
In an effort to make the site more navigable, I made it so that the once static front page is now a post page. Meaning, the home page keeps record of all post every posted to the site, allowing for easy access, as one only has to scroll down a certain extent to find whatever he/she is looking for. Besides that, I also made a bunch of categories and tags, examples of which; King Center, Built Environment Description, and Historical. These categories and tags are linked to Dr. Wharton’s “Get Help” page, making the material easy to find not only through her site, but through the blog as well. To make it easier for anyone who doesn’t want to scroll through the front page, I added a “recent posts” side bar on the main page. The side bar holds up to 10 of my latest posts in order, so instead of scrolling, just look for the name of the post and click away.

The Categories act as a folder, holding specific posts that I designate into said folder. The tags also contribute to this, add an extra layer of find-ability to posts/media. Metadata is very important, especially so in an age of technological information, where everything can be posted, and found online. The process of finding however, can either be easy, or hard, depending on the authors use of successful metadata; if they do not, the media or post that may prove essential to another, may never be found. This is essentially why I went through and optimized my information in such a way, that anyone can locate it with but a few simple terms. Another aspect to the whole reorganizing process, is the use of special terms; terms that fit/describe the object to the best of its ability. This is also to further enhance search-ability of certain data.

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