Sacred Heart University


The Sacred Heart University is looking for highly motivated students that can be molded into the successful adult that they aspire to be. SHU is known for providing students with nurturing environment to imagine, create and appreciate. The ideal student should attend this university to inhabit an outstanding amount of core values and commitment. The college’s website confirms this by using Pathos and Case studies as their rhetorical strategies.


Sacred Heart University was founded by Reverend Walter W. Curtis. Sacred heart University has been recognized to be governed and administered by laity and is deeply rotted on Catholic intellectual tradition and the liberal arts (SHU 3). There are quite a few ways Scared Heart University attracts their ideal student, and one of them was using pathos, to keep reader attention with using emotion. When visiting the home page, it initially showed me a montage of students being involved in showing school spirit. The montage had a pause button on the left corner so you could pause it to see current student’s involvement. The background on the home page stood out with a question that stated, “Where Will Your Heart Take You”? (SHU 1)


The next slide on the home page montage was SHU basketball team dancing with the entire team showing so many emotions during a game, along with representing school spirit. Slides on home page also showed Students that were reciting a play in an auditorium. The home page alone showed how the author used pathos as a Rhetorical Style. Pathos is when the author uses emotions to persuade a reader, & in fact the author did just that to grab & keep reader attention. They know Students will come to the home page of SHU and immediately get emotional invested into reader more of what SHU has to offer. Roaming the home page will have the ideal student asking themselves do they really have what it takes to succeed academically?

They know that the students want to be involved in extracurricular activities would strengthen students’ confidence and academics. Under the Undergraduate page, another montage was present & later noticing a student writing “Gave me home away from home” (SHU 3) The purpose here was give students a sense of comfortability before even initially applying to the school. This ensures that SHU provides a unique diversity community that is willing to provide all students with a family-oriented experience.

In their Mission tab SHU states that it is open and welcoming to all kinds of families. “The University embraces a vision for social justice and educated students mind, body and spirit to prepare them personally and professionally to make a difference in the global community (SHU 3). The author purpose for mentioning this was to persuade the reader that SHU cares about their wellbeing and life after college. This is to confirm to students that SHU care about them, which is why pathos is such an important factor to author and the reader. It gives students the sense of security they made need to make that decision to apply to SHU.

When students do to apply on the admission tabs & Undergraduate they would find facts and statistics where SHU boast about being the Top 10 Best College Campuses on the East Coast which was reported by the College Magazine. The page also states that “100% of students in the class of 2020 are successfully employed or attending graduate school” (SHU 4) This university not only makes it clear that they are 100% involved in each student success but SHU is has been recognized of being one the nation’s best universities. Previous students revisit SHU to provide the website with case studies to inform the world of how far they have come after graduating SHU.


Furthermore, on the college website it thoroughly shows proof that attending SHU school is more than effective. Case studies gives up-close evidence that more than likely have the potential to influence or change the way the reader could digest information. On the Undergraduate Admissions page a student by name Tom Lawless of Class 2021 argues that “Scared Heart admissions staff makes it their mission to ensure your satisfaction and success from the moment you arrive on campus, proving that you are not a number, but part of the Pioneer Family” (SHU 4). SHU made his feel comfortable to the point he considered the university as his second home. When alumni come to back to their home to visit SHU it shows evidence that the universities gave students a family-oriented environment that they come back to leave feedback. If graduates of SHU have interest in active engagement of alumni, clearly SHU meant a lot them when they were there.

SHU alumni page has been provided with the latest Alumni Engagement where an SHU student by the name of Kenneth McDougal wrote an article about how life sprouted after graduating. McDougal majored in global studies with concentration in the Middle East and he minored in political science and criminal justice. McDougal is highly grateful for SHU from the athletic environment, from coaches and professors creating a community for him to blossom in. McDougal stated that his professors challenged him although he got a great education at the result. McDougal argues that “I owe a lot to Scared Heart.” (SHU 4)

The author used case studies from alumni students to help upcoming students to have something to look forward to after graduating from SHU. Case studies will help upcoming students consider SHU as a great school to eventually apply to. Pathos was also used in the alumni case studies because the students gave their honestly opinion on SHU, and they gave information about life after college. SHU case studies are a plus for school’s website because upcoming students would want to read about the outcomes of previous students. SHU ensured that they gave enough information to persuade readers that they can provide students with everything they need to stay committed and flourish after graduating from SHU.



