Shelby Crum: Academic Profile

Academic Profile

This is an interview done with the remarkable Shelby Crum. Shelby is a 21-year-old young woman who was born in California but grew up mostly in Indiana. Seven months ago, she and her boyfriend, Jacob, decided to make a change and move to Georgia, which landed her at GSU. During her time here, she encountered a lot of trial and error within her academic journey. With these experiences, she seems to have a unique perspective on academics and describes it as a way to conduct oneself in a learning environment. She expressed herself as reserved and curious, traits that have helped her explore different career paths after her high school graduation in 2019.

To begin, one would say Shelby’s academic journey has been a winding road. After considering a degree in business, she decided to pursue a career in beauty. However, she soon discovered that her true passion was in the healthcare field. This realization led her to switch her major to nursing, a decision she has not regretted yet. Shelby is deeply invested in her nursing studies and enjoys learning about the human body. She finds anatomy and physiology particularly interesting and has a strong desire to understand how the body works. Her curiosity to learn make her a dedicated student and a future asset to the healthcare industry.

Moreover, Shelby believes that learning new things is a critical component of becoming “our most authentic selves.” She acknowledges that knowledge is important for everyone, as it allows individuals to speak confidently and express their thoughts and opinions effectively. Despite the challenges of learning, she remains motivated and engaged, even in her favorite subjects. Although Shelby recognizes that learning can have its difficulties, she remains dedicated to her education. She understands that staying motivated and committed to her goals is essential to achieving success.

Her dedication and focus have led her to attain great knowledge. She believes that the key to attaining knowledge is to start small and gradually build up. Rather than diving into the hardest assignments right away, Shelby begins by completing smaller tasks and thoroughly reviewing her work. This approach not only helps her to solidify her understanding of the material, but it also gives her a sense of accomplishment and motivation to tackle more challenging assignments. Through her methodical approach to learning, Shelby is able to immerse herself fully in her studies and gain a deep understanding of the subject matter.

This deep understanding allows her to stay on top of the academic competition because she believes that the grading system is important in measuring academic progress; however, she also feels that the current education system is too focused on competition and places too much pressure on students to perform at a certain level. She believes that the approach to education should be less restrictive, allowing students to explore their interests and strengths without fear of failure. This perspective aligns with ideas presented in “The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World Flux” by Cathy N. Davidson, where the author argues that traditional teaching and grading methods are outdated and instead suggests a more personalized and student-centered approach to education. The book highlights the importance of fostering creativity, critical thinking, and passion in students rather than just teaching to the test. Shelby’s thoughts reflect the need for a shift in education that prioritizes a student’s growth and well-being over grades and competition.

In conclusion, Shelby Crum is a remarkable young woman with a unique perspective on academics. Her journey has been filled with trial and error, but she remains dedicated to her education and is deeply invested in her nursing studies. Shelby believes that knowledge is essential for becoming one’s most authentic self. She also believes that the key to attaining knowledge is through dedication, focus, and a methodical approach to learning. Furthermore, she feels that the current education system places too much emphasis on competition and grades and that a more student-centered approach to education would benefit students. Her views align with the ideas presented in The New Education by Cathy Davidson, further emphasizing the need for a shift in the way education is approached. Shelby’s dedication and commitment to her education make her a promising future asset to the healthcare industry.

Works Cited 

  • Davidson, Cathy N. The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World Flux. 2nd ed., Basic Books, 2017.
  • Crum, Shelby, Pair interview transcript, February 2023
  • Weaver, Rebecca, PhD; Project #1, Profile of fellow student (“academic self” interview) February 2023, GSU ATL


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