Know when to use numerals and when to spell out the numbers. The general accepted style within text is:
- You should not start a sentence with numerals. Rather than “32% of firms … ,” write “Thirty-two percent of firms ….”
- Numbers less than 10 are spelled out (e.g., one, five, nine). In a list, it may be logical to use numerals consistently.
- Numerals can be used for numbers 10 and higher.
Write for the reader’s eye. Choose the quickest and easiest way for your reader to grasp the meaning of numbers.
- Rather than writing $1,000,000, write $1 million.
- Rather than $1,000, write one thousand dollars.
- Add leading zeros (0) to decimal numbers. Rather than .63, write 0.63 to assure your reader does not miss the decimal point.