Finalizing the StoryMap of Atlanta’s Public Transit

In my last post, I gave an overview of the only project I have been working on the past semester (apart from the Tax Maps), and I am proud to say that it’s pretty much completed. So I’ll take the space in this post to talk about some things I learned and experienced during this project.

First off, I think it was actually enjoyable. My team consisted of Amber, Nicole, Alexandra, and Wasfi and it was very fun working with them. I was a sophomore coming into this project, so all the work I’ve done before this was pretty much just related to school, so after I got the grade, the project was pretty much forgotten about. That won’t be the case for this project. This StoryMap will be posted publicly to ArcGIS Online where people I don’t know will be able to see it. Of course it wasn’t all just fun and easiness during the project. There were so many problems and complications we had to go through, most of them not significant but still annoying to deal with. For example, in one meeting we spent 20 minutes figuring out the title of this project, as “Atlanta Mass Transit” didn’t accurately describe the project we created. There were also multiple examples of deciding between very small customization choices, such as what shows up in a popup, what happens when you click on the map, and other things. Usually I could just not worry about these too much, but these among other issues were actually important since this time the project isn’t for a grade but for the public. While we worked on the project, we constantly had to think from the view of our audience and how they will look at the project. Overall, I believe these small issues were worth dealing with because I’m satisfied with the (almost) final result.

Anyway, soon enough everyone will be able to go through the project themselves, but for the time being here’s a small teaser.

Atlanta's Public Transit