This university made an outstanding effort to persuade me into attending this institution.  My first value I have gained in writing class is learning is “growth”, “patience” and “openness”. The alumni page from SHU allowed me witness different students with different degree but has the same amount of success. Their testimony reassured me that if I do plan to attend this school, I know that the risk will be as big as the reward after graduating. This university gives students a variety of options on campus but is known for liberal arts. I see myself having a successful outcome while attending this intuition. I want to be 100% involved with my academics and make time for some extracurricular activities while on campus as well. I would like to display openness knowing that this university is a Catholic school with guidelines I am not used to. Having openness will allow me to see things from a different perspective, and being open enough to accept the help that will be provided or needed.  As I mentioned “patience” earlier; those are one the things that has been an effortlessly learning curb for me, although I often enjoy the reward. Personal growth and patience have similarity to each other, and you can’t have one without the other. Sacred Heart University exhibits a family oriented that would help with my openness and it would give me a sense of independents. I want to attend this school to grasp new ways of learning fundamentals and to bring out the absolute best in me. SHU website helped me consider this school later in the future.      



Work Cited:

Scared Heart University. SH. Retrieved March 27, 2023 from “Admission & Aid” & Alumni









Ayaan Lakhani Academic Self

                  Ayaan is originally from Sydney, Australia, but he later made a transition to Hyderabad, India in 2005 at age 2 to attend school. Ayaan was familiar with the curriculum/education system and perceived himself as being a great student in India. He arrived in the United States while only attending the 6th grade. Ayaan finished 6th through 8th grade at Druid Hills Middle School. Ayaan expressed that moving to the States has him been hard adjusting, knowing that he is in a completely new education system. He added that “The United States students’ curriculum in 9th and 10th grade are being taught the same in the 5th and 6Th grade in the India Education”. He explained that the India education was different but operated their school systems in a fast-paced advanced environment. In India writing classes, students needed to take two different languages. The first language is the student preference, and the second language must be the language that was being spoken in India. Students were not offered tutoring or tutorial, but the communities had intuition classes outside of class to get help on homework, which was expensive. Classrooms in India were a unit of 45 students, so teachers could not give every student the one-on-one assistances that students may have possibly needed.

               Ayaan made a move to Alabama where he completed his 9th through 10th grade due to family circumstances. He moved back to Atlanta where he later finished up school and received a High School Diploma at Parkview High school. Ayaan did not waste any time, he chose to go straight to college after high school in August ‘2021. Ayaan stated that “Teachers are not constantly on the students in college as they were when he attended high school”, but on the other hand college seems to give students a form of independency that we all should want. He currently attends Clarkston GSU because it is easy to commute. Right now, Ayaan is in the pursuit of an Associate’s Science Degree to become a Physician Assistant.

             The three words that describe his academic self were lazy, kinesthetic, & science lover. Ayaan states that he’s lazy towards his academic self because his new environment is totally laid back from what he was used to in India. He is grateful for Georgia State University class units being so small, because he feels that he’s getting a little help from his peers. Ayaan enjoys working with his hands (a kinesthetic learner), and he doesn’t like visually learning because it can be challenging for him at times. Lastly, Ayaan stated that he is a Science Lover, because he’s majoring in Chemistry. Although his major of study is chemistry, he has thoughts of switching his major to a biology major.

             Ayaan recalls the process of Dr. Chew’s metacognition video and found it interesting that he studies the research in how students learn and study. Ayaan had no idea that the most important factor in successful learning are the things that we are thinking of while studying. Ayaan says that he can’t completely focus on one assignment if he has a workload on his mind. He finds himself to be focused more when having a clear mind to execute the things that required of him. Overall, Ayaan agrees heavily on the data that Dr. Chew collected on how students learn and study. Ayaan plans to put Dr. Chew’s videos in consideration to not just schooling but his everyday life as well.


Work Cite : 

-Ayaan Lakhani