The project was to create 10 different paper sculptures from a white sheet of (8″x 11″) typing paper without anything being discarded. I chose vacation photos from places I traveled and called it: “My Cultural Journey”. PVA glue, tape, watercolor paint and pencils, india ink pens and stencils were used to convey my stories. Photography also played a key role in properly displaying them.
3D Project II – Creepy Crawly:
The project was to create your “own insect” out of wire. The process included selecting three insects, drawing their sketches and creating a blueprint of your newly created “creepy crawler”. So say hello to “Catee” which is short of Catbedragly. She has a caterpillar head, jewel beetle and dragonfly forewings, hindwings, thorax, abdomen, antennae and six lovely legs.
3D Project III – Inside/Outside:
It was fun to create this Additive sculpture where artwork is created from seperate parts that have been connected. Ivory soap and clay were used to design the “inside and outside” perspective. It shows how simple material and the right tools for carving can produce an object with primary and secondary contours, empty spaces, mass and weight.
The project goal was to identify a social issue that you are passionate about. The process included creating three pieces of armor: headdress – cape – staff that represent: 1) a particular problem 2) make the “invisible visible” and 3) develop a positive image for the future and a different reality (Beverly Naidus’ “Arts for Change” provided by Prof. Lisa Alembik).
My social issue: Low-income individuals/families, elderly and students are subject to inequality and social , economic and educational disparities due to inadequate funds to pay for internet access and/or purchase computer hardware, software and malware. They are unable to access: a) crucial govt. websites: find jobs – voter registration – obtain benefits (Social Security (SSI); b) obtaining adequate healthcare services (telemedicine or Covid 19 info – vaccines); c) online education and d) staying connected with family (Zoom – elderly).
Existing FCC (Federal Communications Commission) programs such as the Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers and 2021 Emergency Broadband Benefits Program (temporary during Covid 19) need to provide solutions through legislation to keep these programs in place; increase eligibility and discount credits; offer low-cost computer equip./software/malware and warranties through partnership with private companies such as computer mfg./retailers and E-Waste recyclers. Fundings after Covid 19 can include corporate incentives – tax credits. More FCC oversight to hold them accountable and avoid fraud.
Refer to FCC newsletter on 2/22/21 – “Let’s make sure the cost of the internet access doesn’t keep Americans offline” and “Consumer FAQ for Emergency Broadband Benefit”.