Project Arrive

Group Mentoring

Tag: Forming (page 1 of 2)

Make It Happen!

Make It Happen! is an activity developed to help students take advantage of extra time over school breaks. In this activity, students will set realistic academic and personal goals to work toward over break. Students complete a daily calendar to help them create a strategy for achieving their goals.

Make It Happen!

Networking Bingo

This icebreaker is a great activity for groups that are just forming. Networking bingo offers students the opportunity to get to know one another in a fun and engaging way through this not-so-typical bingo game!



This activity involves giving each mentee the opportunity to share something positive and negative about his or her week which allows the group to provide praise and support. Check-ins are are great activity to do at the beginning of group meetings especially when groups are first forming.

Check-In Activity

Icebreakers and Team Builders

Explore over 60 ice breaker and team building ideas to help start your group off on the right foot. Most activities take approximately 10-15 minutes (depending on the size of your group) and require minimal materials. Leave a comment below on which activities worked best for your group.

Ice Breakers and Team Builders


This activity teaches students the learning strategy S.L.A.N.T, which stands for Sit Up, Lean Forward, Ask Questions, Nod Your Head, and Talk. It focuses on each behavior as a tool to increase classroom success.


Quit Shoving

Students discuss the causes and consequences of not completing high school. This activity requires students to brainstorm and share some reasons for dropout and share them with the group anonymously, and includes a game regarding dropout statistics.

Quit shoving



If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.

Learning Styles Kit

In this activity, students will discover tools and resources that are relevant to their individual learning styles. They will use these tools to help them create an optimal learning environment. Students will need to know their individual learning styles (see Learning Styles) before completing this activity).

Learning Styles Kit


If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.

Influences Worksheet

This worksheet asks the student to rate the top five items that have influenced their entire life and the top five things that influence their lives currently.

Influence Rating


If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.

Who Am I?

This activity is designed to help students increase their self-awareness and to learn to self-disclose to others in the group. The students are asked to draw unfinished sentences from a basket and to supply their own conclusion to the sentence. An example would be “On the weekends, I usually….”

Who Am I

Examples of unfinished sentences: 15 Unfinished Sentences

The Truth About Transitions Worksheet (Supplement for Survivor 9)

This worksheet is used as a supplement to the Survivor 9 set of activities.  It emphasizes discrepancies between the stereotypes they had about 8th and 9th graders and how they really are.  It also asks the students to come up with ways to make the transition from 8th to 9th grade easier on those going through it.



If you have any helpful pointers or suggestions for doing this activity with your group, please leave a comment below.

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