Major Project 1 Revised

My partner’s name is Moaz Shoaib. He is 19 years old, and this is his second semester at GSU. He is from Pakistan but moved here in his senior year and graduated High School meaning he spent most of his adolescence in Pakistan. He can also speak three different languages which are English, Urdu, and Punjabi. The senior year in high school was very difficult for him but the day he graduated he was full of motivation, and he was eager to continue his studies. He said he felt as if he had overcome all odds and doubters the second, he held his High School diploma. The trials and tribulations he had to overcome just to be standing on that graduation stage with his peers is something unimaginable to us.   He described his academic self as logical, perseverant, and having a problem-solving attitude.

He is majoring in Biology, and he wants to become a doctor. He hasn’t decided what he is going to specialize in, but he said he will make up his mind along the way. His post GSU plans are to go to medical school and pursue a MD. He said his personality aligns with this profession because of his critical thinking process and his ability to see a single situation from multiple angles and provide multiple solutions.

He explained himself as an athletic person and a fan of sports. He plays cricket which is like baseball but does have a few major differences. He told me he is very good at cricket and can also play baseball, football, and soccer. He told me growing up playing sports taught him a lot of lessons. It taught him to be consistent and put one hundred percent every time into everything you do. He says this is also how approaches academics because academics and athletics aren’t all that different. The time and effort you put into whatever is the result you will get. He also told me the best way to make friends and build bonds is through sports since it teaches teamwork skills and promotes being “like-minded” to reach a goal. Often going through that with a group a people give you something in common and a friendship can sprout from that.

One of the interesting things he told me is about his favorite subject which is math. He said he likes math because math requires you to think very critically and through multiple steps before getting to a solution. This also explains the abilities that describes his academic self which are problem solving attitude and being curious. He also likes sports which requires a lot of practice and repetition to be able to play those specific sports and be a master at them. He said he likes to do things again and again to become a master at his craft.

I asked him about his favorite books, and one of his favorite books is 1984. He read that book in high school, and he loved it. He told me the reason why he liked that book is because it was about the system and how system is always watching people, and the people try to fight system. He said questioning is important because it can help with self-reflection and to be more focused on your goals. I think that was the point where he developed his other ability about his academic self, which is being curious. This book inspired him to question everything around him and is also where he developed his critical thinking skills.

In conclusion, I think he is very well-rounded person. He has his goals set and he will not give up until he has achieved all the things, he will set out to do. He is a curious and critical thinker that does not always take information he receives at face value and will always question how credible the information he is receiving is. He also loves sports which means he is not all studies, but he can also switch to an athletic side. Moaz is a great student, athlete, and all around person

Major Project 3


University of Califonia, San Diego was Founded in 1960 and enrolled its first undergraduates in 1964. Nevertheless, the campus can trace its origins as far back as the late 1800s. UCSD is a public university that offers everyone opportunities and concentrates on its students, research, and service missions. One of the top fifteen research universities in the world, it fosters a culture of collaboration that leads to advancements in society and economic effects. The ideal student should want to represent substantial academic achievement and be able to explore the world with a fresh perspective. The college’s website uses Purpose and Imagining Ideal Readers as rhetorical strategies. The university is renowned for its demanding academic programs and consistently ranks among the best public universities in the United States. Over 200 undergraduate and graduate degrees in various disciplines, including science, engineering, social sciences, humanities, and the arts, are available at UCSD. The faculty at the institution includes some of the top researchers and academics in their disciplines, and they offer students a top-notch education that prepares them for their future jobs. 


UC San Diego attracts their ideal students by making their purpose transparent and imagining what type of readers would reach its website. UCSD aims to transform California and build a multicultural, global society via public service, knowledge creation, and dissemination. Students also have access to cutting-edge research resources and facilities at UCSD. The institution is home to more than 100 research institutes and facilities, including the UCSD Medical Center, the San Diego Supercomputer Center, and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. These institutions allow students to conduct cutting-edge research, collaborate with world-class academics, and advance scientific knowledge. The first thing the audience sees when they enter the website is a banner that says, “We merge disciplines and surpass expectations, empowering students to think creatively across boundaries, resulting in unimagined discoveries.”(UCSD 1). UCSD’s goal with this statement is to convince the audience that anyone can surpass their limits, and by combining disciplines, anyone can exceed expectations. UCSD wants students who are curious and willing to change this world. They are not afraid to take a chance on an unlikely idea because, to them, any view counts.

“College is more than studying”(UCSD 1). This statement can be found on UCSD’s Students Life page. This shows the readers that there is more to do at the campus besides innovating and researching. “Life at UC San Diego is about activating your passions.” (UCSD 1). They want their students to have fun, stay active, gain skills, and make friends through extracurricular activities and events. UCSD’s mission is to consistently build an inclusive community that fosters welfare and success and engages students with the desire and abilities to make a significant difference in the world through programs, campus collaborations, and placemaking. UCSD makes a living on campus as comfortable as possible. They want to draw readers interested in larger campuses, more entertainment, and more experiences. A typical day in a student’s life would be: Roll out of bed. Walk to class. Lunch with friends. Quick nap. Afternoon lecture. Sunset surfing at the beach. Study session with suitemates. Movie night in the lounge. The university is in La Jolla, a gorgeous coastal town with outstanding beaches, well-known restaurants, and a bustling arts scene. Numerous high-tech businesses in La Jolla offer students the chance to participate in internship and work-study programs.“A place of belonging”(UCSD 1). UCSD is also diverse in terms of culture, and they have a proactive approach to creating a friendly environment for everyone.

Regarding imagining ideal readers, UC San Diego seeks students interested in advancing research and innovating new inventions for the world. They are also seeking students that can come up with fresh ideas that can be translated into solutions to benefit society– from climate science and the human microbiome to nanotechnology and social mobility. Getting accepted into this university is complex, and it is obvious that they are looking for outstanding students. According to the records, the acceptance rate for 2022 was between 24% to 34%. Also, in 2022, it was recorded that only about 31,000 students were accepted out of 131,000 applicants. Readers that are ideal at UCSD go above and beyond the classroom to use their potential to change the world for the better. “At UC San Diego, we’ve broken out of traditional academic silos to assemble cross-disciplinary, flexible research teams with a common purpose: to further our understanding of how the world works and the actions we can take to make it a better place.”(UCSD 1). UC San Diego visions their ideal readers as someone willing to help improve their research to solve world problems such as global warming and climate change.


