One of the oldest church on Auburn Avenue, the Ebenezer Baptist Church is a church situated at 101 Jackson St NE, Atlanta, GA 30312 on Auburn Avenue. Founded in 1886,  the church served the prosperous black community for decades and continued to do so until very recently when it was made a national historic landmark. A landmark opened to public use.  The site contains many memorabilia of church life from when the King family pastored the church; such artifacts range from the organ on which Dr. King’s  Mother played during Sunday mass, to structures such as the “Fountain of Love” found along the left side of the building. Upon entering the building, you are met with a fresh blast of air that relieves you from the hot humidity of outside; the cold blast is coupled with an “old building smell,” an attribute most fitting as the church has been standing erect for well over a century. The coloration of the Church’s interior seems to be from a very bright palette; colors such as white, like pink, and a somewhat emerald color make an appearance. The colors help generate an upbeat feeling, one that distracts you from the outside world.

Two choices present themselves, either left or right. On the right side of the building, two staircases appear, one leading down to the basement, while the other goes upstairs to where the sermons were held. The left side has but one staircase, also leading up to the second-floor sermon room. The stairs are lined with what appears to be red velvet carpeting; giving off a very formal and ancient type of feeling. When entering the sermon room, you are met with a complete change in scenery. The outside alludes from the beauty found inside the chamber, as the light reflected off the stained glass windows set off a surreal feeling of holiness. The room has two floors, both used for seats; the top section, however, is only half the size of the bottom section. Walking towards the front you will see the podium/stage in which the pastors gave their speeches. The organ where Dr. King’s mom, Mrs. King, was killed is located towards the left. The organ exudes an air of both sadness and happiness. Sadness for the loss of a great woman, and happiness for all the joy it has brought to its patrons. Walking down to the church’s basement, the smell of oldness reaches new peaks, as the room felt very dingy, yet its floor and walls seem almost immaculate. Being inside the church where the civil rights leaders and activists convened, gave a wonderful feeling of being human. This is what it feels like to be in front of greatness.

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