The digital site I chose to observe was It’s located on the Internet. I’m not sure when AccessAtlanta was created. I couldn’t find that information. There are a bunch of different events and things to do on the website. There are different drop down menu’s and very detailed searches to find what you want to do. Everything is organized in a very plain yet concise way. There isn’t much color on the website. It’s pretty much straight forward. It gets straight to the point. Which, personally I like stuff that cuts straight to the point. The layout is very boring if you ask me. It’s a simple white and black scheme. It’s very unoriginal. The site however is very easy to navigate through and to use. It’s user friendly. Everything is laid out for you. So, it’s easy to find what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a certain thing to do, an area, and a time to do it then this website is definitely for you. White and black are the primary colors used on the website. There aren’t many other colors in it, just hints of different colors. The site makes me want to find something to do because there’s so many different events on the website. The site is used as a tool for people who are looking for something to do to find it. People use it. I would assume everyday people. I personally don’t use it, but I’m sure there are a lot of people who do. The site is advertised through AJC. It’s targeted by people who go on the website.