Project Arrive

Group Mentoring

Tag: Storming (page 1 of 3)

How to Get Your Grades Raised

This activity guides students through the process of addressing and negotiating grades with their teachers. Students will learn how to constructively communicate with their teachers about grades, and develop helpful strategies for increasing grades both short-term and in general. Students brainstorm ways to discuss grades with teachers, review a 9-step plan for getting teachers to increase their grades, and practice the strategies with role-play.

Mentors can also click here for helpful tips on talking to students about grades.

Click on the link below to view the activity:
How to Get Your Grade Raised

Make It Happen!

Make It Happen! is an activity developed to help students take advantage of extra time over school breaks. In this activity, students will set realistic academic and personal goals to work toward over break. Students complete a daily calendar to help them create a strategy for achieving their goals.

Make It Happen!


This activity involves giving each mentee the opportunity to share something positive and negative about his or her week which allows the group to provide praise and support. Check-ins are are great activity to do at the beginning of group meetings especially when groups are first forming.

Check-In Activity

Help Me Identify the Problem

Students work together to identify problems in different areas of their lives including school, personal, and family issues. Once identified, students learn how to clarify their problems so that they are manageable. The lesson is reinforced with an activity that requires students to identify and clarify a problem in different scenarios.

17 Help me Identify the Problem


This activity teaches students the learning strategy S.L.A.N.T, which stands for Sit Up, Lean Forward, Ask Questions, Nod Your Head, and Talk. It focuses on each behavior as a tool to increase classroom success.


Chart the Power

In this activity, students discover how the U.S. power structure is dominated by certain groups. Students identify particular groups (adults, men, Muslims, etc.) who have more or less power in our society. This activity includes a discussion about the effects of systematic and institutionalized stereotyping.



If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.


Quit Shoving

Students discuss the causes and consequences of not completing high school. This activity requires students to brainstorm and share some reasons for dropout and share them with the group anonymously, and includes a game regarding dropout statistics.

Quit shoving



If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.

Learning Styles Kit

In this activity, students will discover tools and resources that are relevant to their individual learning styles. They will use these tools to help them create an optimal learning environment. Students will need to know their individual learning styles (see Learning Styles) before completing this activity).

Learning Styles Kit


If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.


This activity is designed to familiarize students with their own body language and the messages that it sends.  Each student is asked to draw a slip of paper with an emotion written on it.  They then have to try to communicate that emotion without speaking.

Nonverbal Communication


If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.

Influences Worksheet

This worksheet asks the student to rate the top five items that have influenced their entire life and the top five things that influence their lives currently.

Influence Rating


If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.

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