to be a part of a whole new family – one that not only wants you to succeed but also equips you with the tools necessary to do so.” Stephen Patrick, MUSC Class of 2020, a urology resident at MUSC. (MUSC “College of Medicine”). This is one of the quotes portrayed on the website. It is a positive quote that draws future students in with the promise of a positive experience during their time at MUSC if they choose to attend this school.

 From this page, it is easy to click through the pages to find the exact path you are interested in. Lower down on the same page there are numbers and statistics displayed largely across the screen showing how many students have graduated from different programs, match rates, and diversity rates. This is an indication of audience awareness. The writers of the page are aware that these numbers will draw the audience in prompting them to look further on the website to learn more about the statistics regarding their specific major.

Another thing that is prominent on the website is the use of short paragraphs and keywords to draw the audience in. This shows that the writers know that it will most likely be students who are looking at many school websites at once who will be visiting the page. Instead of focusing on long in-depth paragraphs about each subject, the writers have decided that the better approach is to write short informative paragraphs and fill the page out with statistics pictures, and tabs that can lead readers to additional information about smaller more specific subjects. 



Looking at the homepage of MUSC we can see them imagining their ideal readers by displaying their featured news, quick links and other things such as the college’s history. The writers of the website are anticipating that their ideal readers will find interest in the topics displayed on the homepage, leading them to click their way to the subjects and articles that interest them the most. After clicking the Innovations tab on the homepage and navigating to the “Education Innovation” page there are more quick links to draw audiences further into the website and explore the plethora of information. On this page readers can additionally find an insert of text labeled “Tech Innovation”. This text talks about the Metaverse and the future of education. One example the text puts forth is that with the development of technology, future surgeons could possibly have the opportunity to practice hundreds of times before ever coming into contact with real-life patients. (MUSC “Education Innovation”). This indicates the kind of student the writers are aiming to draw in. Students with a bright outlook on the technological future, are students who are willing to adapt to the times of the future and who will be curious to develop their ways of learning. Students who have a curious learning style and are willing to take on new challenges and experiences. This theme is carried throughout the website both with the layout and with the articles and inserts posted on the website. It is clear to the reader that applying to and attending MUSC is no easy task but it will instead be an exciting time in a student’s life where they will be presented with many different challenges and tasks to help them grow as people and students leading them to their desired goal in life of becoming a contributing member of the healthcare field. 


Personally, I would attend The Medical University of South Carolina. I like the overall message that the school is putting out and I like the vibe that I get from the school. It is in a different state so a downside would be the location because it would be far from my family and support system. However, when it comes to something as rigorous as medicine I think it is very important to find a school that is a good fit for you and it needs to be in a place where you feel like you can thrive. However, from my interpretation of the website and the stats posted, I think this is a very competitive school to get in too. But if I was seriously considering a career in medicine I would apply to this school because I think they would provide me with an excellent education and give me the opportunities that I need to succeed in my field. 


Works Cited 

Medical University of South Carolina. “We are changing what’s possible”  171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC 29425. 

Medical University of South Carolina. “Cultivating a Culture of Innovation” 171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC 29425 

Medical University of South Carolina. “The College of Medicine at MUCS” 171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC 29425