Academic Profile Zen Moss

This is the academic profile of Zen Moss, the information provided through an interview with said person. During our interview went over my academic profile, personal career goals, and more. Zen is only seventeen and doing dual enrollment. Showing excellent drive and consideration for his future and its immediate success. Attending Charles R Cater High School. When most high school students are preparing for finals, Zen is stacking that pressure with college courses. His major is undecided but has does have a vision of sports management being a serious field of interest for the young man.

Zen describes his academic self with these three worlds. The first is relaxed as keeping calm and not letting the stress of the classroom, class load, and learning new skills stop him from being tense or hesitant allowing him to be more productive in class. Zen’s second was “clutch” which is just his way of saying get it done. Last, but not least is engaged which is Zen’s laser focus when it comes to his duties. Which is best personified by him being a dual enrollment student. When we discussed why he choose GSU he told me it was his only choice. Clarkson campus was picked among the many choices for its free accessible gym. His only dislike when college being its price which I agree with.

Zen has a high interest in history which is no surprise since sports analysis is majority journalism. When asked what where his biggest influence on my surprise despite his sports background he didn’t choose an athlete. Zen choose his mother as the biggest influence in his everyday life and his academic progression. He attributes his best quality influence is the ability to deal with huge workloads for his mother. I can tell you from my experience through our interview he has a lot of love and respect for her.

Even though Zen’s major is undecided right he has lofty goals. He has an affinity for sports and a passion for them when asked the immediate goal he wanted to pursue is sports analysis. Right now, he isn’t taking any classes on his goal as said before he still is undecided. The classes he is taking are English and critical thinking. He believes a major reason for his success is his mother as she pushed him daily to strive for better. Even though Zen naturally has a land-back nature he proudly produces results with his persistence. He will get it done by any means. As he has a condiment to live up to the faith placed in him by his mentor (coach) and his mother.

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