The university’s website and efforts to communicate its objectives to its audience were successful. I read everything with understanding and pleasure. The information on the university’s homepage enhanced my knowledge of it. Attending and studying at UCSD is a privilege for most students because they are the following people to improve the minor struggles in this world. With UCSD’s tools and opportunities, students can do real-world research and get a close-up view of things. Students can participate in a wide range of majors, extracurriculars, clubs, and groups, allowing them to learn more about college life, get experience, and access additional resources for their research. The campus also offers several activities and clubs that I find interesting. I would very much enjoy studying and excelling in my major at UCSD. I can continue my education and graduate to receive top job positions. There is nothing much to dislike about UCSD, and I want to see what future these students will bring to the world. These factors make UCSD a top option for students seeking a top-notch education and a rewarding college experience.


University of California, San Diego. Retrieved March 23, 2023, from

Major Project 4

Ali Hamidi

ENGL 1102

Professor: Rebecca Weaver, PhD

April 19, 2023

Are standardized tests effective in determining a student’s aptitude and academic performance? 


In 1905, French psychologist Alfred Binet developed a standardized test to measure the intelligence of children, known as the Binet-Simon Scale. This test was the first to use standardized procedures for administration and scoring, and it established the foundation for future developments in standardized testing. Standardized tests measure student aptitude and academic performance in schools worldwide. These exams objectively assess a student’s knowledge and abilities in particular subject areas. The results are frequently used to make crucial educational decisions like selecting students for admission to colleges and universities, giving scholarships, and gauging the effectiveness of teachers and schools. However, there is disagreement among educators, decision-makers, and parents over how well-standardized exams measure students’ aptitude and academic success. In this paper, we will evaluate the pros and cons of the effectiveness of standardized tests in determining a student’s aptitude and academic performance.


An article titled “Standardized Testing Pros and Cons – Does It Improve Education?” discusses the pros of standardized testing in detail. One of the pros listed is that “Standardized tests offer an objective measurement of education and a good metric to gauge areas for improvement.” this articulates that standardized testing completes its job in some way to measure what students need to improve. The ability to monitor student performance objectively is one of the significant benefits of standardized testing. Standardized tests are created to be fair and consistent, in contrast to teacher evaluations, which can be subjective and open to bias. To determine areas where students might need more help, educators might compare student performance across schools and districts. Standardized testing also has the benefit of holding educators accountable for their student’s academic progress. Another advantage is “Allows for comparisons of student performance across different schools, districts, and states, providing valuable data for policy-making and resource allocation.” which means that policymakers can motivate academic institutions and instructors to concentrate on enhancing student outcomes by linking money and other resources to test scores. This is particularly crucial in underprivileged places where pupils might not have access to the same resources as their counterparts who live in wealthier neighborhoods.

However, there are also some disadvantages, and some argue that standardized testing doesn’t measure education quality. The article “Standardized Testing Pros and Cons – Does It Improve Education?”, talks about the cons of standardized testing. One of the listed advantages is that “Standardized tests only determine which students are good at taking tests, offer no meaningful measure of progress, and have not improved student performance.” this articulates that many factors, including hunger, stress, and tiredness, easily influence test scores. The tests merely highlight which students are best at studying for and passing the exams and do not reveal any potential knowledge gaps. One of the main complaints of these exams is that they prioritize rote memorization and test-taking abilities above creative problem-solving and critical thinking. This may result in a constrained curriculum emphasizing exam preparation over more profound learning opportunities. In the article “What Standardized Tests Do Not Measure” by Peter Murrell Jr., he says, “Much recent research on intelligence and human cognitive development suggests that standardized tests are not valid as measures of excellence or scholastic aptitude.” Schools that place an excessive emphasis on standardized exams and “test-wise” instruction expose kids to ways of thinking that not only devalue knowledge but are also entirely unrelated to addressing problems in the real world. Finally, there is a worry that standardized tests could maintain current educational inequities. Due to variables like poverty or a lack of resources, which can widen success inequalities, students from disadvantaged families may be less likely to perform well on these exams. Furthermore, schools will likely concentrate on boosting test scores at the expense of other crucial subjects like the arts or physical education.

One great example that Peter Murrell discussed in his article is that, for instance, let’s say a child takes the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, a nationally recognized assessment of reading proficiency, and has trouble blending letter sounds. Even though this test gives precise diagnostic data, it does not provide the child with the knowledge required to correct the learning processes that have gone wrong due to her inability to blend. In reality, many of the abilities necessary for success on standardized tests are ones we would never consider teaching students. Think of problem-solving skills. The ability to identify and describe an issue, acquire pertinent information, and work on it until they are confident they have found the best answer is something we want students to be able to do. In sharp contrast, standardized examinations urge students to choose the best response and move on without knowing whether the answer is accurate to “ready-made” problems with little to nothing to do with their real-life experience. 


In conclusion, Using standardized exams to assess students’ aptitude and academic achievement is a contentious topic with solid arguments on both sides. Standardized exams have the potential to reveal important information about student accomplishment. Still, to provide a more complete and accurate picture of a student’s capabilities, they should be utilized in concert with other student learning and growth indicators. Additionally, to increase the usefulness of standardized exams for enhancing educational results, policymakers and educators should aim to overcome their potential biases and unfavorable effects. However, critics contend that standardized tests can be unfair, support a limited curriculum, and promote teaching to the test. Additionally, there are worries that stress and anxiety brought on by standardized testing may harm students’ mental health and well-being. In the end, even though standardized testing might yield some vital information, it should be utilized with other student learning indicators rather than serving as the only barometer of student achievement or teacher effectiveness.


