2.3.10 Managerial Implications

Cover Page     Executive Summary     Table of Contents     Background     Problem/ Opportunity     Research Objectives

Action Standard     Research Method     Research Results     Managerial Implications     Appendices     Acknowledge Sources

Managerial  Implications summarize what the results mean in terms of actions. In other words, Managerial Implications compare the results to the action standard, and indicate what action—or even non-action—should be taken in response.

Managerial Implications should focus only on the evidence provided in the report rather than on how to implement the results. If explicitly asked to do so, you may add sections—clearly labeled—that separate your idea generation from the evidence-based interpretation of the research results.

In terms of order, the Managerial Implications should flow directly from the Objectives, summarizing the answers to the questions asked and the evidence in support of the answers.

The Managerial Implications may identify additional information needed for greater certainty. It should also remind the reader of limitations or caveats about the using the results, such as amount, quality or timeliness of the data.

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