Expert Interview

My expert interviewee and why: My expert interviewee is a career consular in Indian Public school. She has been guiding students to pick the right curriculum in India for both English and non-English speaking students for several years .


  • Is this problem worth solving?
  • Definitely  this is a big problem. Quality career guidance is primarily in English only and all the upcoming support system is also being developed by and for English speakers.


  • Why has this problem not been solved yet?
  • There is both a lack resources to regularly update the curriculum in native languages and with the social media 


  • What are the biggest obstacles to solving the problem?
  • Lack of funding and extensive amount of resources required to keep the information current in the fast changing world


  • What pitfalls should I avoid?
  • The solution will work when parents, government and corporates are also onboard. Students are convinced that this is a problem but I should make sure that other stakeholders are also convinced and willing to partner as their support will be crucial. Just focusing on students will not be successful


  • Who else should I be talking to?
  • Corporate groups to secure some of the CSR funding and bring them onboard to this idea of looking for talent beyond the English speaking population which is definitely in their interest.


  • What am I not asking or not aware of?
  • There is already a network of skill development centers at least across India which are currently trying to solve the same problem but with a focus on blue collar jobs which can be a good partner in this initiative to deliver any probable solution.
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