Naughton, James “Testocracy: The Undemocratic System of Standardized Testing in the United States” Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, Vol. 31, Issue 2 (Spring 2022), pp. 263-296

Popham, W. James. “Why Standardized Tests Don’t Measure Educational Quality.” ASCD, 

Murrell, Peter, and Peter Murrell. “What Standardized Tests Do Not Measure.” Rethinking Schools, 6 Sept. 2021,,of%20excellence%20or%20scholastic%20aptitude

“Standardized Testing Pros and Cons – Does It Improve Education?” Standardized Tests, 17 Feb. 2022,

International Students

Nathaniel Mekuria


Professor Weaver

April 23, 2022


Studying abroad can be one of the most exciting and transformative journeys of a student’s life. It offers a chance to experience new cultures, make lifelong friendships, and gain a unique perspective on the world. However, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies for international students as they face a myriad of challenges while pursuing their dreams of quality education in a foreign land, particularly in the USA for this research. From navigating financial hurdles to overcoming language barriers and adapting to new school systems and customs, the road to success can be tough. This essay will look at these struggles and discuss possible solutions to help international students overcome these problems, making their time abroad more enjoyable and successful.

International students almost always show great dedication and strong academic skills, making them stand out as top students in their home countries. They often go through tough selection processes that demand high grades and outstanding commitment to their education. However, financial struggles can significantly hinder their progress and overall experience. The article by Chow and Choi (2019) refers to the challenges that international students face in paying for their education and living expenses while studying abroad. These financial struggles can include high tuition fees, expensive living costs, and limited access to financial aid. The authors say that “currency exchange rates also play a significant role in the financial challenges faced by international students. The fluctuation of exchange rates, particularly when a home currency loses value compared to the U.S. dollar, can have a significant impact on the affordability of education and living expenses” (p. 53). International students who mainly depend on their parents or their savings that are in another country’s currency now have to pay more in their home currency to pay for their education and life expenses.

Another big financial struggle international students go through is their limited access to scholarships and grants. In an article by Arthur, N, named International Journal of intercultural relations, Arthur (2017) explains that international students are less likely than domestic students to earn scholarships and other forms of financial aid. The author notes that universities in many countries, including the United States, have limited resources available for international students. According to a journal by Business Insider, International students end up paying up to three times more than in-state students at public universities ( This is due to several reasons, including the fact that many scholarships and grants are only available to citizens or permanent residents of a particular country. Additionally, international students may face language barriers or cultural differences that can make it more difficult for them to navigate the scholarship and financial aid application process. As a result, many international students must rely on personal savings, loans, or financial assistance from their families to finance their education.

To finance their education, these students consider alternative methods to cover their expenses. In the article mentioned above by Arthur, N, In the author’s explanation, it is revealed that some international students use creative strategies to deal with their financial difficulties. Some of these strategies include finding temporary employment options (part-time jobs), reducing their outflow, or even looking for financial assistance from close friends back home. The study also raises the potential that some students turn to unconventional or illegal means of covering fees, including but not limited to working beyond the scope of allowed employment and engaging in unlawful activities. Although these techniques may provide temporary comfort, they may have negative impacts on the student’s intellectual and personal growth. Arthur emphasizes the need for university educational institutions and government agencies to be engaged in making policies to provide nurturing.

Addressing the financial struggles of international students has become an increasingly important issue as more students choose to study abroad for their higher education. One way institutions can help alleviate these concerns is by providing various support mechanisms. As Shah and Nair (2018) state, “scholarships, financial counseling, and work-study opportunities” can significantly contribute to helping international students manage their financial concerns during their studies (376). By offering scholarships, universities can reduce the financial burden faced by these students, making it easier for them to focus on their education. Financial counseling services can also help international students navigate the complexities of tuition payments, living expenses, and other costs associated with studying abroad. Moreover, work-study opportunities allow students to earn money while they study, further reducing the financial stress they experience. Universities should also work together to develop accessible and affordable housing options and minimize accommodation costs.

Students who travel to foreign countries to seek education experience struggles and challenges that are life changing.  As much as it is an opportunity for growth and a chance to explore new and unique cultures, most of what these students face is far harsher than that of domestic students. Universities and colleges should address the financial struggles of international students, as it is the biggest challenge they face. A variety of merit-based scholarships, as there aren’t enough for international students now, better-paying work-study opportunities, because these students are not allowed to work out of campus by law, and financial counseling to help students with their expenses are a few implemented steps in a few universities to help these students.  Universities that invite and educate international students should work toward creating affordable education and housing for students. These students are great investments and universities not only ensure their own growth and success but also contribute to the intellectual, social, and economic development of the host country.





Work Cited

Chow, Peter, and Sunnie Choi. “The Financial Burden of International Students in Higher Education: A Global Perspective.” Journal of International Students, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 50-68.

Arthur, N. (2017). Financial challenges faced by international students: Strategies for adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 61, 109-124.Top of Form

Friedman, Zachary and Shira Spector. “Foreign students pay up to three times as much for tuition at US public colleges.” Business Insider, 19 Sept. 2016, Accessed 22 Apr. 2023.

Shah, Mahsood, and Chenicheri Sid Nair. “The role of institutional support in addressing the financial concerns of international students.” Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, vol. 40, no. 4, 2018, pp. 376-390.






The Causes and Consequences of College Dropouts


Going to college is an important milestone in life that can open up a world of opportunities. It offers an opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and experience that can help you both in your professional and personal life. Sadly, college students are dropping out at an alarming rate, with potentially devastating consequences for their career prospects. The purpose of this research is to identify some of the main reasons why students drop out of college. Taking college dropouts seriously is important because they have a profound impact on their lives. The immediate effects of dropping out of college can be felt in terms of the loss of educational opportunities and financial resources. These effects can be further compounded by a lack of job opportunities and a limited ability to find a career path. As estimated, there is an average difference of $21,000 between college graduates and non-graduates, resulting in an annual salary of 35% less (ThinkImpact, 2021). It can prove that these dropouts can create poverty in a country.

