Jacobs academic self

We all have some academic aspects to us when it comes to school. We are all different and learn different ways. And based on these aspects whether you’re good at writing or math or science etc.. can reflect your motivation on being your best academic self in those areas. Jacob doesn’t really have a favorite subject he’s passionate about but he enjoys studying communication and likes writing especially persuasive essays describing his academic self as creative, intuitive, and unintelligent.


Jacob moved schools  frequently so he has been to many starting out at High Plains elementary school then went to Cherry creek middle school, transfering  to later to Renford middle school then spending all four years at Decatur high school. When you get out of high school you have a few choices and Jacob chose college, Jacob came straight out of high school and into college Georgia state, to be exact and has been here three years and four semesters. When we think about college you have to think about cost,housing,majors,etc..so when it comes to Georgia State it’s a great pick for Jacob its affordable and not to far from home. His point of view of the college in general is similar to the ted talk video we discussed in class and that yes college is a scam perpetuating the cycle of debt and the workload of college. His current major is undecided but he’s thinking about going into communications. His current classes consist of biology, english, and business. He likes college so far but the workload and social aspect not so much but loves the freedom he has to learn and try what he wants.


We all have things, beliefs, mindsets, or people that influence our actions everyday and motivate us to be our academic self. Jacobs biggest influence was knowledge and truthfulness and his older brother who is currently in law school. He feels that knowledge is key and can really help you in the long run. Jacob also feels that truthfulness in one’s work is also important to building and influencing your academic self. These influences push him to be the student he is today.