Soundcloud link:
I closed my eyes, and then tried to type what was going on in my mind. So that’s why everything is kind of raw. I wish I could read more about reduced listening, and mindfulness. This post is based on my interpretation so far, since being introduced to it earlier this week:
I’m feeling under pressure because the deadline is coming up fast. I am tired after a long but awesome day. I had a great spiritual experience at church. I fixed my car, and handled some other mundane chores. I watched one of my best friends perform at the vynil, and then was surprised to see an artist that I follow on soundcloud perform next. Now, I’m at home.. I’m laying down on my bed. Typing on my laptop. My stream of consciousness is interrupted by many random thoughts.. I want to calm down so I can focus on the song. Just breathe. Ok I’m playing the song.
1st play:
Keyboards come in. so dope .so many layers. What a nice phrase. An introductory phrase. Then the sucking and the sick trap beat comes in. what’s going on. I’m instantly vybing and mly head is bobbing. Ok now I’m spacing out. ooo a new layer of keyboards killing it. The cymbal makes me bob my head. It’s bobing too. The drums stop. Back to the introductory phrase. The subs are sick. It layers the . ok now ther’es a little sound in the backg4ound sounds like r2d2. It’s sick too. Nooo it’s ending.
2nd play:
keyboards are sick again. There’s an ambient sound it’s so dope! The hakmony is like what the. The second. I can’t put it into wwords the beat is awesome. The beat with the syunt h layer and the cymbal makes me bob my head. I’m kind of psaced out just appreacciating the music. Back to the introductory phrase. The subs this time have a stroner frequency. Then the beat comes back on and it’s awesome. Vibes everywhere. There’s a noise in the background that makes me feel like I’m gliding through space.. again it’s over and I’m mad.
3rd. play.
I’m much more relaxed than when I started. The keyboards are playing the indtroductory phrase. I’m truog to pick out more sounds. Instead I’m focusing on writing. Back to stillness. I want to start it again.
3rd and half play
I’m floating in space. The harmony on the introductory phrase is awesome. Then the beat. Instantly makes me want to move my body. The percussion alvaries every time. The synth is sick. Spacing out . back to the pintroductory phrase I’m back. Second beat with the 32s2 . nevery time it ends its so sad.
I want to play it again.
4th play
I just feel peace. The beat is hypnotic I always move when it starts. I’m spacing out just vibing. I feel like I’m surfing now. I never surfed but this feels like it.
5th play I really want to milk this
the beggnining kind of sounds like it already started. The second part of the phrase is a variation. Sucking and then beat. Then 35 seconds. The suckin does a sick wave it’s awe. Its so well mixed. My headphones are centered theres sounds comin gat me from every direction. Yet I feel centered.
Response to last question:
I did not get a chance to hear or see anybody else’s post yet. WHen I do I can observe how I might change my own review.