Students drop out of college for many reasons. As part of this research, we will explore a variety of motivating factors, including feeling overwhelmed, financial pressure, and lack of support. Some consequences of dropping out of college will be discussed as well.


Several factors contribute to college dropouts, but poverty is one of the most significant. Poverty is a major problem, and it can have a significant impact on college students. According to the article “College Dropout Rates” published by ThinkImpact, “55% of college students struggle to find financial support for their studies. Consequently, 51% of college dropouts drop out because of the lack of money (Thinkimpact, 2021).” When students come from families with low incomes and limited resources, they face more challenges in their education than those from more affluent backgrounds. As stated by Thinkimpact, “79% of the students delay their graduation due to financial difficulties (ThinkImpact, 2021).” These difficulties can lead to an increased dropout rate among low-income students. A major contributing factor to college dropouts from low-income families is the lack of financial resources. The cost of college tuition and other expenses, such as books and housing, can be a large financial burden for students from low-income households which leads them to take a loan. In the article “Financial Capability of Student Loan Holders Who Are College Students, Graduates, or Dropouts” published by the Journal of Consumer Affairs (2020), it stated that “College students are more likely to experience financial stress when they have student loan debt as compared to those without student loan debt (Xiao, 3).” Many of these students are unable to take out loans or seek other forms of financial aid, making it difficult to afford college. This can lead to students dropping out of college to save money and find work to help support their families. According to Breier Mignonne’s article “From ‘Financial Considerations’ to ‘Poverty’: Towards a Reconceptualization of the Role of Finances in Higher Education Student Drop Out”, it’s very important to have money in lower socioeconomic groups, not just in choosing the institution and program, but also in preventing students from withdrawing from college prematurely, whether it’s because of unexpected financial needs or because they underestimated college costs. (Breier, 2010).

Moreover, many college students struggle with the overwhelming nature of college life. The pressure to attend classes, complete assignments, balance a job, and maintain a social life can quickly become too much for some students to handle. This can cause them to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious, which leads them to make the difficult decision of leaving college. With the amount of work and assignments expected of students, many can feel like they are drowning in a sea of expectations and cannot keep up. As reported in an article written by Nina Carpenter, “It is not about failing one or two classes.” Students feel overwhelmed when repeated foundation courses in the next semester or year become a pattern rather than an episode. Students feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do. Even if they find an online writing and tutoring service it may not help (Carpenter, 2022).” The amount of coursework and expectations can be a lot for a student to process, especially if they are attending college for the first time. Melanie Hanson in her article “College Dropout Rates” indicates that students who are first-generation or whose parents have not received a college degree tend to drop out more, as they comprise 40% of college dropouts (EDI, 2021). This can cause a student to become overwhelmed and discouraged, feeling as though they are not able to keep up with the demands of college life. Pressure to succeed and maintain a certain GPA can also be a factor in why students drop out of college. Many students believe that they are not good enough or don’t have what it takes to make it to college. This can cause them to feel overwhelmed and discouraged, leading to dropping out.

More than one-third of students fail to complete their college education. Lack of support from family, friends, and society can be another major contributing factor to this worrisome trend. found that the top reasons for dropping out of school are: “No one cares whether I attend,” “School atmosphere,” and “Teacher problems” (Carpenter, 2022).  Students who do not receive adequate emotional, financial, and educational support from their families and peers are more likely to drop out due to feelings of isolation and lack of motivation. When a student does not feel supported, it can lead to a lack of motivation and a sense of hopelessness. Without support from family and peers, students can begin to feel like they are not capable of completing college and can give up.

Dropping out of college can have serious consequences. For one, it can greatly impact a student’s future job prospects. Without a college degree, it can be difficult to enter many professions or obtain a job that pays a livable wage. A student’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem can be negatively affected by dropping out of college. Many students who drop out of college may owe enormous loans. Xiao, et al (2020) found out that “graduates are more likely to practice several desirable financial behaviors than college students and dropouts.” Published in The Journal of Consumer Affairs. The college offers a wide range of opportunities to develop social contacts and friendships, so dropping out can lead to a decrease in social networks. Lastly, dropping out of college can reduce intellectual stimulation and learning opportunities. All these factors can severely limit a student’s future opportunities and success.

Conclusion and recommendations:

In conclusion, we have identified the most challenging causes of college dropouts as financial pressures, a lack of preparedness, feeling overwhelmed, and not feeling supported. Financial pressures can cause students to drop out due to the high costs associated with tuition, textbooks, and other school fees. Providing students with financial aid and scholarships for tuition, textbooks, and other academic needs can help them overcome this challenge. Also, a lack of preparation can lead to feeling overwhelmed and can make it difficult for students to keep up with their coursework. It may be beneficial to provide students with academic support services to assist them. This could include tutoring, mentorship programs, and counseling services. In addition, a lack of support from family, friends, or professors can leave students feeling isolated and cause them to give up. Students need to recognize when they are feeling overwhelmed and seek help before it leads to them dropping out. Creating an environment that is supportive and understanding of the unique challenges that students face can help prevent dropouts. This can include providing flexible scheduling, understanding of mental health issues, and support for students who are facing difficult life circumstances. All these factors can play a significant role in helping to ensure that students stay in college and reach their academic goals.

It is important to recognize that college dropouts are not necessarily failing, but instead, they may simply be choosing an alternative path. As demonstrated by many successful entrepreneurs and innovators, college dropouts can also be successful. The article “College Dropout Rates” by Imad Bouchrica asserts that some of the most prominent entrepreneurs of today, such as Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, dropped out of college (Bouchrika, 2023). Dropping out successfully requires considerable skill, vision, and luck. Lastly, it is crucial to create an environment that is supportive of college dropouts and to ensure that they have access to the resources they need to succeed.



