About the IRES Program Leaders
Dr. Paulo Hidalgo
Principal Investigator | phidalgo@gsu.edu
Dr. Hidalgo has 15+ years of experience evaluating magma transfer from crust to the surface and 8+ years of mentoring students in the field with yearly data collection experiences in Western Montana, Costa Rica, and Ecuador. Dr. Hidalgo leads one of the most diverse Field Methods courses in the nation, with up to 45% of URM students participating in any given year. All of his projects have strong field components using a great variety of field and geochemical methods.
Dr. Ana Cristina Araya
Principal Investigator | mariacristina.araya@ucr.ac.cr
Professor of Geoscience at the University of Costa Rica and Bachelor of Geology from the University of Costa Rica
with a PhD in Geodesy from the University of Bristol, England. Her speciality is tectonics and geodesy . She is passionate about the measurement of active deformation of the crust using InSAR techniques. She is leading this IRES experience.
Dr. Guillermo Alvarado
Principal Investigator | GAlvaradoI@ice.go.cr
His research has encompassed almost all fields of geological sciences, but has focused on volcanoes and igneous rocks, as well as geological hazards, Quaternary Geology, and the history of geological sciences.
He has collaborated since 1989 with the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention (CNE). Baptized by some journalists as “El Señor de los volcanes”, he has received several awards from the University of Costa Rica, the College of Geologists of Costa Rica and the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity.
Dr. Oscar Lucke
Principal Investigator | oscar.luckecastro@ucr.ac.cr
He is a professor of geophysics, tectonics, geodynamics and geology at the University of Costa Rica. He has a PhD
in Geophysical Potential Fields from the Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel/ University of Kiel. He is active collaborator at the Costa Rican National Seismological Network and the Editor in chief of the Central American Journal of Geology.
Dr. Sinead Younge
Evaluation Consultant | Sinead.Younge@morehouse.edu
Dr. Younge is an ecological-community psychologist and the Danforth Endowed Professor of Psychology within the Division of Life Sciences at Morehouse College. She has been on the Morehouse College faculty for 13+ years. During that time, she has worked with numerous student training programs, including the National Institute of General Medicine’s Minority Biomedical Research Support Program (MBRS), Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement Program (RISE), and Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) programs. Dr. Younge has also worked as an evaluator on several National Science Foundation Targeted Infusion Programs (TIP) at Morehouse and Spelman Colleges. Additionally, Dr. Younge has extensive experience working with several Atlanta University Center study abroad programs with trips to Tanzania, Ghana, Mexico, Haiti, and an upcoming trip to South Africa.