Azriel Melvin’s Profile

Ms. Azriel Melvin-Georgia State University

This essay will be about Azriel Melvin’s academic profile. I had a brief interview with Ms. Melvin about her academic self. During our thirty minutes zoom meeting, I had the chance to discuss her academic life, experiences, job, hobbies, and passion. Azriel is 17 years old and will turn 18 this April. She was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. She went to Charles R Drew Charter School from k-12 and currently, she is in 12th grade. This is Azriel’s second semester at GSU as a dual enrollment student. She preferred to finish high school with dual enrollment classes rather than taking regular high school classes; she said “I want to get used to college and the experience before graduating.” She wants to start college immediately after she graduates; she wants to start college immediately because she wants to be independent, and work in her favorite passion. She doesn’t have a major right now but she wants to pursue a degree in business administration with a concentration in human resources. After earning her bachelor’s, she hopes to get her master’s, and one day she wants to work in a high position like Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO).

The three words that explain Azreil’s cadmic self are Curious, involved, and social. As she said the words curious and involved go hand in hand for her. She loves to ask questions. She said, “When I’m being taught, I often find myself needing clarity.” In general situations, she always wants to know the detail. “I don’t like “half information” as my mom calls it,” Azriel said. She told me that she is social because she usually never has a problem adjusting to different social situations or learning environments. As she said she also likes to believe that she communicates well which goes into being social.

Azriel is the 4th child but she was raised as the oldest. Her mom is her biggest influence because she cares a lot about her education and keeps her on track. She also helps her with scholarships and college applications. There was high expectation for her to be a good student so she can be a good role model for her younger siblings. She is proud that she always finds a way to finish the assignments on time, and she never gives up; her favorite subject is social studies. She loves to eat ice cream, sleep, and watch stream shows. Her favorite video was the college-creating poverty ted talk by Sara Goldbrick. She said that she agrees with the idea that “the new economics of college is creating poverty. Hunger, even homelessness, are holding students back.” She thinks students shouldn’t pay a high amount of money to get educated. Azriel said she likes Dr. Chew’s videos and it was so helpful for her. One of her favorite videos is “How to get the most out of studying” she said this video change her mindset about her method of studying. Azreil doesn’t work currently she wants to focus on her education now. Nothing is frustrating for her in college so far, she didn’t come across too many obstacles yet.

In conclusion of our discussion, I can say every student has different methods and styles, and ideas for achieving their academic or none academic goals. Azriel is one of the thousands of students that want to achieve her goals by studying and being focused. She has a visual learning style. She is a hardworking student who trying to achieve college credits during high school. I enjoyed listening to her experiences and learned some new studying methods from her. I hope she goes as far as she wants.



Azriel Melvin, Pair review transcript, January 2023.

“College Is Creating Poverty: Sara Goldrick-Rab: TEDx Philadelphia.” YouTube, 1 July 2019,

“How to Get the Most out of Studying: Part 1 of 5, ‘Beliefs That Make You Fail… or Succeed.’” YouTube, 16 Aug. 2011,

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