Profile of Thai Daniel

Ms.Daniels is an eighteen year old dual enrollment student from Atlanta who is interested in pediatric Psychiatry.Her decision to go into Psychiatry is both due to the role that mental illnesses have played in her life. Her decision on being a participant of the Dual enrollment program, was that she wanted to make the transition between High school and College easier by taking a few college courses and getting the mandatory classes that aren’t related to a specific major out of the way.Tuition for the College courses in the Dual enrollment program is covered by a scholarship, however the scholarship can be revoked if the participant fails the course or takes an Art class. Which is problematic for anyone that is working to be an art related major.


As a Dual enrollment student she spends her days divided by school work from Charles R. Drew Charter School and College work from Georgia State Perimeter. She stated that dual enrollment wasn’t that interesting but there are differences between how High School Teachers handle students versus how College Professors do. High School teachers tend to be more hands on and coddling while College Professors tend to be more blunt and less controlling. She also mentioned that College work is more complicated and takes more time to complete. She is currently taking Critical thinking and English 2 since she is only able to fit two college courses into her schedule. 


Speaking of Schedules, Ms.Daniel’s favorite past-time is reading Dystopian and Romance novels, though she has expressed interest in branching out into other genres. Ms.Daniel describes herself as artistic and creative, which can be backed up as she has picked Chorus and Theater as extracurriculars . Her favorite genre of R&B music, her favorite singer is Sza and her favorite band is  New Jeans. Ms.Daniels also enjoys playing baseball. Another thing she does outside of School is working at school as a teacher’s Aid. Being a Teacher’s aid means that she helps a teacher with organizing school work for kids and tutoring the ones that are having a harder time understanding the topic. 


In conclusion, Ms.Daniel is an ambitious person that works to help others and an artistic appreciation. She works hard and believes everyone should have an opportunity to receive the help they need to be healthy, like therapy. It can be difficult to decipher between normal child behaviors.Many mental disorders can start in childhood and be diagnosed then treated, whichI’m sure is why Ms.Daniel is interested in making a career in studying and treating people’s minds and behavior. Speaking of Opportunity and Resources, when discussing our thoughts on the readings and videos throughout the year she said she believed that Higher Ed is important for future careers and that it should be accessible to more than just people with money to spare. She believes that everyone should be given equal opportunities to better themselves and wants to contribute by going into Psychiatry. 


Citation ; ( need more sources, at least 3 )

  • Pair Interview Transcript , Jan 26th 2023
  • Text message transcript Feb 2 to 7 2023
  • “Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 
  • TEDxTalks, director. College Is Creating Poverty . YouTube, YouTube, 1 July 2019, Accessed 7 Feb. 2023. 

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