This article discussed content control features, such as the block list, for people who suffer from PTSD. Some people that suffer from PTSD wanna avoid certain topics or and people that can trigger their anxiety. Some people just aren’t patient enough to deal with certain people on social media. Either way, people have pretty good reasons for using these content control features. However, these victims are often looked at as “too sensitive” or “weak”. By criticizing the use of these content control features, opponents are creating a culture that pressures people to expose themselves to situations that they really can’t handle. Some people make it seem as if it’s the victim’s fault for getting bullied or abused online. But sometimes it’s not just a simple disagreement. There are different threats of violence that go on on social media also. A major argument against the use of content control features is that people blow things out of proportion. In my opinion, anyone that wants to use the block button should be entitled to. It’s not your Twitter, it’s not your Instagram. I think that people should worry about themselves. If someone feels like they’re being attacked or feel threatened, they should be able to block whoever they want if that’s what makes them feel better. Exposure therapy is introduced in this article. Exposure therapy is a type of therapy that is designed to combat severe anxiety though gradual and controlled exposure to its source, to insure an individual to these triggers and lesson the disruption they can cause. There is a misapplication of this concept. The concept is not to have random internet strangers threaten you and abuse you and you just deal with it. Someone with PTSD is likely to have their trauma magnified in this way. The article says that younger generations may actually be more open to difficult, complex, and emotional content. Maddy Myers says, “Millennials are not afraid of these conversations. Quite the opposite, in my experience. The reason why trigger warnings and content warnings have become a mainstay in progressive blogging spaces is because young people have finally begun to acknowledge how many of us have dealt with trauma and violence, and have craved places to discuss how our stories get depicted in media.” So, basically she’s saying that young people aren’t afraid to actually discuss what’s going on on social media. They’re not afraid to discuss the things that they encounter while on social media. Hate groups that can be found on Twitter often try to make people’s lives on social media hell. For example, I know I’ve encountered white supremacists on Twitter. They weren’t necessarily coming for me directly but they make racist comments. Comments like “all black people are ugly” or “niggers need to go back to Africa.” Now, while it may be offensive, I just laugh it off. But some people it really hits home for them. Cause maybe they’ve been told these things all their life. In conclusion, I absolutely think it is wrong to say someone is “weak” or “sensitive” for blocking someone. If they feel like they’re being threatened or abused, that’s their opinion.