“College Dropout Rates.”, 4 Oct. 2021,

Bouchrika, Imed. “College Dropout Rates: 2023 Statistics by Race, Gender & Income.”, 5 Apr. 2023,

Breier, Mignonne. “From ‘Financial Considerations’ to ‘Poverty’: Towards a Reconceptualization of the Role of Finances in Higher Education Student Drop Out.” Higher Education, vol. 60, no. 6, Dec. 2010, pp. 657–70. EBSCOhost,

Carpenter, Nina. “The Main Reasons Students Drop out of College.” Nerdynaut, Nina Carpenter, 25 Feb. 2022,  

Xiao, Jing Jian, et al. “Financial Capability of Student Loan Holders Who Are College Students, Graduates, or Dropouts.” Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 54, no. 4, Dec. 2020, pp. 1383–401. EBSCOhost,  

Research Project

Mahasin Nasir

English 1102: Section 328

Prof. Weaver

April 18, 2023


How Does Exercise Affect the Mental Health of Law Students?


            Law students face numerous challenges in their academic and personal lives. The rigors of law school can be overwhelming, and many students struggle to manage the stress and demands of their coursework. To add to this academic stress, law students, and students in general, often face personal challenges with health, relationships, and finances. With all of these demands piling on at once, it can be hard for these law students to take time for themselves to focus on their mental health. By not taking that time, it results in mental problems like anxiety, depression, and academic burnout. Physical exercise is one way that law students can improve their mental health. Exercise had been shown to have a variety of positive effects in other ways besides the physical. This research project will explore how much college law students take on daily, and how exercise can positively affect their daily lives.




Firstly, exercise is known to be a stress reliever. When exercising, you release natural chemicals that help exert your mood. According to Healthline, “The repetitive motions involved in exercise promote a focus on your body, rather than your mind” (Healthline 1). A lot of times, college students have many tasks and responsibilities they are thinking about at once. Exercise would help them release these natural chemicals for a sense of optimism and positivity to combat with overwhelming tasks and responsibilities. This would benefit law students in a way that they could cope with the demands of college more effectively. Cognitive ability is important for students to have when practicing law. It would be hard for them to think critically and analyze complex issues with a significant level of stress on their shoulders. Exercise can improve these cognitive functions by increasing blood flow to the brain and improving neural connectivity. Not only this, but it can enhance memory and concentration, skills highly needed when studying law.


            Mental health is often overlooked in an educational setting. Students don’t realize how much they are drained and how to take time for themselves to re-energize. Specifically, law students have a lot on their shoulders and are some of the most stressed college students. To support this, Natalie Skead and Shane Rogers did a study, “Do law students stand apart from other university students in their quest for mental health,” on the psychological distress of law and psychology students. In their research, it showed “law students reported higher mean anxiety…also depression” when using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (Results, 3.1). For students, there are many factors that lead to mental instability. Skead and Rogers did “A comparative study on the impact of exercise on the physical and mental health of law and psychology students,” and identified that for these law students, “the adversarial nature of the discipline, the traditionally Socratic nature of law teaching, and the often highly competitive and largely unsupportive culture of law school” are many factors that lead law students to have psychological distress (Introduction).


            With mental health being overlooked, and leading factors causing these mental struggles, some law students have yet to exercise to promote their psychological well-being. Solomonko Andriy’s study on the “Attitude of law college students towards physical and cultural sports” examined how important physical exercise is to law students. 64.8% of future lawyers believed that physical education and sports are not beneficial to their work. 76.5% of these students believed that competitions and fun games would help them improve the training of future lawyers (Attitude of law college students, 786). From this research, it is shown that law students believe that practicing something competitively will help them be more successful than exercising. Because of the competitive culture law school instills in these students, they don’t see the value of other things that aren’t competitive that might help them even more.


            Although competition is what the law culture is, it is not the healthiest way for them to practice. Isolated workouts are more effective when it comes to lessening stress, and anxiety, and promoting mental health. Group sports enhance the competitive mindset that these law students have already adopted. These exercises that cause people to over-exert their bodies are not in any way beneficial. These acts can lead to “mood swings, symptoms similar to depression, eating disorders, and poor body image” (Analysis and Countermeasures, 23). There are no winners and losers in exercise, in contrast to competitive sports. Singular exercise allows these students to go at their own pace without the judgment of competitors. By increasing self-esteem, confidence, body image, and accomplishment, law students can approach their studies with greater focus and determination.



            Mental health is a large problem that is not always addressed in society. People have a lot of over-bearing responsibilities and college law students are right in the middle of them. The important takeaway is finding something to promote your mental health. As it shows, exercise is a great way to do so. Not only does it promote physical health, but it is a stress reliever, strengthens the thought process, and helps build a self-loving image.


 Although it may seem like physical exercise doesn’t need to be a priority for these law students, it should. Marco Sarkovich, a law student himself, vouches for how routine exercise can benefit the mental and physical aspects of law students’ daily lives. He acknowledges how hard it may be to incorporate it with all of the responsibilities law students may take on. He goes on to say “start early… Simply jogging or walking will stimulate blood flow, increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your body, providing an energy boost to start your day”( Sarkovich 1). By starting early, you have already created that foundation to build from to keep momentum. Sarkovich also includes some tips like, “skip the elevator and take the stairs; workout while watching tv” (Sarkovich 1). Combing. Things law students do on a daily with exercise give them a novice start to bettering their physical and mental health.


Something that law colleges can do to promote this is acknowledge the load of task law students take on during a day-to-day basis. Professors piling work and not being aware that these students are not machines will not help the mental well-being and future goals of these students. Offering different levels of fitness sessions could be a step forward in progressing the mental health and functions of law students.





Works Cited: 

Natalie K. Skead, Shane L. Rogers. “Running to well-being: A comparative study on the impact of exercise on the physical and mental health of law and psychology students.” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 49, Part A,2016, Pages 66-74.

Natalie K. Skead, Shane L. Rogers. “Do law students stand apart from other university students in their quest for mental health: A comparative study on wellbeing and associated behaviors in law and psychology students.” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry,

Volumes 42–43. 2015, Pages 81-90.

Andriy, Solomonko. “Attitude of law college students towards physical and cultural sports.” Journal of Physical Education & Sport Mar2022, Vol. 22 Issue 3.

Zeng, Sheng, Li, Len. “Analysis and Countermeasures of related factors between mental health and physical exercise of Law College Students.” Sport Psychology Journal 2022, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p17-25. 9p.

