2.3.11 Appendices

Cover Page     Executive Summary     Table of Contents     Background     Problem/ Opportunity     Research Objectives

Action Standard     Research Method     Research Results     Managerial Implications     Appendices     Acknowledge Sources

An Appendix is a reference section that provides greater detail on a specific topic. Each Appendix and its content or purpose should be explicitly referenced in the body of the report.

An Appendix is appropriate for:

  • an entire document, such as a copy of the actual survey or moderator’s guide. This allows the reader to see the document as it was used rather than simply the pieces as provided in the report itself. 
  • detailed lists or results, such as a complete list of organizations reviewed in the research or all verbatim responses to a question.  Including this kind of reference as an appendix does not replace the summary description or results in the report itself.
  • technical details of analysis, which may be appropriate for a particular audience such as statisticians. Such technical details should be designed as a well-structured presentation and not merely be a set of printouts from computer analysis.

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