Medical University of South Carolina


The Medical University of South Carolina was founded in 1824 and is located in Charleston South Carolina. MUSC trains about 3000 students a year and trains about 850 residents and fellows at different colleges. MUSC trains students in Dental Medicine, Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy. (MUSC “The Medical University of South Carolina” 


The Medical University of South Carolina also referred to as MUSC is looking for dedicated students who are “compassionate, competent health care providers”  (MUSC “The Medical University of South Carolina”). MUSC trains students in Dental Medicine, Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy. MUSC is a proud school as it is an old institution, being founded in 1824. They highlight women’s history month currently on their website and are marketing themselves as inclusive and diverse in multiple places on their website. They have tabs to highlight their accessibility, LGBTQ support, Black History month, Equal Employment, and much more on their website indicating that they are marketing themselves to a wide range of future medical students with all types of backgrounds. 



Going more in-depth on the pages of the MUSC website it starts to become clear what type of APATSARC strategy they are using. When looking closer at the College of Medicine page we can see that MUSC is very aware of the audience that will most often be visiting this page. This page in particular portrays quotes from previous students giving prospective students an idea of their future experience.Once you’re a student here, you get to be a part of a whole new family – one that not only wants you to succeed but also equips you with the tools necessary to do so.” Stephen Patrick, MUSC Class of 2020, a urology resident at MUSC. (MUSC “College of Medicine”). This is one of the quotes portrayed on the website. It is a positive quote that draws future students in with the promise of a positive experience during their time at MUSC if they choose to attend this school.

 From this page, it is easy to click through the pages to find the exact path you are interested in. Lower down on the same page there are numbers and statistics displayed largely across the screen showing how many students have graduated from different programs, match rates, and diversity rates. This is an indication of audience awareness. The writers of the page are aware that these numbers will draw the audience in prompting them to look further on the website to learn more about the statistics regarding their specific major.

Another thing that is prominent on the website is the use of short paragraphs and keywords to draw the audience in. This shows that the writers know that it will most likely be students who are looking at many school websites at once who will be visiting the page. Instead of focusing on long in-depth paragraphs about each subject, the writers have decided that the better approach is to write short informative paragraphs and fill the page out with statistics pictures, and tabs that can lead readers to additional information about smaller more specific subjects. 



Looking at the homepage of MUSC we can see them imagining their ideal readers by displaying their featured news, quick links and other things such as the college’s history. The writers of the website are anticipating that their ideal readers will find interest in the topics displayed on the homepage, leading them to click their way to the subjects and articles that interest them the most. After clicking the Innovations tab on the homepage and navigating to the “Education Innovation” page there are more quick links to draw audiences further into the website and explore the plethora of information. On this page readers can additionally find an insert of text labeled “Tech Innovation”. This text talks about the Metaverse and the future of education. One example the text puts forth is that with the development of technology, future surgeons could possibly have the opportunity to practice hundreds of times before ever coming into contact with real-life patients. (MUSC “Education Innovation”). This indicates the kind of student the writers are aiming to draw in. Students with a bright outlook on the technological future, are students who are willing to adapt to the times of the future and who will be curious to develop their ways of learning. Students who have a curious learning style and are willing to take on new challenges and experiences. This theme is carried throughout the website both with the layout and with the articles and inserts posted on the website. It is clear to the reader that applying to and attending MUSC is no easy task but it will instead be an exciting time in a student’s life where they will be presented with many different challenges and tasks to help them grow as people and students leading them to their desired goal in life of becoming a contributing member of the healthcare field. 


Personally, I would attend The Medical University of South Carolina. I like the overall message that the school is putting out and I like the vibe that I get from the school. It is in a different state so a downside would be the location because it would be far from my family and support system. However, when it comes to something as rigorous as medicine I think it is very important to find a school that is a good fit for you and it needs to be in a place where you feel like you can thrive. However, from my interpretation of the website and the stats posted, I think this is a very competitive school to get in too. But if I was seriously considering a career in medicine I would apply to this school because I think they would provide me with an excellent education and give me the opportunities that I need to succeed in my field. 


Works Cited 

Medical University of South Carolina. “We are changing what’s possible”  171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC 29425. 

Medical University of South Carolina. “Cultivating a Culture of Innovation” 171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC 29425 

Medical University of South Carolina. “The College of Medicine at MUCS” 171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, SC 29425

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