Sarkovich, Marc. “The Importance of Exercise from the Perspective of a Law Student.” The Blog of the San Diego County Bar Association, 23 Aug. 2019. 

Madell, Robin. “Exercise as Stress Relief.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 27 Mar. 2020,

Stoney Brook University


Stoney Brook University is in Stoney Brook, New York. The ideal student for this college follows the philosophy behind the history of the state of New York which is known as the “melting pot” of the United States. The idea behind this university is a diverse atmosphere so the ideal student for Stoney Brook is diversified and doesn’t fit a particular mold. The goal of this website is to grab the attention of a student that prefers a diverse environment and would like to further their education in multiple aspects. It shows not only education but also the different clubs, activities, and outings that the school offers. A student that wants a multitude of educational opportunities in addition to a cultured type of scenery would want to attend this institution.


Stoney Brook University’s website begins with a bright opening allowing students to be grabbed the minute they open it up. It reads “GAME CHANGER SBU is selected as an anchor institution for the New York Climate Change.” Immediately you are shown that the school has studied the environment and is concerned not only about the world the students are growing to function in. A case study has been done on the kids of students they want to attract and have tried to accommodate. It then goes into the current events going on at the school to allow new students to see what goes on at the university. When looking into the About section students can look further into the institution that they are thinking of applying to. In the overview, the website summarizes the school’s mission and some of the accolades of the school showing that they are New York’s number one public university, that they are within the top 80 national universities, and that they were awarded Forbes America’s Top Colleges in 2022. The purpose of this is to grab the reader’s attention and convince them to further investigate. After this section, the history section is shown which gives a brief overview of the historical aspects of the university. It tells the reader about the university’s humble beginnings and the growth that has occurred since then. It also informs them about how it is now “one of the nation’s important centers of learning and scholarship- carrying out the mandate given by the State Board of Regents in 1960 to become a university they would “stand with the finest in the country.” This is a way to show the humble beginning of the institution and how it has developed into one of the best schools in the country that some of the more famous people in the world. It’s a story of not only historical importance but also triumph and growth and the purpose of telling it is that it could persuade students to attend not only for historical value and people but also for the inspiration that comes from humble beginnings. The site then informs the reader of the geographical interest of the college. Stating that it is “60 miles east of Manhattan and west of Montauk Point and only a short distance to the Atlantic beaches of the south shore and the vineyards of the East End and that it has a four-season climate tempered by proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and Long Island Sound.” The purpose information could be used to persuade students that are interested in a specific type of environment or geographical location. Those who want an environment that would allow them to experience the big city without having to be constantly immersed in city living would be persuaded by this geographical opportunity. A case study has shown that this is the preference of students that attend this university. The reader is then told about the mission of the school. The purpose of this is to possibly persuade students with similar goals to see that their goals match that of the school showing that they would be a good fit. After this, in the remaining sections, we are told about the type of educational institutions and campus life. This case study has shown that students will be more open to a diverse university with an array of different possibilities. Knowing this the university has displayed them for new students to see to persuade them into attending this university.


While there are several reasons that I would go to this college like the location, diversity, and the large number of educational opportunities and clubs I personally just do not feel like it would be the best fit for me. I like that it’s located around beaches and the city but sixty miles from the city is too far from the city for my liking. I would’ve wanted a more immersive view of city life where things are in walking or at least Uber the distance considering that I could not bring my car to campus with me. I also do not prefer beaches that include the Atlantic Ocean. While beaches are nice, I’ve been to New York and the beaches surrounding it do not tend to be the cleanest which does not make it a bargaining point for me. The historical aspect is nice but not one that sways me enough to want to attend the institution. Not only that but while the educational and diversified aspects are also nice it does not exactly make the college stick out to me. Many colleges and universities are heavily diverse with a wide range of educational opportunities. The world is a very large place you could meet anyone at any college doing anything. They are also specifically known for the major I would like to gain a bachelor’s in if I am planning on attending a somewhat prestigious institution, I want my education there to be more than in name only. I would want it to be more formally recognized in the field I plan on entering. Lastly, to be frank, I do not enjoy New York living. I lived there as a child before my family moved and honestly, it is just not my preference not only that, but my family is here, and I just couldn’t see myself moving that far away from them to a state that I am personally not that fond of. So, while Stoney Brook University is a very well-established institution, I just personally feel like it would not be the one for me.

This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative. Stoney Brook Scenery

Christian Aycock – Major Project #4

Christian Aycock 

ENGL 1102 328

Prof. Weaver


Why are Liberal Art Colleges losing their value and closing? What does this mean for Education in America? How does this affect Higher Ed in America?

Liberal Art Colleges have been around for a long time and generally emphasize small class sizes and a curriculum centered around humanities, arts, social sciences, and natural sciences. These colleges mean a lot to students but now they are starting to close down and affect education not just for the state but all around America. Some of the reasons why this is happening is because of the 2020 pandemic, the cost of the college, and the enrollment of students within the college. These colleges are important because they mean something to students as well.

Liberal art schools closing is a big factor in college and undergrad students wanting these degrees play a big role in the topic. In the article, “Why Art Schools Are Disappearing” from the FEE Freeman Article (2019), Michael J. Pearce, talks about art school’s impact on students and why they are important. The article states that “Art programs need to teach students the skills they need to live a life in the art of their time. The reason CTEC and the ateliers are thriving is that they are teaching practical skills very, very well (Pearce 1).” Art schools can give students great benefits such as creativity and skills in the arts. The article also says, “But creativity does not lie in self-indulgence. Creativity grows from mastering a domain. True creativity is born after skills become second nature, not before (Pearce).” Students going to liberal arts schools master the skill they have so they can build upon it and because of that it increases education rates in America. 

