Pair Profile

I’ll be introducing Ali Hamidi and who he is academically. Ali was born in Georgia, but his family is from Afghanistan. Ali spent some years of school in a private religious institution before transitioning to public. At Georgia State Perimeter College, he is a 1st year majoring in Business in Administration. Through this major, Ali wants to pursue the role of an accountant. Outside of his studies, some activities Ali likes to partake in are gaming, playing sports, or going to the gym. 

As Ali attended both private and public schools, he was able to share some of his experiences. Compared to his time in public school, he felt that he had more spare time in private. Ali stated that the school didn’t have a strict attention span toward the focus on core lessons. There wasn’t a condition where he had felt pressured, or in a way, challenged by his classes. Because of not being in a rigorous position, he’d spent most of that time on his hobbies or doing something enjoyable. He brought that same mentality he had in his previous schools to his new environment. During 8th grade, Ali applied to GSMST where he did Advanced Algebra for a while. Public school was different for him in such a way that he had to put in more effort to stabilize his academics. Where’d he thought his atmosphere would be unchanging, Ali had kept the same mindset. Having that same previous mentality poses a bigger challenge.

Ali is also working on top of school. Based on his experience, he stated that working has a negative impact on his schooling. This has led him to change his schedule to one that would work out for him. Having a side job may be a big demand, especially with classes planned on certain days. You’d have to work things out with timing and scheduling. If it isn’t done with thorough arrangements, it may take time off your studies. This is something Ali claimed to also be conflicted with. In this situation, working would be suitable while on a break from school. Ali’s experiences with taking breaks haven’t been very convenient. For him, it takes a while to adjust and get back on track. When he took dual in Economics during his 12th-grade year, Ali struggled the first half of the semester due to missing out on a lot of the information.

 The change Ali described with the comparison he felt being in private versus public school as well as his experiences with taking breaks can also be evident during the pandemic. Having the time, Ali would play video games and start to put off work. He’d go back to that zone where his environment was similar to his years spent in private school. However, as he went back to class, face to face, Ali improved in his studies. Ali’s experience with the pandemic reminded me of the article we read, “COVID-Era College: Are Students Satisfied?” The part that talks about students’ experiences post-COVID. The sentence that stuck out was in paragraph 5, “Envisioning life after Covid, nearly one-third ‘never want to take another class via zoom.’” Then there were surveys on students’ satisfaction and expectations on certain topics. Based on the article, with satisfaction level, students were surveyed on their connections with friends, lecturers, staff, and services. The survey for expectations was on the change COVID brought forth. Going back face to face instruction helped Ali differentiate his demeanor toward his learning. Though there were many adjustments along with the change, Ali was more accomplished than he did virtually. This shows that Ali does academically well in an engaging, open environment. 

As Ali indulges himself in his studies, he’s able to gradually alter himself from being unproductive easily. He does well during different seasons of the semesters, though not so well on ones with long breaks. Ali also shows effort in his work, mainly the ones that interest him. He once changed his major due to this. Ali previously did nursing, which he felt dispassionate about due to the amount of information, note-taking, and workload. Not only because of those factors but also because he wasn’t captivated by what he was learning. After being introduced to his present major, he was engaged with the materials. His interest in accounting is due to its role in managing. 

Being in an undertaking environment helps him with his productivity. An activity that assists Ali with his conduct towards school is going to the gym. During the pandemic, he felt unsatisfied with how it had affected him. After going to the gym, Ali not only improved physically but also mentally in health. When working, he prefers a peaceful and quiet surroundings. He can also listen to music from time to time without distractions. Ali’s work environment consists of building up to being motivated to do what he’s obliged to. 


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