Austin Williams profile

My partner’s name is Austin Williams. Austin is a senior at Charles R Drew Charter High School in Atlanta, Georgia. You may be wondering why then Austin is not in English 1101 let alone a college English class anyway, and the reason for that would be because Austin is also a dual enrollment student, meaning he takes both classes at GSU Clarkston and his high school. The three words Austin chose to describe himself are outgoing, collected, and disciplined. He is also a basketball player at his high school and has been playing since he was only five years old, so these words do make sense to hear from a basketball player. He attended Greenforest Christian Academy for pre-k up to fourth grade, then that is when he made the switch to Drew. Although he left his Christian school behind, he did not leave his Christian beliefs behind, as he is a strong and firm believer in Jesus Christ. He plans to attend Kennesaw State University and is torn between what he would like to major in: Engineering or Finance.
Austin Says that the biggest influence on his academic self would have to be his mindset. The way he explained it to me was the way he sees himself in his mind is usually the version of himself he tries to bring out and showcase to other people. So, he knows he is a hardworking student and he wants everyone to know without a doubt that he is a hardworking student. The picture featured at the beginning of this paper displays Austin in a Cap and Gown. While this may not be his exact cap and gown he says that he took this picture because he wanted to remind himself of his primary and current focus which would be to graduate. Austin says he comes from a family where a lot of his relatives didn’t make all the right decisions leading them not to be able to see their high school graduation day. He does not resent them for this, but he does not want that for himself; he wants all the world has to offer. Austin says he will break the cycle by making the right decisions and hard work; I can say one thing by judging his character; he will prove his point because he is never afraid of hard work. As Sara Goldrick-Rab says in the TED talk College is a great investment and pays off by changing the dynamic and increasing the chances of success.
Another word Austin used to describe himself was collected. Being an athlete, especially a basketball player, Austin knows all about being cool, calm, and collected. He said growing up there was always pressure on him whether from his parents, coaches, mentors, or whoever. He said that pressure is nothing new to him and that “Pressure is a part of life. If you aren’t feeling any pressure, you aren’t putting yourself in the right situations”, and Austin has learned how to deal with pressure and stay calm and collected through it all.
In Conclusion, Austin is a very deliberate and hardworking person. I agree with him on one main thing, being calm and collected under pressure. He has his goals and priorities straight, and he knows what people expect from him. His character is strong, and he gives his one hundred percent to everything, whether sports studies or any aspect of life.



Work Cited

Goldrick-Rab, S. (2019, July 1). Sara Goldrick-Rab |College is creating poverty | TEDx Philadelphia. YouTube.

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