Not only do liberal art colleges help students learn, but they also have to run a certain way to function. An essay called “Art School Stakeout.” Inside Higher Ed. (2019). Rick Seltzer, talks about art colleges and how they work, and how they help students. It says, “Meanwhile, art schools remain capital-intensive operations to run, as supplies, equipment, small class sizes, and generous faculty-to-student ratios keep expenses high. But art schools have also been under pressures that cut across the higher education landscape and are bearing down on many liberal arts colleges. Population and demographic shifts are changing where high schoolers are graduating in the greatest numbers, who those students are, what they can pay, and what they value in a college education. And as the cost of providing students with a good education rises annually, many small institutions struggle to keep costs in line without the benefits of efficiencies of scale (Seltzer).” This gives more insight into what goes into these liberal art colleges and how when they start to close, it can put people out of a job and change lives.

In addition to colleges changing lives, the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic has most definitely changed college life and closed down schools. A report from Inside Higher Ed called, “More colleges will likely face closure 2023 experts say” (2023). Josh Moody helps explains how Covid-19 changes college. The report says that “While many of the colleges that announced closures last year cited the coronavirus, in part, for putting them out of business, experts note that federal government funding during the COVID-19 pandemic may have kept many institutions alive. Now that the spigot of federal relief funds has been shut off, higher education observers believe that other embattled institutions may ultimately succumb to closure, a path that many were on prior to the pandemic (Moody).” This says that colleges and universities could have been forced to close prior to the pandemic because of cost and the colleges that have been trying to stay open are getting funded by the government to still provide education for these college students. 

Colleges and schools give out many things to help students but they also can’t control what happens if something. In the article, Liberal Arts Colleges in Crisis.” from the Capstone Wealth Partners site (2020). Joe Messinger, talks about why colleges and universities closing and what parents of students should do. Ever since 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many people and Messinger says that tuition is the main reason why small liberal arts schools are losing their value and are closing. Messenger states that “Even before COVID-19, demographics were working against them, with the birth rate dropping to 13% after the recession, the number of college-bound high schoolers is shrinking. Without those tuition dollars flowing in, colleges cannot stay open. They do not have other sources of funding. Many are selling real estate or laying off personnel and cutting salaries (Messenger 1).” This serves as a serious problem for students and colleges in America. This could mean that many students would not be able to get the best possible education from the college they choose for their career path and overall could ruin their lives.

Many closings have happened within the last 5 years and they have ruined lots of student’s lives but because of this, it affects people later down the road,  Another article, “PROOF POINTS: 861 colleges and 9,499 campuses have closed down since 2004.” from The Hechinger Report (2022). Jill Barshay, talks about the overall number of colleges and universities that have closed down in America and how this affects students. Barshay states that “Higher education administrators point out that it’s equally important to monitor individual campus closures. The closure of a branch campus can also leave students without good, nearby options for completing their degrees even when the parent institution is still operating branches elsewhere (Barshay).” Students going through college closures can be forever impacted and because of this, it shows that these small liberal art colleges really can change a student’s life in the long run. The report also states,” More than 60 percent of the students at a shuttered campus became college dropouts, adding to the large pool of U.S. adults who have student loans and no degree. “Their schools’ closing effectively closes doors on the student’s educational dreams,” said Shapiro. “It is a serious hardship for the students (Barshay).” This serves as a big problem for both college students and liberal art schools.

  Not only do students with loans and no degrees have no college, but they also get financial problems. In the article, “Cazenovia College Closes, In a Possible Harbinger for Similar Schools.” from Diverse Education (2022) John Edelman, describes a story of a 199-year-old liberal art college in upstate new york that announced its closure after its 2022 spring semester. The article talks about how the students first felt about hearing the news and what the students endured further into the year. Edelman talks about the financial problems the school had and how the student enrollment rate affected the college. Edelman says that “Students and faculty became aware that Cazenovia might have to close when it defaulted on a $25 million bank loan earlier this fall. But the college’s financial problems had been building for years. In recent years, the student body had decreased 40% from a peak of nearly 1,000, a product of declining college enrollment rates across the country (Edelman).” Enrollment in schools and money problems help these small liberal art colleges close which is not a good sign. 

So the main reason why these colleges are closing is because of the financial problems they face, the 2020 Pandemic that affected not just college students but the world, and also the number of students they admit and enrolment problems they face. One way I suggest how we can change this is by speaking out about the issue. This issue needs to be dealt with and the people around you can help. Your voice can change the way we see anything and joining together to help can take education in America very far. 

Work Cited

Michael J. Pearce. “Why Art Schools Are Disappearing:” FEE Freeman Article. 01 June 2019.

Rick Seltzer. “Art School Stakeout.” Inside Higher Ed. 06 February 2019.

Josh Moody. “More colleges will likely face closure 2023 experts say.” Inside Higher Ed. 18 January 2023.

Joe Messinger. “Liberal Arts Colleges in Crisis.” Capstone Wealth Partners. 26 August 2020.

Jill Barshay. “PROOF POINTS: 861 colleges and 9,499 campuses have closed down since 2004.” The Hechinger Report. 21 November 2022.

John Edelman. “Cazenovia College Closes, In a Possible Harbinger for Similar Schools.” Diverse Education. 15 December 2022.

Florida Gulf Coast University

Shamis Saeed

Professor Weaver

English 1102


Major Project 3: Florida Gulf Coast University


Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) is a public institution founded in 1997 with values based on community and the pursuit of success after college. Being that FGCU is a D1 school with an environmentally conscious background, it can be said that this university looks for students who are goal-oriented, competitive athletes, and innovative thinkers with the idea of contributing to the community. FGCU’s website uses the strategy of purpose and imagining ideal readers to receive the attention of students that align with their principles.


At the very beginning of the website, on the homepage, it states, “Discover your passion and plot your path.” This motto can be seen written in bold letters to capture readers’ attention. This shows that the first message they want to send out is the priority set for their students to forge a course of action toward something they value. At the start, setting the path to what is unknown. However, scrolling through the homepage, a line written again in bold states, “Start your journey to career success at FGCU.”  From this it can be said, they want to prepare their students for their future careers and help them find employment in a setting where they are dedicated and comfortable.

