Moaz Academic Profile

My partner’s name is Moaz Shoaib. He is 19 years old, and this is his second semester at GSU. He is from Pakistan, and he has spent most of his academic life in Pakistan. He moved here in his senior year and graduated High School. That means he completed his k12 in Pakistan. He can also speak three different languages which are English, Urdu, and Punjabi. The senior year in high school was very difficult for him but the day he graduated he was full of motivation, and he was eager to continue his studies. He described his academic self as logical, curious, and problem-solving attitude.

After he graduated high school, he realized he had some decisions to make and he had to make them fast. The main decision he had to make is where he would be going to college. He decided he would attend Georgia State University. He said GSU was the best fit for him and he felt really at home on campus and he loved the environment. He is majoring in Biology, and he wants to become a doctor. He hasn’t decided what he is going to specialize in but he said he will make up his mind along the way. He wants to get into a medical college and get a MD degree. He said his personality aligns with this profession because of his thinking process, and he always try to think of different possibilities or try to see a single thing with different perspectives.

One of the interesting things he told me is about his favorite subject which is Math. This further describes the qualities of his academic self, which are problem solving attitude and being curious. He told me he has always enjoyed solving problems because he enjoys challenging himself. Which is also why he decided to major in Biology because he knew the route he was taking would not be easy. While he does enjoy the challenge sometimes, he did admit that sometimes it can be frustrating. He says being a biology major often only leaves time for school and doesn’t give him much time to enjoy himself, as he is always swamped with homework. Even though he may not have all the time in the world he does tell me that he enjoys hobbies just as anybody else does. He likes sports which requires a lot of practice to be able to play that specific sports. So, he like doing things again and again until he masters it, even if it can seem in possible.

I asked him about his favorite books, and one of his favorite books is 1984. He read that book in high school, and he loved it. He told me the reason why he liked that book is because it was about the system and how system is always watching people, and the people try to fight system. He said questioning is important because it can help with self-reflection and be more focused on your goals. I think that was the point where he developed his other ability about his academic self, which is being curious.

In conclusion, I learned that Moaz Shoaib he is very well-rounded person. He has his goals set and he never steps back to put in his one hundred percent.



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