It is noticeable they are also focused on the development of the individuals themselves. They offer, “Scholarship and professional preparation while providing opportunities to explore interdisciplinary paths.” FGCU shows they have the resources to make it possible. Profession preparation is a counseling program they set into motion to offer students resources to gain internships, and experience in their wanted occupation all while they have time to explore different options.  

On their Mission Page, they advertise the idea that they are a university that seeks to offer high-quality education to “prepare students for gainful employment and successful lives as responsible, productive, and engaged citizens.” This statement recapitulates the idea that FGCU’s purpose is to broaden the goals of students in their respective fields. Doing so will encourage students “…to give back to their communities…”

Florida Gulf Coast University imagines ideal readers as people who are goal-oriented, competitive, and looking for resources to exceed in a community of people like themselves.

 Again, looking back at the mission page, they use the words “energetic” and “actively engaged” to describe the community in their university. This proves that FGCU’s purpose is tailored toward students who can become productive parts of their institution. Also, community is the basis on which FGCU is founded upon.

In turn, by being engaged in the community at FGCU, the university pinpoints ideal readers as people who have a liking for sports and athletics. In view of the fact that Florida Gulf University is a Division 1 college, it’s expected for the institute to place importance on the athletics department. On the website, there is a whole page that is dedicated to this purpose and some mentions of this department can be found in other sub-categorical pages as well. The Athletics page leads to a whole other website curated for the sports and events that take place at FGCU, it is in fact the only page that leads to another website. The emphasis on athletics can be inferred as a way to engage with readers who are appreciative of sports culture, or even as students who want to join their athletics department themselves.

By presuming the objective of Florida Gulf Coast University is to promote a place where students are aware of their surroundings (not only as a part of the community but in their success as well), it’s reasonable to say that they are clear in their purpose. Also, putting detailed effort into the athletics department shows they are looking for students/people who can participate in their endeavors of sports.


In response to if I would attend this school, yes, I would. After looking more at the website, I have found that I like that they are very communicative with their students and accessible to interested individuals. I value their quality service and transparency. Their interest in community outreach and environmental awareness makes me feel like they align with my principles. They seem to be very hospitable and informative. One thing that caught my eye was the request for advice on their Strategic plan. Florida Gulf Coast University implemented a 5-year project to improve their school. Before detailing the need for this project, they state in bold lettering, “The FGCU Roadmap initiative is focused on gathering input from students, faculty, staff, and the communities we serve to understand our strategic priorities for the coming years.”  In simple terms, they are interested in feedback from not only the people apart from the university but also the people around them. It indicates that they are considerate of their surrounding community’s views, something I value as well.

The data they offer at the end of the About page also shows that students and alumni are happy with their outcomes after leaving FGCU. It shows that they really do mean to help students find what they are looking for in life by offering many opportunities and counseling.

All in all, it seems as though I would thrive in an environment set in place like the one FGCU has made. Ruling out all barriers, FGCU could’ve definitely been a place I would attend.

Major Project 4 Austin Williams

Austin Williams

April 17th,2023

Professor Weaver



College majors play a significant role in earning potential. The choice of major can influence the type of career an individual enters. It can also influence the industry they work in, and the level of education and skills required for the job. In this essay, we will explore how college majors affect earning potential, and how they can set you up for different opportunities in life.


Firstly, according to a report by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, the median earnings of individuals with a bachelor’s degree vary widely based on their major. For instance, median earnings for engineering graduates are $92,000 per year. In contrast, those with an arts degree earn a median of $55,000 per year. An engineering degree is a harder degree to earn than an arts degree. This also shows the more difficult your degree is to earn, the more money you are likely to make. This also shows a significant difference in earning based on the major you pick.


Secondly, a report by the Lumina Foundation found that individuals with degrees in high-demand fields such as healthcare, engineering, and business tend to be paid more than those in fields with less demand. The report also found that individuals with degrees in fields with low demand, such as the humanities, social sciences, and the arts, tend to earn less than those in high-demand fields. This suggests that individuals who choose to major in in-demand fields earn more than those in low-demand fields. The less demanding fields pay less because they are not hard jobs, and anybody could do them. So of course, people in that field will make less than those in a high demand field where the company would like require a specific skillset that not everybody has. This means if you pick a major that will lead you to have a unique skillset, you are more likely to be paid more.


Thirdly, a study conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that the return on investment (ROI) for college majors varies significantly. ROI is basically if the money you put in your investment will be made back or not, so in this sense when talking about college majors and degrees, a company would most likely want somebody who major is as close to the actual job they are doing as possible. The study found that individuals with degrees in engineering, computer science, and business had the highest ROI. In contrast, those with degrees in education, the arts, and social work had the lowest ROI. This finding suggests that choosing a major with a high ROI can lead to better earning potential and more opportunities in life when it comes to finding a job.


Fourthly, a report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) found that the average starting salary for new college graduates varies significantly by major. For instance, the average starting salary for individuals with a degree in engineering was $69,961, while those with a degree in the arts had an average starting salary of $36,988. Of course there are engineering jobs that pay less and fields in the arts that pay more when starting out, but the  most likely thing to happen is going to be that the degree that is harder to earn and leaves you with a more unique skillset will be much more rewarding in the end.


Lastly, a study by the Strada Education Network found that the type of college degree an individual holds can also affect their earning potential. The study found that individuals with graduate degrees earned more than those with bachelor’s degrees. For instance, individuals with a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) had median annual earnings of $100,000, while those with just a bachelor’s degree in business had median earnings of $65,000. This goes back to my point of saying that the work you put in while your in college will reward in the end once it’s time to find a job. The amount of time you put into getting your degree and becoming a master at what you do is what will set you apart and give you that unique skillset that companies are looking for.


In conclusion, college major choice can significantly affect earning potential. Individuals who choose majors in high-demand fields, are more likely to make more money than those in low demand fields, due to the individuals in the high demand fields having a more unique skillset. When looking for a job companies see you as an investment and more times than not the people with the degree in the high demand are to be hired since they are a better fit for the job. In this paper I think that I showcased reason as to why the major you pick in college does more times than not directly correlate to how much money you will make in your life.